Chapter 402

Bei Jiangkou.

The camp where the soldiers who came to guard children settled down after their defeat is now the camp of the Fifth Left Army.

Hundreds of thousands of Goguryeo young and strong men brought in countless money, food, cloth and military equipment. In a short period of time, they rammed earth into walls, dug ditches into rivers, and built a city with a circumference of six miles at the mouth of the river.

There are many enemy towers on the city wall, and there are many archery towers in the city.

One side is the river, the other side is the sea, and the front is a wide plain.

Although the Fifth Zuo Army had cities, food, armaments, and money, they were still in danger. After all, they couldn't find a friendly army in all directions.

"Where did the motherfucker come to protect her?"

The fourth child scolded angrily.

Luo Cheng, who was standing on the tower, also wanted to curse, but as the commander of the first army, he knew that if he couldn't hold back and cursed, it would only make other soldiers more anxious.He could only pretend to be aloof, as if everything was within his plan.

"Fifth Brother, Ulchi can't bear it any longer. He led his troops to overwhelm us. With 5 horses, we are only ten miles away. He has already set up his formation and seems to want to fight us."

Luo Cheng knew that the one coming opposite was Eulji Ieyasu, the son of Ulji Wendeok. It was said that the eldest son of Ulji Wendeok was very capable in fighting, very brave, and had a bit of his father's demeanor.But after all, he's only in his early thirties, Luo Cheng won't believe how good he is.

"I don't know where Ulji Wende has gone. If he comes in person, we can go to him and avenge the defeat of the Eighth Army."

In the final battle, the Sui army had no way to retreat. Facing the overwhelming Koguryo army, everyone remained calm.One is that the Goguryeo army has only [-] troops, and the other is that there is no way to retreat anyway, just fight them.Moreover, the camp city that the Fifth Left Army urged Goguryeo young and strong to rush to build these days is not indestructible, but it is always good to have a city to rely on.

"If Wende came personally, he would definitely not fight with us here. At most, he would choose to encircle rather than attack."

"Why?" Wang Tiehan from Baima Yicong asked.

"Because although we are backed by the sea and seem to have nowhere to retreat, in fact, Beijiang and the sea have become two barriers for us. It is impossible for the Goguryeo to attack us from our back and the side near the sea, so we don't have to Worry about the enemy."

"Besides, we are defending the city and fighting, and we have enough supplies and weapons. Are we afraid that they will attack the city?"

Wang Tiehan chuckled, "But since we have enough food and equipment, why do we still say that besieging rather than attacking is the best policy?"

"No matter how much food and equipment we have, we are still a lone army. We are still alone on an overseas peninsula thousands of miles away. As long as we drag it on, winter will come immediately. At that time, let alone land or sea, we will not be able to send reinforcements. Wouldn't it be a better time for them to fight calmly when there is no help in winter and spring?"


Undoubtedly, that little General Ulji would not have thought about such a long-term, or he could have thought about it, but he just didn't want to wait.Facing the more than 1 Sui troops who razed Pyongyang and captured the king alive, he wished to annihilate them immediately.

Fifty thousand against more than ten thousand, Xiao Yizhi seems to feel that he has a great chance of winning.

Standing on the tower, the distance of ten miles is actually not that far. On the Jiangkou Plain of Yimapingchuan, densely packed black spots gathered.

"Get ready to fight."

Luo Cheng ordered.

Siye came over, "Have you considered what to do next?"

"I have sent people looking for sailors along the coast. I don't believe that the sailors who came to protect more than [-] people disappeared without a trace. As long as we can find them, we can go back by boat." Central Plains."

"Go back to the Central Plains? Can't we join the navy to counterattack? We have already razed Pyongyang. With the cooperation of the navy, it is not difficult to gain a foothold here, right?"

"It doesn't make sense." Luo Cheng shook his head.

At the beginning, Luo Cheng made up his mind to raz Pyongyang and then retreat instead of sticking to Pyongyang. The biggest reason was that after the defeat of the Eighth Army, it was impossible to get reinforcements from the land direction.

Relying solely on the navy will also face a huge problem, that is, winter is coming soon. Although the navy comes from the sea, the coastline of the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea will freeze in winter. Relying on the navy that sails along the coastline However, it is not easy to come to Pyongyang. We have to rely on monsoon sailing and avoid the winter freezing period.

When winter comes, the land is impassable, but they still stay on the Korean peninsula. No matter how strong the city is, they will eventually face the crazy counterattack of the Goguryeo people, and they have no reinforcements at all.

No one wants to face this situation.

So when the Eighth Army was defeated, although Luo Cheng went to Pyongyang, he was actually just looking for the best retreat plan.He never thought that he would have to rely on his own strength to save the defeat of this expedition to Liao.

Whether or not to capture Pyongyang is actually in the interests of the overall situation.

Even if Pyongyang was broken and Gao Yuan captured, it was just to make the failure of the Eastern Expedition look a little better and to earn some face for Yang Guang.

If it is not the Sui Dynasty, but the Song and Ming Dynasties, then maybe it will be different.After all, navigation technology and shipbuilding technology have made great progress by that time. The direct flight from Dongnae to Pyongyang is actually only two or three days. You can sail in the deep sea even without relying on the monsoon, in time for the winter to freeze. Before now, a large number of soldiers and horses can still be transported in a steady stream to supplement reinforcements, so that it is possible to truly survive the long winter and spring.

But not now.

The key point of Duan Wenzhen's original plan for the emperor was to advance both land and water. The navy and the Nine Armies by sea would converge under Pyongyang, break through Pyongyang and occupy it, and then sweep the surrounding area, relying on the fortified city of Pyongyang, and then seize food supplies on the spot. Army, so hundreds of thousands of troops, can completely wipe out the south of the Yalu River before winter, even if there are a few strongholds left, there is no need to worry.

And if Pyongyang is broken, the defense of Goguryeo in Liaodong will face the dilemma of being attacked from both sides.

It's just a good idea, but it's too difficult to operate.

Mistakes in one place, mistakes everywhere, and finally a chain reaction, collapse.

"Where is the navy?" Siye couldn't help but sigh.According to brother Luo Cheng's plan, it is impossible for them to stay here, but if they can't find the navy, they can't go home.

"We can only continue to search. If it doesn't work, we can only go south all the way to Baekje or Silla for shelter. But I don't want to go south unless it is absolutely necessary."

The fourth child leaned over and said, "Who wants to go south again? We brought so much money and materials from Pyongyang, so we can't just throw them here, can we? I worked hard to grab these."

"The Goguryeos are attacking!"

Someone shouted in the distance.

The horns sounded on the plain, accompanied by the sound of war drums. Sure enough, the Goguryeo people couldn't help launching the siege.

Countless Goguryeo people surrounded them like ants.

Luo Cheng just watched coldly, not panicking at all.

Although I am already a little tired of such meaningless battles, since they are coming to siege, let's fight.

(End of this chapter)

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