Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 410 Dead and Resurrected

Chapter 410 Dead and Resurrected (Add more rewards for King Dawu!)
The sixth one is here!

Yang Guang held a grand funeral for Luo Cheng outside Xiangping City. Yu Wenshu and others knelt down to offer sacrifices, and all the officials wept.

After the funeral, the emperor drove back. The emperor took hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians for hundreds of miles, from Xiangping via Huaiyuan, to Luhe Town and then back to Liucheng.

As soon as the car driver arrived at Liucheng County, an envoy who went to Dahang City to announce the decree arrived with a good report.

"Luo Cheng broke through Pyongyang and captured Gao Yuan alive?"

"Luo Cheng returns to the division to fight again, destroying the [-] troops of Ulchi Ieyasu, and occupying Pyongyang again?"

What is this with what?
Yang Guang was a little confused, but upon closer inspection, it was indeed the letter from the official sent to Dahang City to deliver the imperial edict, and the person who sent the letter also went with him before.

"General Luo has brought [-] soldiers from the Fifth Army and returned on a navy ship. I have been ordered to take the first step to report the victory."

"Did you see Luo Cheng with your own eyes?" Yang Guang asked, his eyes sparkling.

How could the little official usually have the opportunity to meet the emperor so close, he was so frightened by the emperor's eyes that he didn't dare to lift his head, and his whole body was almost prostrate on the ground.

"Weichen met General Luo on Baengling Island outside Beijiangkou. At that time, after he broke through Pyongyang and captured Gao Yuan alive, he destroyed Pyongyang City and abandoned the city to go south. The [-] Goguryeo army retreated to Bailing Island in the sea of ​​Jiangkou after a battle..."

The man stuttered at first, but he became fluent after a while.

After all, he has been to Pyongyang and met Luo Cheng, and he has a better understanding of Luo Cheng's battle experience in Pyongyang led by the Left Fifth Army. Now, he is talking about it, which is much clearer than the few words on the messenger's victory report. .

"Tell me again, in more detail, starting with Luo Cheng leading his troops to make an emergency landing in the new city and going eastward, and explain every detail clearly." Yang Guang's chest heaved violently in excitement.

The messenger then swallowed his saliva and continued to speak.

In fact, a lot of what he said was not what he personally experienced and saw with his own eyes, but more of what he heard from the soldiers of Luo Chengzuo's Fifth Army when he was on Bailing Island. Some of the content was naturally exaggerated. , but it is generally true.

The Koguryo defenders who were scared by the domestic city did not dare to leave the city, and the Yalu River distributed food to the Eighth Army. After discussing with Yu Zhongwen and others, they acted alone.

Then it was the capture of Dahang City, Sashui raided Gao Jianwu, and then returned to Pyongyang with a shot, captured Gao Yuan alive, then demolished Pyongyang, and then built an earthen city at the mouth of the Beijiang River. Annihilating [-] soldiers and horses of Yizhi Jiakang, chasing and killing all the way back to Pyongyang, and captured [-] Pyongyang Goguryeo people.

Pile by piece.

Under the vivid narration of the little official, Yang Guang was full of passion, as if he had become a member of the Fifth Army of the Left, following Luo Cheng thousands of miles into the march, going deep alone, attacking left and killing right, unstoppable.

The miraculous feat of breaking the enemy's country and capturing the thief king is so yearning.

Comparing with the other armies, apart from Li Jing and Luo Yi's good records, none of the others lost their troops and lost their generals.But Luo Cheng, with 3 horses, fought for so long, traveled thousands of miles, attacked cities and destroyed countless enemies, but now he still brought back [-], and in Dahang City, there are still [-].

In other words, after fighting so many battles, the Fifth Left Army still has 5000 men, and a total loss of only 8000 men.Even if the little official told him that Luo Cheng's Fifth Left Army had a total of 4 people, in addition to the original 7000 people, there were nearly [-] people who were supplemented by tribal soldiers in Xuantu, Xincheng.But even so, it's pretty amazing.


Yang Guang couldn't help but slapped his thigh hard, very loudly.


Pei Yun over there couldn't help but wink a little bit. Luo Cheng had just been crowned King of Liao and given the posthumous title Zhongwu. In a blink of an eye, not only did Luo Cheng not die, but he even broke the country and captured the enemy's king. He fought thousands of miles and wiped out countless enemies. There are [-] left in the Left Five Army?
It's a little embarrassing now.

The Zhongwuwang Temple outside Xiangping City, the thirteen-story Yiguan Pagoda, this?

Yang Guang seemed to have finally realized what happened this time, and couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

Luo Cheng is not dead yet, so it's really inappropriate to hold a funeral here.

