Chapter 269 Arrow

[-] monthly tickets, thank you brothers, can you get a few more votes, now there are more than a dozen on the classified monthly ticket list, can you get a few more places?

The smoke is getting thicker and more pungent.

The line of sight is getting worse and worse, and no one can be seen twenty steps away.

The drums became more and more dense, and the horn sounded again.

All of a sudden, there was a whistling sound over the camp, and then from the sky, countless light spots fell, and after a closer look, it was discovered that they were torches thrown in from outside the camp.

There are torches, as well as ignited dry wood, grass balls, etc., at this moment, they are falling like meteors and fire rain.

"Grass, fire attack."

"Civil husband camp, prepare the water buckets to put out the fire!" The third son Siye shouted loudly, and among the two civilian husbands, the last ones arranged for someone to fetch water and get ready. Hearing the order, they all lifted their buckets.

Fire rained down.

But as soon as the fire rain fell, before it could be burned, it was immediately extinguished by the peasants guarding various places in the camp with a ladle of water.After one round, only a few corners of the tents were burned.

The fire rain attack lasted for about half an hour. The Goguryeo people galloped outside and set fire to it. After setting it on for a long time, they didn't see the camp burning up, and then stopped the unnecessary fire attack.

There was a pause, and then there was another howling from the sky, this time it was sharper.

It was the Goguryeo people who started to shoot arrows into the camp. They ran around the camp and shot, because the smoke they put themselves also affected their vision, so they could only run close to the camp.

Relying on their horsemanship and archery skills, these people galloped around the camp thirty or forty paces in front of the camp, and shot an arrow when they saw nothing.

Several rounds of arrow rain came, and the Sui army in the camp suffered casualties.

A Sui soldier with his bow open was still searching for the enemy with his eyes, but a Goguryeo rider suddenly approached and shot at him with an arrow.He couldn't dodge in time, and an arrow hit his neck.There was no armor here, and half of the arrows went in, and the blood spurted out, and the young Sui soldier fell to the ground. He twitched and vomited blood, but his eyes became more and more dim, and finally his eyes became dull. I was motionless.

The soldiers next to him were a little flustered. Some of them went to help the soldier, some called his name in a local accent, it seemed that he was a member of the same township of this soldier, and some were in a daze.

A living young soldier was shot to death suddenly, which had a great impact on them.

"Grass, looking for death, staring outside the camp."

The team deputy who supervised the battle came up with a few big feet and kicked down a few soldiers who were in a daze.

"Get your fucking spirits up and stare ahead."

"Look ahead, otherwise you will be the next one. Do you want to be dead ghosts and go to hell together?"

The captain's yelling and cursing finally brought these people back to their senses, and hurriedly returned to everyone and drew their bows again.

In the smoke, another Goguryeo man rushed over. This man was black and strong, with loose hair and a few short knots. He was riding on a horse, holding a bow in his hand.

"Shoot him."

The lieutenant roared.

So the group with only four soldiers left loosened their strings one after another, and shot the long arrows in their hands.

Four arrows fired together.

They all shot at the Goguryeo man.

It's just that the Goguryeo man was riding a horse. Although they were close, their arrows didn't perform well, and they all missed.Goguryeo galloped past on a light horse, but the arrow in his hand had already been shot.

An arrow whizzed towards him, and a soldier turned his head hastily. The arrow hit the side of his iron helmet obliquely, splashing a few sparks and making a loud noise.

The mansion soldier felt as if a big bell was ringing in his ears, and everyone was stunned.

In his consciousness, he only felt that he was hit by an arrow, and his mind was full of the appearance of his companion who was shot by the arrow just now, so he stayed on the spot.

The team deputy rushed over again and kicked his ass, leaving a big footprint on his ass.

"You're not dead yet, you're dead, and the arrow brushed past the helmet. Fortunately, you have this iron helmet, otherwise you might not die or be seriously injured. Now recover quickly, or if you shoot another arrow, you will definitely die died."

The mansion soldier shook his head, reached out to touch his face, and sure enough, there was nothing but sweat and no blood on his face.

