Chapter 1433
When the emperor heard the names of the younger generation of the royal children and grandchildren, although he couldn't remember which one it was for a while, he could tell from his name whether he belonged to grandchildren or great-grandchildren, whether he belonged to Cunxiao's family or The heir's family, or his own family.

After the children and grandchildren of the family came up to visit one by one, the sisters, daughters and other married women also brought their children and grandchildren to visit.

All families came up to worship, dozens of hundreds of people came up at a time, and the population was also prosperous.

"If the Supreme Emperor is still here, I'm afraid I will be extremely happy to see the prosperity of my Luo family today."

In his 80s, the Sunset King Luo Yi sighed, "Back then, my father was just a poor man in Xiangzhou, and later he joined the army, which earned our Luo family a noble position in the court of Chang'an. He definitely Unexpectedly, our Luo family finally produced an emperor!"

Yes, who would have thought of that.

When Luo Gui came out from Xiangzhou, he never thought of this at all. When he drove his eldest son out of the mansion and out of Chang'an, he couldn't have imagined that the honest and dull eldest son would give birth to an emperor after leaving Chang'an. Come.

He was also considered to be honored, he went from a farmer to a general, and then to the founder of the county, and Luo Cheng proclaimed himself emperor, seven temples for the son of heaven, and the seventh ancestor, and Luo Gui also entered the Taimiao with the blessing of his unseen children and grandchildren among.

Luo Cheng looked at the scene of the prosperity of the family that filled a large hall, and even many children had already stood outside the main hall, and said with a smile, "Based on today's weather, my Daqin can flourish within at least 300 years, as for 300 Years later, it will depend on whether the descendants of this future generation can live up to it."

Luo Cheng conquered the country and created a 38-year-long Kaiyuan prosperity, and now he is going to pass the throne to the crown prince Jiawen, who has 20 years of experience as a regent, and now Luo Cheng is willing to escort him and send him off again, then With the remaining prestige of the court and the ability of the prince, at least he can guarantee a prosperous scene for 30 to [-] years during the prince's reign.

"Prince, the name of the new dynasty has already been drawn up?"

asked the emperor.

The prince crossed his hands and replied, "After discussions, the important ministers of the Xuanzheng Palace finally selected Tianbao as the new year name from a dozen or so titles. The first day of the first month of next year will be the first year of Tianbao."

Because the emperor voluntarily abdicated as the Supreme Emperor, the yuan will not be changed this year, but will start next year.

Tianbao, Wuhua Tianbao is outstanding, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, this year name is indeed very grand.

"Tianbao, good year name, my Kaiyuan opened the first prosperous age of Great Qin. I believe that your Tianbao, Jiawen, will continue to continue this prosperous age. In the future, it will be recorded in history books that you and I, father and son, will create a prosperous age."

The eldest son of the emperor, Sun Yuanyou, was already in his 20s, with a handsome beard on his face, and his appearance was very similar to that of the emperor. Compared with the prince Jiawen, he was much more talented.

He was smart when he was young, with high comprehension, and he was not crooked when he grew up. He was capable of literary and martial arts. He even secretly took part in the imperial examination under a pseudonym that year.

During the interview in the Golden Palace, the emperor and the prime ministers were all shocked when he went to that one.

As a result, the emperor personally interviewed and asked questions, but the eldest grandson answered very well. In the end, the emperor appointed the eldest grandson of the emperor as Tanhualang.

Originally, it would not be an exaggeration for his grades to be number one. After all, his grades in the examination were the top prizes.But the emperor finally only gave him a No.3 Tanhua. Originally, he only wanted to give him the top three, but it was good to think that the young man had ideas, so he finally gave him a Tanhua.

However, Tanhualang, the eldest grandson, is a very uneasy master. After winning Tanhua, he was admitted to the lecture hall of Habayashi Palace soon. After that, he asked the emperor to go to the frontier to guard the border, to experience and inspect the frontier soldiers. their situation.

The emperor made an exception and allowed it. Luo Yuanyou, as an ordinary Habayashi knight, chose Armenia, which was not stable, to be a frontier knight.

Stay for five years.

In five years, although the emperor had been paying attention and someone was secretly protecting him, Luo Tianyou had grown from an ordinary knight fire commander to the chief of staff of the great knight's battalion.With the illustrious military achievements he made repeatedly, he was promoted almost every year.

Five years later, the emperor personally issued an edict to call him back. He came back with many scars, many medals, and a mature face.

In the past few years, Luo Cheng let Yuanyou stay in the East Palace with peace of mind and studied government affairs with the prince. In fact, he had already admired him very much, recognized the ability of the eldest grandson of the royal family, and selected him as the successor of the prince.

Luo Cheng hesitated before, thinking that Yuanyou was too smart and not very stable, he thought he was a person like Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and he was afraid that he would become Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in the future.A person who is too smart is actually not suitable to be an emperor.

Because they will not be reconciled to letting the prime minister and the emperor rule the world together, they will be self-willed, just like Liu Che and Yang Guang.

