Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 153 Crush the crown 1 anger is red face

chapter 153
"Luo Cheng pays his respects to County Captain Du!"

At the County Weigong Hall, Luo Cheng was introduced to Du Ruhui by Zhang Yichen.Facing this new county lieutenant who was chasing him fiercely, Luo Cheng still showed a lot of respect and was very considerate.

But Du Ruhui sat there and said coldly, "You are from the county barracks, not my subordinate, so don't be so polite."

Zhang Yichen said on the side, "Keming, Shicheng is our hero in Zhangqiu. If he hadn't repelled Wang Bo last time, eight hundred bandits would have destroyed Zhangqiu. If he hadn't captured Wang Bo, it would have been so The rebels in Changbai Mountain have not been calmed down yet."

Du Ruhui was indifferent.

"Lieutenant Luo, have you read the official document I sent to your camp? I hope you can move the county barracks to the north of Changbai Mountain within three days. It’s hard to say that there are no bandits in the mountains. We can take precautions, and you can take the county barracks to the foot of the mountain to prevent troubles before they happen.”

Luo Cheng's complexion didn't look very good either, but he still endured it.

"County Lieutenant, we have just moved from the county seat to the outside of the city. The camp outside the city has not yet been built, and we are required to move to the foot of the mountain in the north. Now that it has entered the cold winter, the five hundred brothers hastily moved into the mountain. How can this be possible without fuel in the barracks?"

Du Ruhui ignored it, "This is your business, in short, you must move out within three days."

"I still have something to do, let's talk about it another day."

Du Ruhui picked up the teacup, and immediately a follower came in to see off the guests.

Get out the door.

Luo Cheng's complexion was ugly, but Zhang Yichen's complexion was even worse.

"Is this the arrogance of a noble family?" Luo Cheng sneered a few times.

Zhang Yichen said with a dark face, "The matter you talked to me before can start, you can do it freely, and I support you."

Now it's not just the matter between Du Ruhui and Luo Cheng, now he, Zhang Yichen, has also been involved.Du Ruhui didn't take him seriously at all, and if he didn't make a move, he would really be framed by this madman in the future.

Getting on the horse, Luo Cheng was about to leave the city, but saw a group of arresters escorting a group of people over.

"Five brothers Luo, save us."

Looking up, it was the fourth brother's future brother-in-law calling him, but this big man was a little embarrassed at the moment, with a chain on his head and some bruises on his face.

Behind him, there were his old mother, wife, and several brothers and sisters. Almost all the family in Liu's restaurant were arrested.

"what happened?"

Luo Cheng went over and asked.

"The arresters framed us for selling beef, closed our shop, and arrested us."

Hearing this, he couldn't help frowning.

Needless to say, it must have been done by Du Ruhui again.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

An arrester with an iron ruler pushed and pushed Boss Liu from behind.

Luo Cheng stretched out his hand to stop him, "Brother, I'm afraid there may be some misunderstanding here."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Luo Cheng."

Luo Cheng is still very famous in Zhangqiu City, the arrester was obviously stunned when he heard this, but immediately the man said, "Take care of you, Luo Cheng and Liu Cheng, the yamen is on errands, and the idlers go away, otherwise I will accompany you." Get arrested."

An angry Luo Cheng was about to roll up his sleeves and slap him twice, but at this moment someone came over, "Captain Luo, I'm sorry, this kid is young and ignorant, and he doesn't know your reputation. The county captain called for this matter Yes, we are just on orders, so don't make things difficult for us."

Luo Cheng glanced at him, but he was originally a helper in the arresting room, but now he has turned into a fast arrester.

"Okay, I won't embarrass you, but please be polite when you are on business. Don't embarrass them. You know, they are my brother's fiancée's family."

"Understood." The man nodded repeatedly.

Luo Cheng turned to Liu Laodao, "Don't worry, I'll help you find out the situation."

"Brother Luo Wu, you must help us. We really don't sell beef, let alone slaughter farm cattle privately."

But the arrester in front said, "The stolen goods were taken together, how dare you say no, the beef seized in your store is still fresh with blood, could it be beef jerky?"

"It was sold to us by someone else. We didn't sell it, let alone slaughter it. We just bought some beef." Liu Da hurriedly said, "Five brothers Luo, really, we really didn't sell it, let alone slaughter it."

Luo Cheng turned around and returned to the county office.

He went to see Du Ruhui directly, but Du Ruhui didn't see him at all, and only asked one of his followers to dismiss him. He explained why he came, but he still didn't see him, and only said that he would enforce the law impartially.

Luo Cheng had no choice but to go to Zhang Yichen.

"The Liu family really didn't slaughter the cow?"

"Actually, we can find out this matter after investigation. They just bought beef slaughtered by illegal butchers for cooking, and they didn't slaughter and sell it themselves."

Zhang Yichen nodded, "If it's just like this, then this is not a serious crime. According to the law, the shopkeeper of the Liu family will be sentenced to flogging and fined a sum of money."

Flogging means hitting the board.

Fines are trivial.

"I also ask the county magistrate to intervene in this case. I am worried that Du Xianwei's trivial matter will become a big one, and an unjust, false and wrong case will be brought up."

Zhang Yichen frowned and thought for a while, "You go back first, I will keep an eye on this case, if he really dares to mess around, then I'd really like it."

Luo Cheng could hear what he meant, if Du Ruhui made a mistake in handling the case, he would give Zhang Yichen the handle.

"Okay, I'll go back and do my business, and I'll ask the county magistrate to take care of me."

Hit the horse out of the city and return to the camp.

At the gate of the camp, I saw Mrs. Liu San holding two butcher knives and yelling at her, but the county soldiers guarding the gate would not let him in.

"sister in law?"

"Who is your sister-in-law?" Liu Sanniang was in a bad mood, and she didn't give Luo Cheng any good looks. "There is nothing good about your surname Luo. You don't get along with the new county captain, and instead implicated our Liu family in an accident. Now the restaurant is closed. It was seized, my parents, brother and sister-in-law were also taken away, I came to find Luo Si, but these people who received thousands of knives would not let me in."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry. I already knew about this matter in the county seat. I have asked the county magistrate to intervene in this matter. Brother Liu and the others will be released soon. As for the soldiers on duty, they are also responsible. Don't embarrass them."

Hearing this, Liu Sanniang looked a little better.

"Xiao Wu, you must help us with this matter. Those bastards, as soon as they came, they rummaged around, smashed things, and even stole the money from the counter in our store."

Luo Cheng invites Liu Sanniang into the camp.

In the camp, Luo Si and the others didn't know what was going on at the gate, and they were training with a group of county soldiers. Luo Cheng refused to let them out of the camp, so there was nowhere to vent their anger, so they could only train desperately to vent their anger.

"San Niang, why are you here?"

When Luo Si saw Liu Sanniang holding two knives, his calves trembled a little.Just now, he trained the hook, sickle and spear like a grandson, and he became a grandson in a blink of an eye.

"Luo Si, I'm being bullied, don't you care?" Liu Sanniang roared when she saw the fourth child.

The fourth child who was still fighting with his legs immediately widened his eyes when he heard it, "Damn it, who is the bastard who dares to bully my woman? Tell me, I will kill him now."

(End of this chapter)

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