Chapter 401
blue sea, blue sky.

Bai Fan nodded.

The Marshal of the Navy, General You Yiwei, Hu'er, General of the Ninth Army of the Left, and Zhou Fashang, General of the Ninth Army of the Right, are leading [-] soldiers in hundreds of boats to brave the wind and waves.

On the island at the mouth of the Yalu River, a group of soldiers from the Left Fifth Army stood on the protruding island rock, looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally to the navy.

It's just that this navy didn't come from the north, but from the south.Although it was a little strange, Cheng Mingzhen was still very happy.

"Quick, quickly light the woodpile to make a fire and smoke."

As a man from Hebei, Cheng Mingzhen dislikes the life on this island very much, and he is very lonely in the wind and sun every day.For a while, they thought they would never see the Navy's boat, and it had been a long time since someone from Dahang City came to pick them up.

Apart from taking turns to stand on the tor and watch the sea every day, this team can only chop trees, catch fish and cook.

The tall firewood pile burned quickly. In order to let the fleet at sea see clearly, Cheng Mingzhen led people to cut down a lot of fresh branches and set it up, so the fire pile turned into a smoke pile.

White smoke curled up, rising higher and higher.

The smoke pile here finally attracted Hai Hai's attention.

Several boats were coming here, and the boats were put down on the boats.

"We are our own people, our own people."

Cheng Mingzhen raised high the red flag of the Fifth Left Army and waved it vigorously.

The bright red military flag is very conspicuous, especially the Chinese characters on it.

The sailors who got off the boat were cautious at first, but when they saw the flag, they finally relaxed their vigilance, "It's our own."

"It says on the flag that it belongs to the Fifth Army's Supplies Regiment, why did they come to this island?"

"Go up and ask and you'll know."

The two teams finally met.

"Hey, brother, I'm from the supply battalion of the Fifth Left Army. My name is Cheng Mingzhen, and I'm from Hebei."

The all-too-familiar Chinese in the Central Plains removed the last bit of vigilance of the navy soldiers.

"Hi brother, we are from the Navy. Didn't your Left Fifth Army defeat Pyongyang? How did you get here? Could it be that the ship capsized from the Yalu River and then drifted down the river to this island?" A person from Jianghuai asked the navy soldier.

It is said that when the Sui Dynasty destroyed the Chen Dynasty, a warship of the Sui Army encountered Jiangwu at the mouth of the Yangtze River, lost its direction and drifted to the sea, and finally drifted to Baekje.Then Baekje saw that they were from the Great Sui Dynasty of the Central Plains, and entertained them with delicious food and drinks, and finally sent them back to the country.

Cheng Mingzhen stepped forward and hugged the leader, who was so moved that he almost shed tears.

"Brother, if you don't come, we will really have to go across the ocean to find you with a plank in our arms."

After some narration, the navy brothers were surprised to learn that it turned out that only the Eighth Army was defeated under the city of Pyongyang, and the Left Fifth Army did not defeat Pyongyang.These brothers didn't come here on a capsized boat on the Yalu River. They had been waiting for the navy on this island for a long time.

"The Fifth Left Army is undefeated?"

On a large boat, Lai Hu'er saw Cheng Mingzhen who was being taken aboard, and also heard news that surprised him.

"Well, General Luo led our Left Fifth Army and Eighth Army to separate and act alone. He first went down to the mouth of the Yalu River to capture Dahang City, and let General Song Ya and Yan Shoujiang lead 1 people to stay behind before going south. only later..."

Hearing that Dahang City is currently guarded by [-] left and five armies led by Song Laosheng, and tens of thousands of defeated troops led by Yu Zhongwen and others have entered the city. Not the Ninth Army, but the Eighth Army.

The Left Fifth Army led by Luo Cheng not only captured Dahang City first, but also defeated Gao Jianwu's tens of thousands of troops in Sashui. A big victory.

"You mean, now the Marquis of Xiangyang is heading towards Pyongyang with 2 troops?"

"They have already killed and gone to Pyongyang, and now they may have already taken Pyongyang."

Now Hu'er couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

He brought the last [-] main force of the navy to the mouth of the Yalu River to save Dahang City, but Luo Cheng led [-] soldiers to Pyongyang City, still looking for the navy, hoping to join the navy. .

"What should we do now?"

Zhou Fashang also said helplessly, "According to the time, it has been more than half a month since Luo Cheng went south from Sashui."

"Do you think Luo Cheng can break Pyongyang?" Lai Huer asked. When Luo Cheng attacked Pyongyang, the city of Pyongyang was indeed empty, with only a few thousand guards.

"Not necessarily, the Goguryeo people are not weak, and Pyongyang's city is strong, especially the outer city and the inner city Miyagi. Even if Luo Cheng can take down the first division, as long as he can't take the inner city Miyagi, it doesn't mean much."

"Let's go to Dahang City to clear the siege first." Lai Huer thought for a while, since he had already arrived at the mouth of the Yalu River, there was no reason to turn around and go back.

But when Lai Huer led the fleet into the Yalu River and came to the vicinity of Dahang City, he found that there was no Goguryeo army besieging the city, only a small number of soldiers and horses were watching Dahang City from a distance. The division fleet arrived and withdrew immediately.

The navy docks.

The gate of Dahang City opened.

Yu Zhongwen, Xue Shixiong, Song Laosheng and others went out of the city to meet them, and Lai Hu'er and Zhou Fashang also led the navy to meet them.

When the two meet, they can't help but feel like an afterlife.

"How did you come here?"

Yu Zhongwen and Lai Hu'er said the same thing almost in unison.

"It's a long story." Lai nurse let out a long sigh.

"Yes." Yu Zhongwen also sighed.

Yan Pi asked anxiously, "Have you met Luo Cheng in Laishai?" Although he hated Luo Cheng in his heart, but after all, his daughter was pregnant with Luo Cheng's son.

"Before I was defeated in Pyongyang, I retreated to Beijiangkou, and sent scouts to inquire about the news of the Ninth Army near Pyongyang, but only heard the news of the defeat of the Ninth Army. In order to prevent the Goguryeo Army from attacking the navy, I had to lead the army back to Beijiangkou. It is a big island waiting for the navy to follow up."

"Not long ago, I heard that there were tens of thousands of troops from Da Sui in Dahang City, so I came here with [-] main forces. Unexpectedly, the Marquis of Xiangyang actually killed Pyongyang."

Another miss.

"Don't you have any news about the Marquis of Xiangyang?" Lai Nuer asked.

Yu Zhongwen shook his head, "Before Gao Jianwu led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to besiege Dahang City day and night, we were trapped in the city and could not get outside. It was only yesterday that Gao Jianwu led his troops to leave. We were surprised, but you said you came .Could it be that Gao Jianwu knew you were coming, so he escaped from the siege?"

"Impossible?" Lai Huer shook her head, "Maybe they went to Pyongyang?"

"But earlier, Ulji Moondeok had left under Dahang Castle with tens of thousands of soldiers, and he probably rushed to Pyongyang."

These generals also looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't know what was going on outside, let alone where that Xiangyang Marquis Luo Cheng was now, whether he captured Pyongyang City, was surrounded by Pyongyang City, or something else?

(End of this chapter)

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