Yang Guang is a smart man, and he is also capable of literary and martial arts. His literary talent and poetry are even at the level of a master in the world at that time, and his horse riding and shooting skills are also very strong. Great, but in the end, after Yang Guang succeeded to the throne, he failed to continue his great cause. Only five or six years later, he fell into the sand in Goguryeo and was finally killed in Jiangdu.

Prince Jiawen's talent is a bit inferior, but he is studious and humble. He listens to advice and has self-knowledge. He knows that he is not as talented as the emperor. Therefore, when he was in charge, he relied heavily on the ministers and ministers in the court. During the years of his regency, the atmosphere in the court has been very good. There is no major conflict between the Zhengshitang and the Hanlin Academy. They both respect the prince, and the prince also respects the minister.

However, after returning from Armenia, the prince's temper changed a lot. He was able to calm down and endure loneliness. Facing the boring government affairs study, he was able to study in peace.

The emperor deliberately tested him several times, and found that he had indeed learned it, and had his own good understanding and suggestions for many military and state policies, practical disadvantages, etc.

Luo Yuanyou, the eldest grandson of the emperor, was the root cause of the emperor's abdication now. It was precisely because of the discovery of this virtuous emperor's grandson, that Luo Cheng was really relieved to hand over early.

He abdicated in advance, helped the prince to mount, and sent him off for another ride, so that the prince could take over the transition in a stable manner. subject to other influences.

As long as this goes well, it will not only be stable for the next two or three decades, but it will also be stable for the next two to twenty years.

After the dynasty has been stable for three generations, it will enter a stage of inertia, and it will continue to move forward for more than a hundred years without any major accidents.

As long as there is another sage emperor in the royal family in the past hundred years, it will be able to rejuvenate and revitalize the empire, and it will be able to continue the life of the empire for another hundred years in the future.

"Yuanyou!" Luo Cheng waved to his eldest grandson.

The heroic Luo Yuanyou stepped forward.

Luo Cheng took the emperor's grandson's hand with one hand, and the prince's hand together, and then put the two hands together.

The emperor held the hands of his son and grandson tightly with his big hands.

"Jiawen, the emperor will pass on the throne to you tomorrow, and you will be the emperor tomorrow. The emperor will issue the last edict today."

"Designate Luo Yuanyou, the eldest grandson of the emperor, as the emperor's grandson!"

The crown prince will succeed to the throne tomorrow, but the emperor today confers the eldest son of the crown prince as the grandson of the emperor. This is not unusual.

The identities of the eldest grandson of the emperor and the grandson of the emperor are very different, just like the prince and the crown prince. With the addition of the prince, he will have the status of the crown prince.

But the prince is still there, but the grandson is standing side by side. This is actually emphasizing Yuanyou's status as the heir apparent in the future.

Under normal circumstances, when the crown prince succeeds tomorrow, Jiawen canonize his eldest son as the crown prince in the name of the new emperor.

But now, the emperor Luo Cheng rushed to make Yuanyou his grandson in front of all the royal clan one day before his succession.

This is to declare to the prince and all the royal family that Luo Yuanyou's position as the crown prince is not established by Jiawen, but by him, the founding emperor.

And once established, it will not be changed.

Jia Wenli's crown prince may be re-established in the future, but Luo Jian's crown prince, can Jia Wen replace it?

Although it was said that if Luo Cheng was gone, Jiawen might be able to change as well, but unless the crown prince committed some serious crime, he couldn't easily change it.

Yuan You, who was already calm, could not help but change his color in surprise.

On the other hand, Prince Jiawen did not react abnormally after hearing his father pronounce the charter. Instead, he knelt down and said to accept the order.

"Jiawen, do you understand what your father means?"

"My son understands. My son swears to his father and the royal family that he will be passed on to his grandson in the future." Jiawen swore to Tianming.

Luo Cheng nodded.

"Okay, with your words, I feel relieved. It's not that I don't worry about you. It's just that the crown prince is the foundation of the country and should not be easily shaken. Once shaken, the foundation of the entire country will be shaken, so I have to be careful. Yuanyou is my choice. My good grandson, in the future he will inherit your throne and this country that I have laid down, I can rest assured."


Luo Yuanyou stepped forward and knelt down to thank Junen.

"You should also remember that today the emperor's grandfather made an exception for you and ordered you to be the grandson, and tomorrow your father will make you the prince. However, you must also keep your duty in mind and be filial. Qilu has caused both the government and the people to abandon it, and the world is resentful, so your father can also destroy you, understand?"

"Grandson, remember the emperor's grandfather's teaching!" Luo Yuanyou was very grateful. With the emperor's edict, he, the crown prince, was double-strengthened, and he could be the prince with peace of mind, just like his father back then. The smartest ones are not the ones who are the best at making the emperor and empress happy, and they are not even the most popular among the subjects, but because the emperor has always insisted on maintaining the crown prince's position as the crown prince, the prince can go smoothly all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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