The next moment, another Goguryeo Qingqi galloped out in the mist, approached, and then shot an arrow through the wall of the village.

This time, the reaction of the four government soldiers was much better. They avoided it carefully, and then quickly fought back.Four people and four arrows shot at that guy.

The guy shot an arrow, reached for it again, and didn't gallop back into the mist right away, which gave them a chance.

Of the four arrows, three missed, but one hit the Goguryeo man's horse's head.

Ma Zhongjian was injured, he let out a mournful cry, and his speed dropped sharply.

Moreover, the horse lost its direction, instead of continuing to charge forward, it shifted its direction and ran into the barracks.The four soldiers hurriedly nocked their arrows again.

This time all four arrows hit the unlucky guy.

The leather armor on his body blocked some damage for him. The three arrows didn't penetrate deep, but one arrow hit his face. This arrow, which was all due to luck, directly killed this guy. Fell off the horse, and then they shot four more arrows, and the guy was dead.

The horse he stepped on directly hit the barracks, and then was shot twice by four nervous infantrymen. Eight arrows were inserted into it, and it was shot as dead as its owner.

If it weren't for the captain's lieutenant shouting and cursing over there, these stupid infantry would probably want to shoot a few more arrows.

"Don't fucking waste your arrows, they're already dead, and those who die can't die anymore, keep your arrows and shoot other bastards." After cursing, the team deputy praised a few more words, "Shoot a Goguryeo Qingqi, shoot it to death A Goguryeo war horse, I will give you credit later."

The situation in one corner of the camp was almost happening in every corner at the same time.

The performance of many soldiers in the first battle was really mediocre.

Countless arrows flew back and forth, and people on both sides were hit by arrows from time to time.

Affected by the smog, the vision on both sides was not good. The Goguryeo people immediately shot arrows and galloped quickly, but the Sui army stood firm in the camp, with solid armor and adopted five shots and one shot, which actually gained the upper hand.

Especially the hundreds of archers in the bow and crossbow battalion, these are some of the better archers, they gather together, hold the bows and hold the crossbows, everyone's bows are stronger than the bows of ordinary infantry, and their archery skills are also better However, although ordinary infantrymen hold bows and shoot arrows, they may shoot ten arrows without necessarily hitting one.

However, five of these archers shot at one target together, but the results were astonishing.

Often two or three shots can hit a Goguryeo Qingqi approaching.

Under the banner of the Chinese Army.

Luo Cheng didn't continue to sleep anymore. It would be awesome if he could really sleep at this time, and he couldn't pretend to sleep anymore.He stared closely at the battle situation, watching the arrows flying all over the sky, people fell down every moment, and his heart was bleeding.

In less than half an hour, he estimated that at least a hundred people had fallen.

Although there were still about twenty unlucky civilian husbands among them, the remaining seventy or eighty were all soldiers and infantry of his regiment.

This casualty loss made him feel unbearable.

"Let the Qingqi Battalion shoot arrows and fight back, damn it." Luo Cheng scolded his mother with heartache, and quickly ordered the cavalry to join in the fight back, so as to suppress the Goguryeo cavalry.

"Should we let the crossbows on the crossbow platform fight back together?" asked the youngest Siye.

Luo Cheng gritted his teeth, "Wait a minute." Now I can't see anything, although the crossbow is strong, it's hard to have any effect.

After hundreds of Qingqi also joined the bow and arrow counterattack, the strength of the Sui army's counterattack suddenly became fierce, and more than ten Goguryeo people were shot down at once.

Feeling the strong counterattack of the Sui army, the Goguryeo people did not dare to get so close.

"Fifth brother, let me take the black light cavalry out to charge." Luo Shixin came to ask for a fight again.

"No." Luo Cheng directly refused.

"Continue to shoot me, shoot these sons of bitches to death." Although it hurts, but now I can only continue to play this shooting game with the Goguryeo people. As for when it will end, it depends on when the Goguryeo people can't bear the damage .

 Thanks to Xiaopang who is about to get married and jping7007 for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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