Chapter 303 Full-fledged
Here, Luo Yi's 2000 troops have just been arranged, and Hou Mo, Chen Yi and Feng Xiaoci also arrived with 2000 troops.

Luo Cheng, Feng Xiaoci and Hou Mo Chen Yi were old acquaintances, so he was not polite at this time, and entered the camp arm in arm with a smile.

"We brought 2000 troops this time, which is not as strong as Luo Huben's army. But the prefect said that Luo Juncheng crossed the river for the forward. That is also a major event for our Liaodong County, so we must fully support it."

"Four hundred Qingqi and [-] soldiers have already been brought here. How to arrange the regiment is entirely up to the Juncheng. Our two brothers will not go back this time, so we will stay and cross the river with the Juncheng. "

Seeing Hou Mo and Chen Yi's cheerful appearance, Luo Chengna was naturally even more happy.

"Then I really want to thank Prefect Li very much, and I also want to thank Hou Mochen and Feng Canjun for their help."

"They're all my brothers, so why not be polite."

Although Feng Xiaoci and Hou Mo Chen Yi are both old men in their early forties, but young people like Luo Cheng are directly called brothers. This kind of acquaintance makes the newcomers Murong Changsheng and Yu Chiliang I'm so envious.

Hou Mochen Yi is also from Xianbei, just like Murong, but he has a three-character surname, Hou Mochen and Yi.This surname has strong Xianbei characteristics. In addition to mostly compound surnames, there are also many three-character surnames in Xianbei people.For example, Buliugu, Kediyan, Monalou, Tuyuhun and so on.

In fact, Xianbei people didn't have a surname at first, and the tribal name was considered a surname.Later, after the Tuoba family established the Northern Wei Dynasty, they vigorously promoted the determination of the surname and family, and separated the surname from the family.

Later, they actively sinicized, and even changed those compound surnames and three-character surnames with obvious tribal imprints into single surnames of Han people, such as the eight surnames of Xunchen, Mu (Qiu Muling), Lu (Bu Liugu), He ( He Lai, He Lan), Liu (Dugu), Lou (He Lou), Yu (Wu Yu, Wan Yu), Ji (Hexi), Wei (Weichi), let these eight surnames be changed to single-character Chinese surnames, Then it is also stipulated that these eight surnames are the same as the four Kanto surnames, and they can all directly become high-ranking officials, and they are all surnames Jia.This is equivalent to the nine-rank Zhongzheng system of the Jin people, and they all have their surnames and family status.

In later generations, China did not have the Xianbei tribe at all, but unlike the disappearing Khitan tribe, the Xianbei tribe did not actually die out, but assimilated into the Han nationality.

In ancient China, the Xianbei could be regarded as the most thoroughly assimilated Hu nationality, because the Xianbei themselves were very active in Sinicization. Later, the Wei Dynasty established by Xianbei perished, and those Xianbei nobles were even more Sinicized.

For example, there are many Xianbei nobles in the Sui Dynasty, and even high-ranking noble officials, but even if some of them have not given up the double and three surnames, in fact, whether it is their clothing or their language customs, they have all changed. There is no difference with the Han people.

Although Hou Mo and Chen Yi have a three-character surname, their appearance is slightly different from that of Han people, but in fact they speak the same.

Li Jing had told Luo Cheng earlier that Hou Mo Chen Yi was best at strategy, especially military strategy.

So Luo Cheng asked Hou Mo Chenyi to be his marching chief history.

Most of the 2000 troops were indeed newly recruited, but luckily they were well equipped, so Luo Cheng directly added [-] light cavalry to Murong Changsheng's personal guards, [-] infantry , mixed with the three regiments, Luo Cheng simply created a new regiment.

He brought in a few hundred more men from the militia battalion.

As a result, his vanguard had three light cavalry regiments, four infantry regiments, plus a heavy cavalry battalion. The whole army had [-] soldiers, forming a full-scale wartime field army.

Feng Xiaoci also unified the infantry.

Sitting in the tent, looking across the generals, Luo Cheng suddenly felt like a strong soldier.

"General, the vanguard army has [-] soldiers. I suggest dividing them into three compartments." Wei Ji suggested that there are more soldiers and horses, so naturally there are different ways to lead them.

Hou Mochen also nodded in agreement with Wei Zheng's proposal. He said that the role of the division is to divide the troops during wartime.One side is all the way, so that the vanguard can attack in separate ways at any time, and cooperate with each other in offense and defense.

Luo Cheng's admonitions are endless.

Looking across the generals, he already had a suitable candidate for the general in his mind.

"The front compartment is composed of scout light cavalry regiment and Buyi regiment, with 3000 troops. Grant Luo Siye the capital!"

The third child stood up unexpectedly.

"General, I don't dare to take on this important task because of my low qualifications. There are generals Qi Pian, Li Pian, Feng Canjun, Hou Mochen Canjun, Murong Xiaowei, Yuchi Xiaowei, Jia Pianjiang, etc. in the army, all of whom are older than me. .”

Those who were named all waved their hands and shook their heads.

For example, Feng Xiaoci, Hou Mochen, Murong Changsheng, and Yu Chiliang are all newcomers, so they are naturally embarrassed to compete for the position of the generals, while the three generals Jia Runpu, Qi Guoyuan, and Li Rugui all know the skills of the third, and they are inseparable fight.

In the end, it was Luo Chengdao who said, "General Luo, I have chosen to be the general of the vanguard, so I have my own considerations. I use you not because you are my brother, but because of your performance all the time."

In the end, Luo Siye reluctantly agreed to take over the post of General of the Front Chamber.

