Chapter 159

Thanks to Liuba, Jingdan Xueyue→Shuang, and Huatian Pinellia for their tipping, thank you!

The East Chamber of Zhangqiu County Yamen.

The room was silent, Du Ruhui sat there motionless.Du Ruhui has been sitting here for several hours since Luo Cheng broke into the county seat, captured two police officers and more than 30 gangsters and walked away.

In the long silent night, there were a few bangs from outside.

It's been three days.

But Du Ruhui remained motionless.

The person didn't move, but his heart still couldn't calm down.

Today, Luo Cheng's violent punches hit him hard.After he took office, the official prestige that he had spent so much time to establish in Zhangqiu County was completely defeated.

Still too careless.

I thought Luo Cheng was just a reckless man who could fight and punch, but after being stabbed by him for a while, he had no choice but to leave.

But who would have thought that after Luo Cheng retreated again and again, there would be such a fierce counterattack, and Zhang Yichen, the county official, also counterattacked quickly this time, leaving no room for it at all.


"Young master, let's eat something!"

The long follower who followed from Daxing City came in with a food box.

"Young master, eat some of the freshly made soup cakes. No matter how angry you are, you can't ignore your health."

Du Ruhui finally moved, he turned his head, "Uncle Xu, thank you very much."

After eating a bowl of hot soup cakes, Du Ruhui seemed to feel better.

"My lord, Luo Cheng is too much, and Zhang Yichen, the two of them sing and drink, they don't give you any face at all."

"Hey, I used to be too impatient, do you think I'm too young?"

"Young Master's skill and talent are among the best in Daxing City." Chang Sui said. "It's just that the young master is too arrogant sometimes. The old servant dared to say that the young master has just arrived and is a county captain. Even if he wants to do something, he can't ignore Zhang Yichen. After all, he is the county magistrate and the chief official. And Na Luo Although Cheng is a farmer, he does have some skills. He is Zhang Yichen's confidant and a student of the county magistrate. It is not easy to move him. Even if you want to move, you have to wait first. Now the county lieutenant is basically If you are not stable, if you act too hastily, it will be easy to travel."

Arrogance, this is a common problem among children of aristocratic families.

As for Du Ruhui, who is young and vigorous, and a son of a famous family, he was only famous in the past, so after coming here, he might look down on people like Luo Cheng, but today's facts taught him a vivid lesson.

"Uncle Xu, what do you think I should do?"

"I want the old servant to say, just go back to the capital, it's no fun to play with these people. Even if you win, there is nothing to praise."

"No, it's impossible for me to go back to the capital because of such a setback. If I go back like this, what face will I have in my official career?"

"If the young master is unwilling to return to the capital, then there are only two choices, either transfer Zhang Yichen away, or call in another helper."

This is indeed a way.

After all, Zhang Yichen is a Shangguan, and he has been here for several years, and now with a helper like Luo Cheng, his grasp of Zhangqiu County is not comparable to that of a new county captain.Luo Cheng dared to fight against him. Apart from being Zhang Xutuo's disciple, the most important thing was the support of Zhang Yichen, the county magistrate.

If Zhang Yichen was transferred and the county magistrate was replaced, the situation would be different again.

Of course, there is another way. Now that the county magistrate and the chief secretary are both vacant, if you can talk to Daxing and transfer someone of your own to be the chief secretary or county magistrate, then the situation will be different.

It's just that this thought, just as he nodded, was vetoed by himself.

He is a son of a famous family, Du Ruhui, a talented student in Daxing City, does he still need to find a helper?If he did, it would be an admission that he had failed utterly.

Xu Bo looked at Du Ruhui in thought and said nothing, he had followed the young master for many years, and he knew the young master's arrogance.

"My lord, I don't know if I should say something or not."

"Uncle Xu, if you have something to say, just say it."

"My lord, you are a son of a famous noble family, you can directly enter the officialdom, but you have to take the imperial examination, and you took the most difficult Jinshi test last year, why?"

"Because although I come from a famous family, I don't want people to say that I am based on the shadow of my parents. I want to prove my own ability."

"My son is ambitious, and he is indeed talented. He got a Jinshi in one fell swoop in the imperial examination. He also got the best grades in the official examination. Gao Shilang also said that in fact, the son's talent alone is enough to stay in Busi or in Daxing. After taking office, a seventh rank cannot escape."

"But Gao Shilang finally suggested that the young master should come to Zhangqiu to be a county captain from the eighth rank. The young master can not come, but the young master has come, why?"

"Because I want to come here for experience, I want to leave the shelter of my father's generation and make some achievements by my own ability."

Xu Bo nodded, "Then the young master is here to make some achievements and prove his ability?"


"If this is the case, then I think the young master actually took the wrong path and chose the wrong direction when he got here."

"how to say?"

"My lord, it's right to do things, and it's right to want to make political achievements, but it doesn't mean that if you want to make political achievements, you have to fight against Zhang Yichen, and it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to drive Luo Cheng away."

"But I don't want to be constrained, and I don't even want to be ostracized."

"My lord, it depends on the specific situation. In fact, the old servant thinks that there is another way, we can cooperate. Zhang Yichen is also from a famous noble family, and he also has talent. Although Luo Cheng came from a reckless, but The ability is quite strong. If the young master does not regard them as enemies, but uses them as helpers, then there will be no results today."

Du Ruhui was stunned for a moment.

He is a descendant of an aristocratic family, and he was warned when he left Beijing that he must be careful not to be deceived by the subordinate officials when he arrives, and be careful not to be deceived and ostracized by them.

After coming here, after learning about the situation in Zhangqiu, he felt that Chengxian Cheng and Master Fei were deceived and emptied by the subordinates. He also looked down on Zhang Yichen, thinking that he had been in Zhangqiu for several years. , but let the black smoke obstruct the atmosphere, and even rebels appeared.In addition, when he was in Beijing, Gao Shilang said that Luo Cheng was only a 16-year-old boy, but he was invited by Zhang Xutuo as a county lieutenant, so he had a prejudice first.

So after coming here, I wanted to get rid of these two people and work hard to achieve political achievements alone.

But who would have expected that now they would fall into a big somersault in front of these two people.

"Actually, from the perspective of this old servant, the young master has today's conflict with Zhang Yichen and Luo Cheng. The key lies in the discord with them as soon as the young master arrives. As long as the young master is willing to let go of his airs and accept them. The old servant believes that the young master will With their background and talents, they are definitely willing to turn wars into jades. If they can be rebuilt, Zhangqiu County will no longer fight among themselves in the future. Then there are princes in the yamen and Luo Cheng outside. Why don’t Zhangqiu County have no political achievements? Even if this is the case If Zhang Yichen and Luo Cheng have a share in the political achievements, so what? If Zhang Yichen is an idiot like Cheng County Prime Minister Fei, he can't keep it. If Luo Cheng is a moth like Fan Hu and Liu Shouyi, he must be driven away. But Now that the young master has discovered that these two people are actually very talented, then we can't just think about driving people away, but think about how to work together to get things done."

"Rebuild it for good?"

Du Ruhui fell into deep thought, this is asking him to compromise.He, Du Ruhui, wants to compromise with a country boy?But if you don't compromise, you can only admit to complete failure.Compromising now is also admitting failure, but the difference is that after admitting failure, he can stand up again in Zhangqiu County, but now that he goes back, he is completely branded as a failure.

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(End of this chapter)

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