"Immediately send someone to Xiangping to change Luo Cheng's tomb. As for the Temple of King Zhongwu, it will be renamed the Temple of the White Tiger God of War."

Luo Cheng is not dead yet, so the posthumous title is naturally impossible to mention.

"Your Majesty, is the King of Liao chasing after you?"

Yang Guang frowned, he was dead, and Yang Guang was not reluctant to be crowned king, and the Eastern Expedition was defeated, and it was really necessary to borrow a dead general like Luo Chengxin Shixiong to divert the attention of the world, but now Luo Cheng If he is not dead, the king can't give it randomly.

"Is it decreed to withdraw the royal edict?"

It is necessary to take it back, but it is not appropriate to just take it back. After all, Luo Cheng has also made such a great contribution, but the title of king is indeed far from enough.

"Confer the title of duke." Yang Guang thought for a while and said.

Originally, the Luo family already had a Duke of Yan and a Marquis of Xiangyang, so it was unlikely that they could be easily added to the ranks. However, Luo Chengcheng was crowned king before, and now that he is not dead, he has made such great achievements. .

In the end, Yang Guang had no choice but to grit his teeth and give a duke with distress.

"What title?"

Before Luo Cheng was granted the title of King of Liao, it seems inappropriate to change it to Duke of Liao now. Yang Guang intends to transfer the title of Duke of Xu from Yu Wenshu or Duke of Rong from Laihuer to Luo Cheng, but he feels that It seems to be complaining to Luo Cheng.

"What title do you think is appropriate?"

Pei Yun thought for a while, "Luo Cheng's ancestral home is Xiangyang, but he was born and raised in Qi County, why don't he be named Duke of Qi?"

"Okay, I will bestow Duke Qi, three thousand households in Shiyi, and three hundred households in real seals."

"Do you want to downgrade the rank of Guanglu doctor who was conferred before?"

Doctor Guanglu is one rank lower than Kaifu Yitong Sansi, the highest rank.

Yang Guang thought for a while, the title has been lowered, so there is no need to lower the loose rank, after all, the loose rank is not worth anything, it is just a false rank.

"It's fine if you're casual."

"Send someone to announce the decree to Luo Cheng, granting him the Duke of Qi, granting 3000 households of [-] households in Shiyi, [-] taels of gold, and [-] Goguryeo slaves."

After a pause, the emperor asked again, "Where is Luo Cheng now?"

"Take a naval ship and return to the Donglai Navy Camp first through the Miaodao Islands."

"Then order Luo Cheng to inspect the school, the prefect of Donglai County, to take over the guard and take charge of the Donglai Navy, and be responsible for the dissolution of the navy."

"By the way, Jin Luo became the general of Zuo Yiwei's family."

The left and right guards are also the original left and right guards. These two guards have a special status among the twelve guards. They are specially in charge of the guards. The left and right generals are in charge of the guard camp soldiers.

At the time of Daye, Yang Guang changed the left and right guards to the left and right guards, and the sergeants he led were called Xiaoqi.

The guards in charge of the palace, the forbidden house, and the three guards in charge of the five mansions, are the three guards of the pro-guard Xun Wei and Yi Wei. The mansion of the pro-guard is called the Qin Mansion. Each government has a Zhonglang general, and the left and right Lang generals will be in charge of the school lieutenants and brigade commanders who will serve as the guards.

General Zhonglang is actually only the fourth rank, comparable to General Huben Lang, but the Zhonglang Generals of the five mansions around Yiwei are not ordinary, because the Zhonglang Generals of the Five Mansions are in charge of the guards of each guard mansion, and they are the commanders of the guards.

Regardless of the seemingly low grade, under the Weifu military system of the Sui Dynasty, whether it is a general or a general, in fact, they cannot directly command the army at ordinary times. In fact, in the capital city, they just sit in the yamen and drink tea. However, it is the generals of the five mansions who really command the imperial guards of the capital.

The two guards of Zuo Yiwei are in charge of the guards of the capital and Miyagi, and the five houses of Zuo Yiwei are directly in charge of the guards. Therefore, the real guards around the capital and the emperor are actually these five Zhonglang Will.

The emperor granted Luo to become Zuo Yiwei's personal guard Zhonglang General. The rank of the military did not rise, but the level of trust soared directly. Luo Cheng directly became one of the five commanders of the Imperial Army.

"Let Luo Cheng come to Luoyang to face the saint after disposing of the navy in Donglai. I want to meet this brave major general in person."

The emperor also sent someone to Donglai to bring Gao Yuan and his officials to meet him.

 Thank you King Dawu for the three rewards, one chapter will be added first, and the remaining two chapters will be added tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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