Luo Cheng also appointed Zhao Gui as the deputy general of the front chamber.

"The rear compartment is composed of the Pofeng Qingqi Battalion and the Second Step Regiment, with 3000 troops. Qi Guoyuan is appointed as the general of the rear compartment, and Luo Cunxiao is the deputy general of the rear compartment."

Qi Guoyuan declined a few times. Although the fourth brother wanted to be the general, he also knew that Luo Cheng never bargained. He chose Qi Guoyuan as the general, so he would not be able to be the general if he wanted to, so he simply agreed. As the lieutenant general, Qi Guoyuan finally became the general.

There are slightly more soldiers and horses in the middle compartment, with 6000 people. It is composed of a light cavalry regiment, two infantry regiments, and a heavy cavalry battalion.Luo Cheng appointed Feng Xiaoci as the general of the middle chamber, and then appointed Jia Runpu and Li Rugui as deputy generals.

Hou Mo and Chen Yi became the commander of the vanguard army, Wei Zheng was the recorder, and Wang Ziming was the recorder.

Because Siye and Qi Guoyuan were promoted to generals, and Cunxiao, Zhao Gui, Li Rugui, and Jia Runpu were promoted to lieutenants, the positions of generals in each regiment were vacated again.

Of the seven regiments, Luo Cheng appointed Du Fuwei, Fu Gong Er, Guo Xiaoke, Zhang Liang, Wang Junkuo, Li Junxian, and Shi Meng as the partial generals of the other six regiments, except for Murong Changsheng who served as the general of the personal guard regiment. Will.

The battalions below have also promoted a large number of old brothers to come up.

In this way, almost all the officers were promoted, and everyone was happy.

The battle has not yet been fought, and everyone has been promoted first, which is naturally something to be happy about.

But a veteran like Hou Mo Chen Yi just laughed it off.For them, it is very clear that crossing the river this time is actually very dangerous.

"Do you want to bring auxiliary soldiers and civilian husbands?"

This is actually a very troublesome problem.

If there are few soldiers and horses, mainly light cavalry, crossing the river into Liao, it is naturally easy to maneuver, and it is not easy to be surrounded by the Goguryeo people, but there are also troubles, that is, lack of attack and defense capabilities, and lack of supplies, and no ability to fight for a long time.

But if it is said to bring more food, grass and luggage, it is necessary to bring a large number of luggage soldiers and civilian husband teams, and the luggage soldiers and civilian husband teams will increase food consumption.It will also drag down the mobility of the army, and it will be easily surrounded.

But you can't have both, you can only choose one of the two.

Different choices mean different action strategies after entering Liaoning.

"I want to hear everyone's opinions first!" Luo Cheng did not express his opinion in a hurry.

The generals look at me and look at you, no one is in a hurry to speak first.

"Hou Mo Chen Changshi, why don't you talk about it first?"

Luo Cheng rolls the roll.

Hou Mochen didn't refuse either, and smiled and said, "This time, His Majesty ordered the general to be the vanguard general, and lead his troops to cross the river into Liao first. His Majesty's order is to cross the river to detect the enemy's situation, so we did not attack the city this time." task, so I thought it would be better to build a big camp on the west bank of the Liao River, store supplies, food and grass, and have the infantry garrisoned."

Luo Cheng had already guessed his thoughts, "Chang Shi said that I only take Qingqi across the river?"


Just cross the river with Qingqi, so there is no intention of fighting. At most, it is just swimming without fighting. This is for real armed reconnaissance. If the situation is not right, immediately retreat to the river side. There is a large camp behind, and there are infantry to respond. , not dangerous.

"Too conservative." Luo Cheng shook his head, not liking this plan.

"Then go a step further and store the luggage and provisions on the west bank of the river, and then build another big camp across the river on the east bank of the river, where the infantry will be stationed."

It is indeed a step forward, but it is only for the pawns to cross the river.

Standing on the shore is actually the previous strategy.

"Wei Jishi, how about you?" Luo Cheng asked Wei Zheng.

Sitting there, Wei Zheng squinted his eyes, and only laughed when he heard the sound, before he said for a long time, "I think, since we have been ordered to be the vanguard, and we have crossed the river again, if we don't fight one or two battles, we don't pull out one or two Cities and fortresses, doesn’t that seem like we are too timid? This is also a shame for the title of vanguard general conferred by the emperor!”

"However, it is not so easy to conquer the strong and conquer the wild. There are many mountain cities in Goguryeo, and they are all very dangerous. , if you are besieged and cut off your way back, it will be over."

As a general who grew up in western Liaoning, Murong Changsheng had a better understanding of the situation of the Goguryeo people, so he reminded Wei Zheng.

Everyone wants merit, but if it is for merit, if you give yourself away abruptly, it won't be worth it.

Unexpectedly, Wei Zheng said with a chuckle.

"I also know this, but as long as we don't attack big city fortresses like Xincheng, Gaimu City, and Fuyu City, but instead attack a few smaller castles, there will be no problem."

"Small towns are not easy to fight, just like Tongding City. Roja led the first army back then, but it took several months to finally win." Yu Chiliang also reminded Wei Zheng that he always felt that this A skinny, black guy with a silly look.

But Luo Cheng listened, but his eyes lit up.

"Everyone, I already have a plan in my heart, take the map, and I will explain it to you in detail!"

 Thanks to Driver S, Book Burning Bug, Hu Headache, Cai Niao Laughing, Fatty Getting Married, Maple Leaf Ding Ding, Zhuang Qingyu, Melancholy and Indifferent Overlapping, dotphoenix for your rewards, thank you for your monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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