Chapter 160
"Uncle Xu, tonight I'm hosting a banquet, you go and invite County Magistrate Zhang and Captain Luo to come for me."

When Xu Bo heard this, his face revealed a look of relief.Although he is just an old servant, but in such a famous family as the Jingzhao Du family, the people around Du Ruhui who can serve as the heir son of the son are all selected by thousands of people, no matter in terms of experience, knowledge or ability, they are all very outstanding.

Just like what he said before, if Du Ruhui really wanted to deal with Luo Cheng and Zhang Yichen, there were actually ways. He only needed to use Du's power. Whether it was transferring Zhang Yichen or Luo Cheng, it was very simple.Or it would not be a problem to directly transfer two members of the Du family to be the county magistrate and chief bookkeeper.

But Du Ruhui didn't make such a choice in the end, just like he didn't choose to stay in the capital at the beginning, this young son has his own ideals and ambitions, and he doesn't want to rely on his family blindly.In Xu Bo's view, this is actually a kind of growth.What is especially rare is that after experiencing this setback, he did not become depressed, but became more mature.Today, he is no longer blindly showing his sharpness, but understands compromise and balance, which is the real growth.

It is very easy for the son of the Du family to be an official, but if he wants to be able to truly worship the minister in the future, it is not enough to rely on his family background and talents, he must also know how to balance and compromise. Entering an official and politics is actually practicing the art of compromise and balance. It's the official way.

It's just that Du Ruhui's previous behavior was still too young. After experiencing this setback, he has matured.

"My lord, the old servant will invite you now."

Outside the county seat, the county soldier camp.

Luo Cheng led his brothers back to the camp with dozens of yamen servants and helpers, and led the soldiers into the county for a stroll, but Luo Si and the others felt extra refreshed, and the depression of so many days was swept away. .

"That dog county lieutenant really thought that the son of the family was so amazing, bah, it's not the same as holding back in front of us."

"No, look at his angry look just now, don't mention how refreshing it is, it feels like drinking a bowl of ice well water in June, happy."

Luo Cheng was not as excited as they were.

Luo Si and the others don't know the strength of Jingzhao Du's family, but he is very clear that the aristocratic family these days is not as simple as talking about it.Even Du Ruhui, he was very afraid.It's just that he blindly compromised, but Du Ruhui refused to give in, so he had no choice but to take this step.

I was happy just now, but I have officially torn my face.

Luo Cheng didn't know how Du Ruhui would counterattack next.He has many ways to deal with a fledgling like Du Ruhui, but he is more worried about beating the child and provoking his father and grandpa, and then the Du family will not be his right to deal with.

"Put the prisoners together, interrogate them separately, and let them confess and draw."

Originally it was Zhang Qiu's case, but now Luo Cheng grabbed it. He must handle this case firmly, otherwise it will be very troublesome later.

Leaving aside the drooling people who were still talking, Luo Cheng returned to his account alone.

It was temporarily built during the camp, and everyone lived in simple sheds. Only he, the captain, and the team officers had a tent.

Before sitting at the desk, he picked up the earthen pot to drink some water, but found it was empty.

"Simon, pour some water."

After shouting a few times, Ximen Junyi led a long follower beside the county magistrate.

"Why is Uncle Zhang here?"

"The county magistrate asked me to come over and ask the captain, how do you plan to go next?"

"Since the face has been torn, there is no reason to hesitate. I want to find a breakthrough point from the captured policemen and helpers. Although these people have not been in office for a long time, since these people have been stealing and slaughtering cattle He dares to take money from thieves, so he must have reached out elsewhere." No matter what happens in the future, the sword has been drawn now, and there is no reason to take it back without seeing blood.

Using these people as a breakthrough, investigate their corruption and illegal affairs, and then involve other yamen servants and subordinates. The ultimate goal is to destroy Du Ruhui's newly formed two-room and three-shift team.

In this way, Zhang Yichen has a reason to re-elect a group of subordinate officials, and the Yamen Yamen, in the final analysis, relies on these subordinate officials to control the two rooms and three shifts, so Du Ruhui is just a bare county lieutenant .

As soon as Zhang Yichen's entourage was sent away, Ximen reported to Du Xianwei's housekeeper to ask to see him outside the camp.

Upon meeting, Uncle Xu sent an invitation card.

