Chapter 1432

Luo Cunxiao came back, and Siye also went to Beijing. Even Shi Xin, who traded with the buffalo tribe in the Eastern Desolate Continent, came all the way by riding the wind and waves.

The emperor's two uncles and five brothers were all present.

And the descendants of the royal family did not dare to neglect.

On the emperor's [-]th birthday, a royal family banquet was first held in the palace.

Luo Cheng didn't wear the dragon robe of Shangxuan and Xiaxuan today, not even the ordinary bright yellow robe. The emperor was wearing a white cotton shirt today, a layer of cloth shoes with thousand layers of soles under his feet, a soft-footed Futou on his head, and A thread woven belt, there is no bright yellow and purple on the whole body, let alone a little bit of gold, jade and ivory, just like an old farmer.

In the hall of billions of years, a soft couch covered with velvet, wrapped in calfskin, and framed with sandalwood is placed on the top, and the emperor leans on the soft couch.

Uncles, brothers, brothers and sisters sat on either side.

Under the leadership of the prince, the juniors of the descendants and grandchildren came up one by one to kowtow and salute according to their seniority.

Luo Cheng laughed. When the prince came up, he chatted with the prince a few more words and asked him if the grand ceremony was ready.

When the Armenian King Changqing came up to meet him, the emperor asked him about the current situation in the Caucasus and the Armenian Plateau. Changqing told his father that the princes and knights in the middle of the sea and the middle of the river were actively attacking in cooperation with the three yamen of the middle of the sea. When the cannibals were still clearing out the Persian army and noble officials on the Persian plateau, they had already taken down Armenia first.

The Roman emperor was seriously ill, and the emperor became more and more worried about the situation in the east. Rome was unable to defeat Dashi, so they finally transferred the Western Armenia allocated to them back then to Daqin, hoping that Daqin would help defend against Dashi’s westward advance .

Daqin has already occupied the entire Armenian plateau, plus the South Caucasus region, and now the enclave of that year is not small now, and Daxia, Beiting, Hezhong, Anxi, and Xindu joined forces to attack, from the hands of Persians Li took over Khorasan, and moved westward along the Caspian Sea. Now the narrow coastal area at the northern foot of the coastal mountains is controlled by Daqin, and Armenia, South Caucasus and Khorasan are all connected.

Although the big cannibals are very powerful, Daqin has seized the opportunity and occupied a strategically favorable terrain, and the Romans have also retreated to Asia Minor.

Persia is completely finished, and now there are only a few wreckage left, and Rome is now weakening with the aging of Emperor Heraclius. After losing Syria, Egypt and other places, they have been in a state of depression. Just defend the Asia Minor peninsula, and dare not expect anything else.

"Those Persian refugees, those who go north to surrender, accept as much as they can, but the rule is still the same. As long as they come to surrender, they have to be registered and converted. Under the rule of Great Qin, you can only convert to Confucianism, believe in heaven, and worship your ancestors!" said the emperor.

The eldest son of the emperor, Changqing, has been entrusted to Armenia for 20 years, and his performance is still very good. Although he is not an official of the third department of the imperial court, he represents the power of the royal family there.

The third and fourth sons came up one after another to pay their respects.

The emperor's words to them gradually decreased a lot. Some unsatisfied princes came up to pay respects, and the emperor even just responded with a cold snort.

There are many sons, and there is always some disappointment, and the royal family is the same. There are not only capable princes such as the prince, Changqing, Zhewei, Jiacheng, etc., but also many princes who only know how to eat, drink, play and indulge in enjoyment.

When the grandchildren came to pay their respects, apart from a few older grandsons, the emperor couldn't even remember their names, especially the grandsons of his brothers.

In the end, Luo Shou, the emperor's uncle who served as the Minister of Zongzheng Temple, introduced from a notebook, whose son is this, what is his rank, what is the fief and title, etc.

The emperor just nodded when he heard it.

"When the Taizu Emperor Wu Yuan had only three brothers, in my generation, there are already nine brothers in the family. And in the generation of the crown prince, there are already more than 300 brothers in our royal genealogy."

By the generation of the emperor's grandson Luo Yuanyou, the number has swelled to more than 1000 people, and the brothers of the generation of the crown prince are still in their prime, and they are all in their 40s and [-]s. Obviously, they can still add a lot to the royal family. .

Even now the emperor has hundreds of great-grandchildren and great-nephews.

The rapid reproduction of the emperor's population also benefited from the enfeoffment system. The descendants of the royal clan were enfeoffed before they were 20 years old. The land above must be a little behind compared to the capital. There are not so many entertainment activities, so there will naturally be more children, not to mention that the royal family encourages more children.

Everyone is vying to be born, so that now there are almost two thousand males in the five generations of the royal family.

For example, Luo Yi is over 80, and his branch has nothing to do with it. Chang Qing adopted his second son, Luo Gaoxu, under his name as his successor, but Luo Shou is also over 80, and only had one child in his early years. Two sons, but this year, the old tree blossomed and gave birth to a third son, which is quite strange.This newborn baby has a very high seniority in the royal family, and is the emperor's elder brother, and the emperor's great-great-grandsons are much older than this imperial cousin.

This is the big clan, there is no civil strife, no restrictions, the advantage of royal descendants to reproduce is more than any family.

If there is no special Zongzheng Temple to manage the clan, it will really be unclear.

Just like now, Luo Cheng can only remember his own son clearly. Many of his grandchildren don't know each other, and his brothers' sons don't even know a few. As for the great-grandchildren, they just start I remember a few, and I can't tell who is who for the others.

Even if the names and characters of these children and grandchildren were drawn up by Luo Cheng himself in the early years, and even many grandchildren and great-grandchildren were named by him, but there are hundreds of them, how can I remember which one is which.

They can only be distinguished by their names. For example, in the prince line, the sons are all from the Yuan Dynasty, such as the emperor's eldest grandson Yuanyou.As for the emperor's eldest son, Changqing, the sons were all named after senior generations, such as his eldest son Gao Sui, second son Gao Xu, third son Gao Ming and so on.

The emperor had dozens of sons, and each son passed down a different style of calligraphy.

Even Zongzheng Temple has drawn up an 81-character genealogy school for each branch of the royal family, and each branch can use 81 generations.

Dozens of princes in the royal family opened dozens of branches, each with its own 81-character genealogy, and the emperor's brothers and brothers, each with their own genealogy, All of them are registered in Zongzheng Temple, and they should not be named randomly.

The names of Cunxiao's sons are all from the generation of De, such as De Xiu De Fang De Lin De Zhao and so on.

The sons of Siye are all of Yun's generation.Shixin's sons are all from the Ji generation.

(End of this chapter)

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