Chapter 270 Night

Wei Zheng held a crossbow thrown to him by Luo Cheng, and looked up at the sky shrouded in smog. The smog was a little thinner, and the attack of the Goguryeo people should have stopped if nothing unexpected happened.

This is almost the same as Luo Cheng's prediction. The Goguryeo people's firework riding and shooting may just be a spy attack.Although this probing attack caused them to lose at least 100 riders, it was indeed just a probing attack.

Now, these Goguryeo people already know the strength of the Sui army in the battalion, and know that they are not weak. They are a hard bone. They want to shoot down the morale of the Sui army with a few rounds of riding and shooting, and even want to rush into the battalion in one go. , which is impossible.

According to the current situation, more than 100 cavalry is the minimum casualty that the Goguryeo people can bear, and if this continues, they will die in vain.

As the chief general, Luo Cheng was still sitting under the banner of the Chinese army.

The camp is not big, but the arrows of the Goguryeo people cannot shoot here.

Although a camp is not as good as a city, it is not easy to get down.

Wei Zheng asked Luo Cheng, "General, the smoke is thinning, what will happen to the Goguryeo people?"

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Cheng said slowly, "I have heard the teacher talk about some battle experience. It's fighting. Fighting back and forth is actually just those routines. Siege or field battle, encounter battle or battle in formation , siege or aid, decisive battle or stalemate. Depending on the situation at the time, our current situation is not an exaggeration to say that it is an encounter battle, but it is not completely a field battle. We have camps to defend and sufficient bows and arrows , the Goguryeo people have no infantry, only three thousand Qingqi, and there are no guys who attack the city, so they don't have many choices."

Guo Xiaoke's five personal guards stood on one side, pricking up their ears.

"General, can you explain more clearly?" Wang Tiehan was more honest and asked if he didn't understand.

"To put it simply, the Goguryeo people will definitely not continue to fight like this now, and their losses will be far higher than ours. We have enough arrows, and they can't rush into the camp without draining their blood. The advantage of Qingqi is useless."

"So, the Goguryeo people now either withdraw their troops, turn around and leave, and don't fight with us here. Or, they surround us. We have 6000 people here, and it is not a small number to eat horse chews every day. Wei Jishi, our army How long can the food and grass last?" Luo Cheng asked Wei Zheng.

"When we came out, the Minzhuang camp brought us 6000 people's food and grass for 20 days. In addition, each of our soldiers has emergency food that can last for ten days. It has been ten days since we came out, so we can still support for 20 days. If the province Eat a little, it can last for about a month."

Although 6000 soldiers are supported by 120 civilians transporting food, the [-] civilians also need to consume food, two liters of rice per person per day, [-] soldiers need [-] stones of grain per day, and grain without pounding costs [-]. Ten shi, plus a large number of horse mules, the grain needed for a day is five hundred shi.

Six thousand people transported 20 stone grains with the army, but it was only enough for [-] days.

"If you really want to hold on, you can definitely hold on for a while. If you really can't, you can still hold on for another month by killing horses and mules to eat meat. But this battle will definitely not be fought for so long. This is not a city, and our reinforcements We can arrive within a few days, so if the Goguryeo people surround us, they are either sure to break the camp within two or three days, or they are preparing to send reinforcements."

Wei Zheng shook his head, "It's impossible to send reinforcements. Roja will come. That's [-] soldiers. How many Goguryeo soldiers are there? To ambush [-] government soldiers, they must have at least two or three times as many troops. Goguryeo If someone dispatched troops from the east bank of the Liao River, such a big movement would definitely have been discovered by our Sui army scouts."

After all, the Goguryeo people had only two options left, either to break through the Sui camp within three days, or to withdraw.

"Three thousand Goguryeo people are probably unwilling to withdraw like this, so there will definitely be a battle to be fought in the next three days, and it will be a tough one." Luo Cheng said and looked up at the sky, um, the sky was very dark.

"I guess the Goguryeo people will calm down immediately, and then they will attack at night after dark."

It is very difficult to attack at night, but it is more beneficial to the elite side.

Then, as Luo Cheng expected, the Goguryeo people who lost more than a hundred horses gave up their hope of breaking the camp, called gold to withdraw their troops, and retreated.

But Luo Cheng believed that these people must not have left, and of course he would not be deceived.

He ordered the battlefield to be cleaned up, the wounded to be treated, and the corpses collected, and then the camp was reinforced, and troops were sent to dig horse pits outside the camp.

At dusk, the smell of meat overflowed in the camp, and a big battle was imminent. Luo Cheng was not stingy, and asked the civilian husband to kill pigs and sheep, and killed many animals that accompanied the army, and then stewed meat in a big pot. For a catty of meat, even the auxiliary soldiers were divided into half a catty of meat, and the broth was even more filling.

Without wine, Luo Cheng was walking around the camp with a broth bowl in his hand, and what he saw was high morale.

After today's battle, Luo Cheng immediately asked Wei Zheng to count the results of the battle, and directly gave a heavy reward to the soldiers who shot and killed the Goguryeo man.

Some of the outstanding ones were promoted by FireWire, and awarded the titles of Fire Chief and Team Deputy.

The other government soldiers who failed to shoot the enemy cavalry also ate meat and soup in large bowls.

Turning around and returning to the big tent under the Chinese Army, Luo Chengdao said, "We will try our best tonight, and the Goguryeo people will definitely press with all their strength tonight. The victory or defeat will be decided tonight."

It was slowly getting dark.

The camp that had been noisy all day gradually quieted down.

By the third watch, the camp was dark except for a few dimly lit lanterns still shaking.

The Sui army camp seems to have fallen into a deep sleep.

Shi Meng lay in the tent with his head resting on Jianlu, his closed eyes suddenly opened.

"General, the Goguryeo people are here."

"How many have you come?"

"Listen to the movement and everything is coming."

Luo Cheng strained his ears to listen, but heard nothing.

"How can you hear it like this? You have to lie on the ground to listen. If you put a drum on the ground, you can hear it more clearly. Or you can hear it clearly if you bury an iron pot or urn in the ground."

Luo Cheng put his helmet on the ground and listened to it, but he could only hear a slight vibration.

It cannot be judged that there are enemies attacking outside, let alone how many people are coming.

"This has to be practiced. If you don't have ten years of kung fu, you can't master it."

Luo Cheng smiled, and didn't bother to listen anymore, because he couldn't hear clearly anyway.

"Pass down the order and let the battalions prepare. The Goguryeo people have finally arrived."

Not far outside the camp, a Goguryeo Qingqi man with a horse in his head and bound hooves quietly came over in the dark night.

When they were less than [-] steps away from Sui Ying, they started to speed up.

Qianqi ran wildly.

The quiet earth was awakened by the shock.

"Kill!" The Goguryeo people brandished their knives and roared, as if they wanted to be ashamed tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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