Chapter 304 Eight years of great cause
Tongding City.

Yu Wenhua and Tian Tian sent people to watch Luo Cheng's barracks, and finally waited for the envoy from Zhuo County.

"Let this damned bastard enjoy Huya Langjiang's addiction for a few days. It's worth dying after enjoying it." Yu Wenhuaji held the wine glass, drunk, but his eyes were shining brightly.

He, Yu Wenhuaji, suffered two big losses in his life. The first time was when the emperor was on a northern tour outside the Great Wall a few years ago. He was discovered by the emperor when he was smuggling arms with the Turkic people. He was demoted by the emperor to his own father as a slave. , almost lost his life, and was directly slapped twice by the emperor.

Besides, it was only this time that Luo Cheng's men beat him up outside Tongding City, and he was still beaten in front of so many people.

The emperor slapped him twice, he could only hold grudges in his heart and dare not speak out, but what kind of thing is Luo Cheng, to treat him as a son is to flatter him, how dare he humiliate him like this?
How dare a country farmer dare to bully his noble son?

If ordinary people dared to offend him like this, he would have ordered his men to rush forward and beat them to death with sticks.But this Luo Cheng, his mother is still a cheap and hard stinky bone.

In this place where the birds don't shit, his reputation as a frivolous son is actually useless.Although there were [-] town soldiers under his command, the little thief had [-] elite soldiers, not to mention that Li Jing and Luo Yi also helped him, and even Song Laosheng didn't buy him.

But now it's finally relieved.

Take a sip of fine wine, Yu Wenhua feels indescribably comfortable.

For two days in a row, Yu Wenhuaji was drinking and carnival.

Li Jiancheng came in with his arms hanging and his face dark.

"What's wrong, Dalang?"

"Haven't the county captain heard that Luo Yi and Li Jing each sent [-] soldiers to Luo Cheng, and now Luo Cheng has [-] fighting soldiers and [-] auxiliary soldiers?"

"There is such a thing?"

Yu Wenhuaji sat upright all of a sudden, wiped his eyes, "What's going on?"

"What else could it be? Luo Yi said that Luo Cheng was his heir, and Li Jing said that Luo Cheng was his protégé. Naturally, the two of them wanted to help out, so they each drew two thousand soldiers to Luo Cheng. Li Jing also sent two generals, Feng Xiaoci and Hou Mo and Chen Yi, to accompany Luo Cheng, and Luo Yi also sent two powerful generals, Murong Changsheng and Yu Chiliang."

Yu Wenhuaji's face darkened all of a sudden, he didn't count this after all his calculations.

"These two damn old men are too much."

He had forgotten that he had asked his father Yu Wenshu for help in his dispute with Luo Cheng, how could Luo Yi and Li Jing sit idly by?

"Unexpectedly, Luo Cheng, a thief, has a strong army. Dalang, do you think he will not die if he brings twelve thousand soldiers across the river?"

Li Jiancheng was also upset.

He didn't think about Luo Cheng that much, but he couldn't get used to Luo Cheng's arrogance.

"It depends on the situation. If Luo Cheng was ordered to cross the river and then kept swimming without fighting, it is not impossible for him to hang around for two or three months."

"Damn it." Yu Wenhuaji scolded, he didn't expect this possibility.

"No, I have to write to my father and ask Luo Cheng to lead his troops to attack one or two cities. Which one is better? Or the new city. It is said that there are more than [-] troops in the new city, and Luo Cheng has [-] troops." People are besieging Xincheng, a fortified city, and he will definitely not be able to defeat it, and he will have to lose troops under the city, and it is best to let the Goguryeo people surround and wipe out the city." Yu Huaji gritted his teeth.

The eighth year of Daye came in a heavy snowfall.

The upper and lower reaches of the Liaohe River had long been frozen, and a heavy snowfall turned the glacier into a winding snow dragon.

