Chapter 28
"Fifth brother, why did you bring bacon and chicken to Wang Laogui without a knife?"

Xiao Liu carried the few strips of bacon and a bag of eggs that Luo Feng had just brought back, and followed behind his brother unwillingly.

"You have to be reasonable in doing things. If you don't have reason, you can't stand up. In this matter, Fu San made a mistake first. We are going to the Wang family to beg them to let him go. This is an apology."

In addition to these things, Luo Feng also packed a few copper coins in his bag.

Wang Zhuang is not far from Nanshan Village, only four or five miles away from each other across a Nanxi River.With Xiao Liu leading the way, Luo Feng quickly found Wang Laogui's house.

Wang Laogui's house is very big. It is located in the east of Wangzhuang Village. His house is a high courtyard with a wall made of loess that is as high as ten feet. You can vaguely see dozens of houses inside, which seem to be composed of several courtyards. big house.

In broad daylight, there were several Zhuang Ding standing at the door with sticks, and several vicious dogs were lying on the side basking in the sun.

"Trouble a few brothers, tell Wang Daguan for me, and say that Luo Wu of Nanshan Village has something to see."

The Zhuang Ding at the door lazily basked in the sun, but they just looked up when they heard the sound, and then continued to chat.

Luo Feng smiled slightly, but he was not angry.

He took out a small string of copper coins from his body, exactly ten, and handed them over.

"Brother, please!"

When the man saw the copper coin, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Luo Feng seriously with some surprise.

"Luo Wu in Nanshan Village? What's your relationship with Luo Xiaoliu?" He pouted at Xiaoliu.

"That's my brother."

This turning back was not only expected by him, but also made him puzzled. Who doesn't know the conditions of Luo Xiaoliu's family, when did he, the fifth brother, be so generous?

But looking at the face of this string of money, he nodded politely, "Oh, so it's Brother Luo Wu, okay, wait here a moment, brother will go in with you and inform the high officials."

After a while, that guy came back, "Brother Luo Wu, because of you, I interrupted the high official's nap and got reprimanded. I just explained it to you, you go in. "

"Leave brother alone." Luo Feng cupped his hands.

Entering the mansion through a side door, Xiao Liu was dissatisfied, "Brother, why did you give that guy back ten copper coins, that guy is just a watchdog, usually he likes to play tricks on me and Du Da, he is very bad."

'Of course I know, but why should we have the same knowledge as them, remember, we are here to save Du Da and the others, not to get angry with these people. '

Xiao Liu was also very familiar with the inside of the Wang family, and brought Luo Feng to the main hall soon.

As a result, another person was met at the door, and he yelled at Xiao Liu, "Luo Liu, you are blind, you, a cowboy, can come in this hall in the front yard? Could it be that you want to go with your two brothers?" To be whipped?"

Luo Feng passed Xiao Liu and stepped forward, looked at the guy a few times, he was obviously a servant or something like a servant, maybe a lowly slave.

"Under Luo Wu, brother of Luo Liu."

"so what?"

"Your Majesty is the magistrate of Zhangqiu County, who personally assigned the yamen's fast squad to catch fast. I came to visit Wang Daguan today, but I didn't expect to meet a vicious dog and a murderer here."

The man was secretly surprised when Luo Feng reported his identity. He was indeed just a slave of the Wang family. He thought he could bully Luo Liu who was herding cattle, but he didn't expect that his brother was actually a yamen official.

"Hurry up and report to the king!" Luo Feng scolded, naturally he was too lazy to look good on such a slave.

The man left angrily.

After a meeting, the man went and came back, but he was more polite, and said that Mr. Wang was welcome.

Following him into the hall, the servant reported, "Master, Brother Luo Wulang from Nanshan Village has arrived."

In the hall, a fat old man was sitting behind a table, drinking tea leisurely, listening to the servant's report, but he didn't lift his head.

Luo Feng stood in the hall and raised his hand, "Luo Wu of Nanshan Village, I have met Mr. Wang."

"Are you the elder brother of Shepherd Niu Luo Liu? I heard that you have become a catcher recently, and you have become a catcher?" Wang Laogui's words were still very blunt.

Luo Feng smiled. He knew that Wang Laogui had his confidence. Although he was only a landlord in the countryside, the imperial power in the Sui Dynasty had always been limited to the counties. County officials, but in fact the village chiefs are just representatives of the big clans and rich men in the village.

Those who really hold the real power in the township are the big clans and rich lords of these villages.