"Tonight, my young master is hosting a banquet in the yamen, inviting the captain to have a drink with the county magistrate."

Looking at this invitation card, Luo Cheng was a little puzzled.What kind of banquet are you inviting at this time?

"Captain Luo, my son admires your talent very much. You are only sixteen this year, and you come from a farming family. You have no prominent background to rely on, and you don't have any rich family background. What a famous teacher and great Confucianism, but he insisted on making a big name at the end of the fifth year of the great cause, which really made him, a member of this aristocratic family, admire him very much."

The word "shijiazi" was specially emphasized in Uncle Xu's mouth.

Luo Cheng laughed and said, "I dare not compare with Jingzhao Du's family. People say that Jingzhao Weidu is five feet to the sky. Who doesn't know that Jingzhao Du's famous family is a generation of public officials." What he said was neither humble nor overbearing.

"My Jingzhao Du family is indeed a famous family in the world, but my son not only has a family background, he became famous at a young age, and he has been famous in the capital for a long time. This time, he was going to stay in the capital and serve as a seventh-rank meritorious officer in Chang'an County, but in the end But my son came to Zhangqiu to be a county captain from the eighth rank, do you know why?"

"Maybe you want to prove yourself?" Luo Cheng said.

"That's right, my son doesn't want to rely solely on his father's family." Uncle Xu changed his voice again, "But even if my son doesn't want to rely on his family's family, Mrs. Du will not completely let him go, let alone Will allow someone to dare to bully him like this."

"My son's grandfather was the minister of the Ministry of Industry and the Duke of the county. The father of the son has just been promoted to the prefect of Zhuojun County, and has the title of county duke. There are more than [-] Du's children who are officials in the court."

Shangshu is the third rank, and Juncheng is also the fourth rank, not to mention that both father and son have the title of duke.

Uncle Xu also told Luo Cheng that the Du family not only said that they were a famous family, but that many of their sons and daughters were officials in the court, and even their in-laws were spread all over the court and the public, and there were even daughters of the Du family as concubines in the palace.

This is to tell Luo Cheng that the strength of the Du family can't be resisted by Luo Cheng.

"The Du family is indeed amazing." Luo Cheng said with a smile.

Uncle Xu continued, "Even so, my son also admires and admires those truly capable people, such as Captain Luo and County Magistrate Zhang, you are all capable people. My son came to Zhangqiu, It was also because Zhangqiu had frequent bandits, and the reputation of local chaos spread to the court, so he chose this place. However, after getting along with each other for this period of time, he also found that Captain Luo was young but talented, and County Magistrate Zhang was also mature and prudent. Now that the thieves and bandits have been eradicated, it is time to sweep away the evils and rebuild the New Deal. My young master is willing to put aside the previous misunderstandings with the two of you, and work together to manage Zhangqiu County well."

Xu Bo's words not only had the meaning of warning, but also brought the meaning of reconciliation.

Although Luo Cheng won for a while, but if he really wanted to fight against him, Du Ruhui still had a stronger backer. If he continued to fight against him, no one would benefit.

"Is this really what Lieutenant Du meant?"

"Of course. If it wasn't your son's will, how dare I go beyond the endorsement? In fact, I originally persuaded my son to write a letter to Daxing City. In a short time, Zhang County Magistrate and you will be transferred from Zhangqiu City, but you didn't agree. .He's a guy who does things, not a guy who fights."

But it was already enough to be proud to make the Du family say such humble words. No matter what, Uncle Xu came to present the white flag on behalf of Du Ruhui.

He, Luo Cheng, has already proved his ability in front of Du Ruhui with his own strength. Even Du Ruhui has to respect his strength, and dare not mention anything to drive him away, let alone underestimate him. This time he is asking for a truce Set up a war, shake hands and make peace.

Luo Cheng finally accepted the invitation, no matter what, the meaning of Uncle Xu's words was very clear.

Since Du Ruhui is willing to withdraw his troops to stop fighting and live in peace, that is the best result.After a real fight, he, Luo Cheng, is really no match for him.

"Okay, I will definitely go to the banquet tonight!"

Luo Cheng had already used his strength to tell Du Ruhui that he, Du Ruhui, had the ability to start a war, but it was Luo Cheng who ended the war, and he was the winner of this war.

(End of this chapter)

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