And on the morning of the first day of the first month of the eighth year of Daye when the snow was falling heavily, Luo Cheng led his vanguard army of [-] soldiers and [-] auxiliary soldiers to dispatch troops.

Wearing the seal of the pioneer general who conquered Liao Dynasty, riding the imperial BMW, wearing Shangfang armor and holding Shangfang lance.

Kan Leng held high the flag of the vanguard of the Liao Dynasty.

2 horses set off in a mighty way.

3000 people in the front compartment opened the way, 6000 people in the middle compartment guarded [-] heavy soldiers in the middle, and [-] infantry in the rear.

Both Li Jing and Luo Yi came to see them off.

"It's snowing heavily, this is not a good day to send troops." Luo Yi frowned.

Li Jing looked at the fierce general he had cultivated before, "The day to send troops is appointed by the emperor, and Luo Cheng has no choice. Fortunately, he has enough soldiers and food, and the big river is frozen, so it's okay to cross the river, just cross the river In the future, I am afraid that soldiers and horses will be difficult."

He intentionally said a few words to Luo Yi to resolve the estrangement between the two over the years, but Luo Yi just snorted and left with a cloak.

The angry Li Jing's beard was shaking wildly, and the handsome old man almost wanted to hack this madman to death with a knife.

The army passed by under Tongding City.

Yu Wenhuaji specially asked people to place a charcoal basin on the city gate tower, and surrounded it with screens and curtains. While admiring the snow, while drinking, he took a look at Luo Cheng's troops who were marching hard in the heavy snow.

But to his disappointment, the soldiers and horses were advancing in the snow, and they didn't show any low morale or inconvenience. On the contrary, they moved quickly.

"Well, what are those things, how do they slide on the snow?"

Li Jiancheng squinted his eyes to see, but didn't understand what it was.

Liaodong in the first month is covered with snow.

There is thick white snow on the ground, and the snow may be knee deep when you step down, making walking extremely inconvenient.Even the horses had a hard time going. Luo Cheng set out with 2 horses, and he had to bring armor and food. It would be very difficult to come.

But what Yu Wenhuaji saw was that these people walked very easily.

"What are those things? How come they seem to be able to slide on snow?"

Yu Wenhuaji didn't understand what those were, in fact they were just sleds and sledges made by Luo Cheng.

The soldiers stepped on simple wooden sleds and carried ski poles in their hands. Although they were carrying heavy things and wore thick winter clothes, it was very convenient to walk on the thick snow in this sled. It won't be a big hole with one foot.

The horses and pack horses of the infantry also had one or two or three sledges hanging behind them. The short and small sledges were loaded with supplies and armaments, and they also slid on the snow with ease, without much force on the horses.

In addition, this army of soldiers and horses, men and horses, and sleighs are all covered with white cloaks and white cloths. From a distance, they are actually integrated with the sky and the earth. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it.

It was precisely because of these rushed sleds and sledges that Luo Cheng only brought [-] auxiliary soldiers, not even civilian husbands.Tens of thousands of civilians were reduced to accompany the army, not only did not increase the burden of [-] auxiliary soldiers, but it was easier than usual.

The fourth child sits on a large sledge with a canopy on the outside and a small stove inside, so he can enjoy the warmth of the stove warmly without being hit by the wind and snow, and even find time to play games. nap.

"This thing is really cool. It has greatly increased our carrying capacity for carrying food and grass. It has saved at least [-] people, but we can still carry so much food and grass without taking [-] people. It also saves a lot of people's rations. Let the food we carry last longer."

Luo Cheng lay there, without opening his eyes, and said, "Not only that, but also greatly increased our marching speed. It turns out that in this kind of snowy march, the army can't travel forty miles a day, and they are tired and exhausted. But now , A hundred miles a day is not a problem, it is still very easy, and I have the energy to fight again."

The fourth child laughed and said, "Now I have more confidence in your plan."

(End of this chapter)

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