For example, Li Chang Wang in Nanshan is a wealthy landlord and the nephew of Wang Laogui.

A young policeman is really not worthy of his attention.

"Accidentally captured a few bandits, and was favored and appreciated by the county magistrate and the county magistrate. It was actually luck that I was promoted to be a fast catcher." Luo Feng cupped his hands, "I came here today. I wanted to visit Ben Reed, who is highly respected. The high-ranking official came to ask for something, and came in a hurry, so there was no time to prepare any generous gifts, just a little thing, and I hope to accept it."

Luo Feng beckoned and asked Xiao Liu to deliver the bacon and eggs.

After the case, Wang Laogui put down the tea cup in his hand unexpectedly, and looked up at Luo Feng carefully. He thought this young man was a countryman similar to Luo Xiaoliu, but he just got lucky. Hurry up, but listening to his words now is very surprising.

This intentionally put on a condescending attitude, but Luo Wu's attitude in dealing with it was very good, it was extremely rare to be neither humble nor overbearing.

It's a character, not all luck.

"Come here, what else do you bring? It's all from the folks in the village."

Wang Laogui's attitude changed.

"Senior officer."

"Call me Uncle Wang and say yes."

"Then I'll call you Uncle Wang, that's how it is. I heard from my sixth brother that his friend Fusan stole a sheep from you to give to Du Dazhi, who stopped cooking at home for a few days."

"There is such a thing."

"Uncle Wang, this is Fusan's fault. In any case, taking it without asking is for stealing. Stealing is a violation of the king's law. It's just that he is young and ignorant, and he is all focused on helping brothers. My sixth brother and Both Du Da and Fu San are very good at playing, so I am here, I want to ask the high officials to show their hands and forgive these ignorant children for a while. As for the sheep you lost, I will compensate them. How much is it? You say the number, and I will compensate you according to the price."

Wang Laogui chuckled a few times, "A sheep is nothing. Although I, Wang Wu, is not rich, I still have a little wealth. A sheep is nothing to me. It's just that I always hate thieves the most. , especially family thieves, Fusan is my sheep herder, and he is the nephew of one of my concubines, when I saw his family was poor, I asked him to come over to herd sheep to make a living, but I never thought he would steal my sheep."

"Sheep is a trivial matter, but house thieves have to be punished, otherwise, how can there be rules in the future?"

"It's natural for the high officials to say, but now that the high officials have arrested them and beaten them, I think the lesson has been learned, and other people have seen it, so the matter is almost over, what do you think? "

"Did you say forget it?" Wang Laogui asked with a smile.

Luo Feng also said with a somewhat unceremonious smile, "Master, I happen to be a police officer in the county right now, and I'm in charge of this series of thieves and thieves. Since you found a robbery case in your home, then naturally you should sue the officials and let the yamen Take over. How about I go to the county government to report the case for you?"

When Wang Laogui heard this, the smile on his face disappeared.

Even if he could ignore the police officer Luo Feng, he would actually get involved in his affairs very quickly, especially if the police were attracted to the house to investigate such a case of theft. Well, once this case is established, it is equivalent to attracting a large swarm of flies, and it will not be so easy to spend some money and money.

He was even more impressed with Luo Feng. Although this young man was young, he was very sophisticated.

"Hahaha, Xiao Wu, let's see where your words are going. Since you are here today, I will have to honor you as a new policeman. Take it back with you."

Luo Feng kept the money, but Wang Laogui let him take it away.

"I can't ask you to pay for this money. It doesn't make sense. You can take it away. But in the future, Fusandu University won't have to come to my house to herd pigs and sheep. And since you have become a catcher, your brother will naturally You don’t need to come to my house to herd cattle to earn those two buckets of millet, right?”

Luo Feng smiled slightly, this result is not bad, he took back the money without any politeness, a few pennies are still money.

"Then I will thank Uncle Wang, and thank Uncle Wang on behalf of Du Da and Fu San, and I will leave!"

"Slow down, don't let go!"

After leaving the mansion, Xiao Wu still carried the strips of bacon and the bag of eggs, "Brother, is this enough?"

"Of course, it's fine, why not?"

"Brother, you are amazing."

Luo Feng shook his head helplessly, this is nothing powerful, but it is because he is no longer the Luo Wu in the past, he is now related to the county magistrate, he should be arrested quickly, otherwise, who would really treat him as a green onion? .

"Let's go, pick up your two brothers!"

(End of this chapter)

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