Chapter 152

"Speaking of which, you haven't met Du Xianwei yet, so I'll take you to meet him."

After chatting for a while, Zhang Yichen said that he would bring Luo Cheng to meet Du Ruhui.Although he has now decided to join forces with Luo Cheng again, Zhang Yichen will be happier if he can avoid losing his face.

As for Luo Cheng, he is also willing to meet Du Ruhui, who claims to be judgmental.As long as Du Ruhui is willing to let it go and stop being aggressive, Luo Cheng is also willing to make some concessions.

The east chamber of the county government office.

The county lieutenant's court is here, and the entire county government has three entrances, the front government office and the rear residence.At the same time, there are left and right hatchbacks. The county magistrate, county magistrate, master book, and county lieutenant all have their own courts on duty, while the two rooms and three classes are on the east and west sides of the south.As for the cell of the county prison, it is on the south side of the county government office, known as the South Prison.

On the County Wei Hall.

Du Ruhui sat in the hall in a dark green official robe, and below him was the new team of the county yamen who was single-handedly appointed by him.

There is one recorder, two Sihuzuo, four historians, and one accountant.There are two Judicial Assistants and four Shis.

There are also two prison guards, one city magistrate, one city historian, and one principal and one deputy head of each of the three classes.

There is also a newly established doctor of county science and a teaching assistant.

Below Du Ruhui, there are 26 people.

They are all unranked miscellaneous jobs, and they are also officials from Zhangqiu. Except for 25 lizhengs from the five townships, all the officials from the county are here.

These people include the old people from the county government who were not deeply involved with Fan Hu and others, and there are also Li Zheng from the previous village, or some talented and learned people, and some powerful children from rich families. Du Ruhui visited various places in Zhangqiu before, and he also treats these people He understood a little bit, after eliminating Luo Cheng's group, he promoted these people single-handedly.

"County Captain, Luo Cheng entered the city today, and is now at County Magistrate Zhang's side." The leader of the Zhuang squad reported.This person is the only one in Zhangqiu's new team of subordinate officials who is not from Zhangqiu. He was originally a member of the Du family. The team leader also has a lot of meaning.

The leader of the fast squad reported that the county barracks had not moved after receiving the order to move the camp, and Luo Cheng did not give a reply.

The new Sihu Zuo reported that Luo Cheng had signed and agreed to return the [-] mu of land.

"This Luo Cheng is also a coward." Someone said with a light smile.

While listening to the report, Du Ruhui was flipping through the account book in front of him.

These are the account books of the handover of two rooms and three shifts.

Before he took office, he had already figured it out that if he wanted to do something in Zhangqiu, he had to truly grasp the real power.But Zhang Yichen cleaned up the county government office, drove away the county magistrate and chief bookkeeper, and used Luo Cheng and his group to complete the control of the county government office.

If he doesn't do something, then he is in Zhangqiu, and he can't really speak in power.

He had inquired carefully about Luo Cheng, and also studied this person, young, too young, lucky, too good.But this man is indeed capable, and judging from the way he handled the second room and the third shift of the former yamen, it can be seen that although this man is young, it is not all due to luck that he has reached his current position.

This person shot steadily and ruthlessly, and did not leave room for things.

The subordinate officials in the former yamen were taken over by him. Not only did they lose their jobs, but they had to pay for the shortfall in the end, and even no matter how the muddled account came about, they all had to fill it up.In the end, all these people were ransacked and exterminated in the name of fighting chaos.

Such a person is like a ferocious wolf.

Cheng Xiancheng and Fei Zhushu both lost their positions because of this.

Du Ruhui came to replace Luo as the new county captain, and he didn't believe that Luo Cheng would be honest and obedient.

Especially after he saw the domineering Luo Cheng brothers in the restaurant that day, he had the idea of ​​killing the Luo family brothers in one fell swoop.By defeating the Luo family brothers and gaining the control of the second room and the third class, you can also use this to build your prestige and truly become a county captain, and at the same time avoid being framed by Zhang Yichen.

Therefore, as soon as he took office, he drove all the Luo family brothers out of the Yamen.

Then he began to take over the second room and the third shift, and the first thing he did was to check the account books.Originally, he thought that the Luo family brothers had been in charge of the two rooms and three shifts for a while, especially when there was such a big move as cleaning up the old subordinates, they would definitely take the opportunity to get greedy.

As long as they can find a handle, the Luo family brothers can be completely liquidated.

However, after checking and checking, it was found that the government treasury of Zhangqiu County was full, and money, silk and food were piled up like a mountain.Because of the liquidation of those moths in the past and the confiscation of many properties, the yamen is indeed very rich.

However, after careful investigation, it was found that although the account bookkeeping was a bit irregular and messy, everything was clear and clear, and all the accounts were correct.

Even if some expenditures were obviously unreasonable, such as the rewards for the township corps and the subsidy for the county barracks, these expenditures had both Luo Cheng's signature and the county magistrate's signature.

Moreover, these expenditures were traced to the township regiment and county soldiers, and it was found that none of them had been embezzled.

This surprised him very much.

Du Ruhui was still a little bit unwilling to give up, thinking that Luo Cheng had made a fake account, but he asked the staff who came with him to check it himself, but nothing was found in the end.

Luo Cheng really didn't take the opportunity to embezzle and take privately.

Even after checking the back, Du Ruhui was surprised to find that from the time Luo Cheng was the head of the third class to taking charge of the third class, he had never received any tribute, nor had he had any autumn wind.When he later became a county captain, he also did not receive any tribute that should not be received, nor did he confiscate any extra money.

Du Ruhui couldn't be reconciled if he couldn't find any loopholes and couldn't find a handle.

Later, he troubled Luo Cheng, drove the county barracks out of the county, cut off the supplies of the county barracks, and even took back the [-] mu of land that had been allocated to Luo Cheng. All these were to anger Luo Cheng and force him to Take the initiative to leave.

He hoped that Luo Cheng would not be able to stay in Zhangqiu, and then go to the county town to join Zhang Xutuo.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about being held back in Zhangqiu County, and without Luo Cheng's minions like Zhang Yichen, the county magistrate, he doesn't have to worry about it either.

In fact, Zhang Yichen also brought up things with him several times and it was almost fine.

But Du Ruhui didn't stop.

He is not a person like the former county magistrate Lao Cheng. He has no ambition to make progress anyway at his age, so he can get by with a vegetarian meal.It's not like Mr. Fei, who came from a poor family and became an official through the imperial examination. He only knows that he has no general ability in general affairs. He will not let his subordinates be fooled.

Du Ruhui is not afraid of offending others.

If you do something, you will offend people.

He regarded Luo Cheng as an obstacle to his governance in Zhangqiu. If he wanted to do things in Zhangqiu, he had to remove Luo Cheng's obstacle first.

If Luo Cheng didn't leave for a day, Du Ruhui felt uncomfortable all the time.

He closed the account book with no problems found, and opened his mouth slowly.

"Wang Butou, this officer received a report that the Liu's restaurant in the market illegally traded beef. This matter is very serious. Farm cattle are extremely precious, and private slaughter is prohibited. But now some people are privately slaughtering farm cattle and selling them for profit. Selling under our noses, this kind of thing must not be tolerated. You immediately lead someone to investigate this matter, first seal the shop, and then arrest the shop owner for interrogation."

(End of this chapter)

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