Chapter 27
The little girl ran in the field with her feet scattered, and ran back and forth several times, sweating all over her body.

"Brother, is this land really allocated to our family?"

Fifth Sister's face was flushed with excitement.

"Well, this land will belong to our family from now on." Luo Feng sat on the ridge of the field, looking at the flat land, which belonged to him, with a total of [-] mu.

"Great, then our family has [-] mu of land, such a good piece of land, we can harvest a lot of more millet a year." The little girl counted there with her fingers, how much can increase the production of so much land in a year .

But Luo Feng knew very well that even if the [-] acres of good land were increased, the life of the Luo family would not be much improved.In this era, productivity is low, water and fertilization are insufficient, the land has to be cultivated in rotation, there is a lack of fertilizer and water, and there is a lack of large livestock and the land cannot be plowed deeply, resulting in extremely low yields.

Regardless of the [-] mu of land, part of it must be used for planting mulberry and hemp, and crop rotation is also required. Moreover, due to lack of water and fertilizer, the land can only be planted for one season, and the yield per mu is only about one stone.

With 35 mu of land, it is already very impressive to be able to collect [-] shi a year, but the Luo family has to pay at least [-] shi a year just to pay the public rent and the grain of the charity warehouse. The remaining [-] shi is used for rations. I have to pay other apportionments, as well as the daily expenses of the family, etc. This has to be a good year, so that I can barely fill my stomach.

Farmers suffer.

Even in the best Kaihuang years, in fact, the common people could barely eat and wear at most.

But under the rule of the ambitious Emperor Daye, life is getting harder and harder every day.

"I will buy a cow in the coming year to raise it, so that it can help plow the land. In addition, this land is close to the canal and can be irrigated. We can plant wheat. The yield of wheat is much higher than that of millet. It is well planted. You can get five buckets more per mu.”

The yield of wheat is higher than that of millet, but growing wheat requires water, and the Luo family at the foot of Changbai Mountain mainly has hillside dry land, so they can only grow millet that is relatively drought-resistant, but the yield of millet is extremely low.

But even if we planted wheat, the extra buckets of harvest would not change anything.

"Little sister, our family will have more and more fields in the future, and there will be a hundred acres, or even a thousand acres of fertile land, and we will never be short of food or clothing."

"Brother, I believe in you." The little girl held Luo Feng's arm full of admiration. The fifth brother is a capable person, and now he has become a fast catcher. When he came back, he brought so much money back and let her eat it. I had several full meals.

Back home, the younger sister took the initiative to lead the black horse to the village to graze.

Luo Feng entered the door with bacon, eggs and deerskin, but saw Xiao Liu walking out with his horizontal knife.

"What are you going to do?"

"Fifth brother, I have something urgent, I will tell you later."

Seeing that he was in a hurry, and even raised a knife, how could Luo Feng feel at ease, and grabbed him, but Xiao Liu was as strong as a cow, and almost didn't grab him.

"Stop talking."

With a dark face, Xiao Liu was still restrained by his brother.

"Say, where are you going with the knife?"

"I didn't go anywhere, I just went out to play." Xiao Liu lowered his head and dared not look at Luo Feng.

"You lied to me? You dare not look up when you tell a lie, tell the truth."

"Wang Laogui arrested Du Da and Fu San, hung them up at the head of the village and beat them, and said that he would drag them to the mountain and hang them on a tree, waiting for the wolves to eat them." Xiao Liu raised his head, his eyes were red.

"Speak slowly, what's going on?"

What Xiao Liu said was a bit messy, but Luo Feng still figured out the facts after a while.

Du Da and Fu San are friends of Xiao Liu's playmates. Xiao Liu usually herds cattle for the rich man's house next door, Fu San herds sheep for the rich man's house next door, and Du Da herds pigs for the rich man's house.

The rich man Wang’s family is from Wangzhuang next door, and he is also the uncle of the head of the Wang family. He is considered to be the top rich man in Changbai Township. His family has a thousand acres of fertile land, and there is also a mill. There are also many cattle, sheep and pigs at home. wait.

However, although the rich man Wang is rich, he has always been stingy. Usually, everyone borrows money from him for something. Although he can borrow money, the interest is extremely high. Pay off debts, so he got the notoriety of an old ghost.

Xiao Liu helps this Wang Laogui's family to herd cattle, and they only have one meal a day, and then only two buckets of millet a month. work the same.

Fusan and Du Da are poor boys from other villages. Fusan has an aunt who is also Wang Laogui's concubine. The three boys are about the same age, all eleven or twelve years old, so they became good friends. Similarly, Xiao Liu is the oldest, so he is considered the eldest brother, Fu San is slightly younger and is the second child, and Du Dalun is the youngest, so he is the third brother.

The three teenagers are all from poor families, but the conditions of the Luo family and the auxiliary family are a little better. After all, they are self-cultivated farmers, while the Du family is more difficult. His father was originally a soldier in the early years, but later became a deserter on the battlefield and disappeared. At that time, the military government took back the land he had granted to his father, and even took away the property of the house.

They left their orphans and widowed mother with a young sister helpless, and built a broken thatched hut by the South River to settle down. Du's mother earned some money by doing handyman for others, and Du Da also left early. Come out to feed pigs for the Wang family.

Some time ago, Du's mother fell ill and lay in bed for more than a month without being able to get up to do things, and the family stopped cooking.Du Da went to the rich man Wang to bring some food back home in advance, but Wang Laogui refused. He said that Mrs. Du and Mrs. Du had borrowed food from him several times, and the old debts had not been cleared and not repaid. .

Fu San was a more loyal person, seeing Du Da's situation, he quietly stole one of the sheep he kept in the middle of the night and killed it, and took the mutton to Du's hut.

The three members of Du Da's family have been hungry for several days, so it doesn't matter where the sheep came from, let's have a meal first.

One sheep was missing, and the Wang family soon found out that it was Fu San who stole the sheep and ate it with the Du family, so Wang Laogui ordered Zhuang Ding to arrest Fu San and Du Da, hang them up and whip them, and said they would send the sheep to the Du family. They sent them into the mountains to feed the wolves.

"Fusan is quite loyal, but why are you using my knife now, to kill someone?"

"Fifth brother, I can't let them send Du Da and Fu San to the mountains to feed the wolves. I and them are good brothers and sworn brothers together." Xiao Liuhong said with eyes.

Luo Feng chuckled a few times, usually Xiao Liu looked stupid, he never thought that he would be sworn brothers with his playmates, and he could show loyalty in such a way when something happened, this is a friendship between death and death, but I somewhat underestimated this brother up.

"Silly brother, there are many ways to solve the problem. If you go directly with a knife, it is the stupidest and worst one. Even if you have a knife, you are only alone. How many people can you win? And have you thought about it?" No, even if you beat the Wang family, you still won't be able to escape if they report to the police to investigate."

"Fifth brother, but I can't watch them being fed to wolves."

Luo Feng patted his silly brother, "Do you believe me?"


"Letter is good, this matter is left to the fifth brother. You put the horizontal knife back in the house first, and then you take me to Wang's house. I will help you rescue Du Da and Fu San."

(End of this chapter)

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