Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 411 Eldest Son Luo Changqing

Chapter 411 Eldest Son Luo Changqing
The seventh update, thank you for the [-] reward from the leader of Qingyi Chasing Light, add one chapter first, and add the remaining four chapters later.

The eastern capital of Luoyang.


Jin Garden is a Befu in the south of Luoyang City between Qibulang Yanbi and Qingdu Gongfu in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. It was designed by the contemporary architect Yu Wenkai. After the completion of the garden, it is very beautiful and has the elegance of the south of the Yangtze River.

This was originally the place where the princess of Qingdu often came to live for a while, and the princess often entertained many noble ladies in Luoyang here.But this year, Jinyuan has been closed and no longer entertains outsiders.

"Put hard, fast. Grit your teeth, don't open your mouth, you will lose your breath when you open your mouth."

In a small courtyard deep in Jinyuan, several experienced midwives were surrounding a young beauty with a big man's head, teaching her how to exert force.

The surrounded woman was sweating profusely, wearing a light shirt, squatting on a bucket, her teeth clenched.

But after spending a long time, the child still didn't show up.

"It's already in the pelvis, and the fetal position is also correct. It's fine to use force. Hurry up, the baby can't hold back in the birth canal for a long time."

Several midwives were running around in a hurry, and Princess Qingdu, who was watching from the side, was even more anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

"Jin'er, use your strength."

Lady Pi's boudoir name is Jin'er, also known as Jinniang, but at this moment she couldn't help but yell at her.

"Luo Cheng, you bastard, where are you?"

"Stop scolding, save some energy to have a baby, and you can scold as much as you want after giving birth."

Yan Jin was already powerless, "I want to lie down."

"You can't lie down when you give birth, you have to stand up or sit down, and you don't have to use your strength when lying down. Princess, let me prepare the ginseng soup before, and quickly serve it to drink some energy."

The princess saw that her daughter had been in pain for five or six hours, and it had been more than half an hour since the birth began, and she was already flustered before she was born, so she hurriedly said, "Yes, ginseng soup, ginseng soup, it has been prepared a long time ago, hurry up Serve the ginseng soup."

The ginseng soup was served, and the princess fed it to her daughter herself, and wiped her sweat while feeding it.

After taking two sips, he quickly took it away, "Use your energy now, use your strength."

Seeing her daughter gnashing her teeth and exhausting all her strength, the princess was very heartbroken. "Luo Cheng, the one who received a thousand knives, if I were to meet him, I would definitely scratch him until his face was covered in blood."

"Daughter, you were obsessed with finding him back then, where do you think he is now?"

"Strength, and more force!"

"It's coming out, the head is coming out a little bit, keep pushing harder, don't stop, keep pushing hard and keep pushing hard."

"Ah, come out."

Seeing that the head had been exposed, the experienced midwife reached out and grabbed it, and pulled the baby out with a sharp jerk.


The baby was born and finally let out a loud cry.

"Is it a man or a woman?" the princess asked quickly.

"Congratulations princess, it's Nongzhang's joy."

The princess wiped off her daughter's sweat, "Daughter, it's a boy."

At this time, Aunt Yan was already exhausted and collapsed. After hearing this, she just nodded, "Hold me and have a look."

The midwife cut the umbilical cord, quickly wiped the baby's body with hot water, and swaddled it.

The newborn baby was wrinkled all over, and his face was also wrinkled and flushed, "Wow, what a strong child, at least seven or eight catties."

"I just weighed it, and it's about seven catties."

"Wow, so strong."

Several midwives exclaimed in unison, the child is born big, which means it is easy to grow up.

The princess took the child and held it in front of Aunt Yan, "Look."

Aunt Yan reached out to touch the baby, and the crying baby stopped crying, and her eyes rolled wildly, as if she was looking for a mother with a flesh-and-blood relationship.

"The child is just born, and I still can't see people clearly."

"Mom, he knows it's me, he knows I'm his mother, look how much this child looks like Luo Cheng."

Princess Qingdu sighed, "What's the use of it, my father died before he was born."

Aunt Yan just touched the child's face, "Luo Cheng, you bastard, did you see this, this is your son, I gave birth to a son for you, look how much he looks like you, go away at ease, I'll leave it to you."

"Changqing, when you grow up, don't learn from your father."

The princess looked at the two women, couldn't help crying, turned her head and left the room.

A maid came running in.


"Why are you panicking, don't you know that the aunt is giving birth inside?"

"Princess, it's good news, great news, the news just came that our Alang has been promoted, and Alang has been promoted by His Majesty to be the servant of the Ministry of Industry."

"Oh." The princess was not overly happy.

"There is another piece of good news about Luocheng, the Marquis of Xiangyang. He is not dead yet. His Majesty just issued a decree to change Luo to be the Duke of Qi, the prefect of Donglai County who inspected the school, and also knew all the military forces of the Donglai Navy. General Yiwei's family."

'Ah, Luo Cheng is alive again? "

"Princess, it was Luo Yuan who never died. Not only did he not commit suicide under the city of Pyongyang, he also broke through Pyongyang, captured the king of Goguryeo alive, and defeated tens of thousands of Goguryeo people in Pyongyang. Now he has returned to the Central Plains on a navy ship. gone."

Princess Qingdu was in a daze.

"This bastard is really big."

After being surprised, she quickly turned around and opened the door to enter the delivery room.

"Daughter, aunt, good news, that bastard Luo Cheng is not dead yet, he is alive again."

Lady Yan was lying on the bed at this time, beside her son Luo Changqing who didn't cry.

"Mother, Luo Cheng is dead, and His Majesty has named him the King of Liao, and his posthumous title is Zhongwu. Don't worry, my daughter can think about it. Now that I have Changqing, my daughter won't be hard to think about. For the rest of my life, I will definitely give Chang You raised him up."

"Daughter, mother didn't lie to you, Luo Chengzhen came back to life again. He didn't kill himself under the city of Pyongyang, he also broke through Pyongyang and made great achievements. Now he has returned to Dongnae. He has just been named Duke of Qi by His Majesty. The prefect."

Madam Yan raised her head, her eyes slowly glowing.

"Mom, you won't lie to me?"

"What do I lie to you about such a thing?"

Lady Yan suddenly burst into tears. The childbirth was imminent, but she suddenly received the news that the child's father had died in battle. Lady Yan fainted on the spot, and finally accepted the news. For the sake of the child, she tried her best to suppress her grief.

Nine deaths, and finally gave birth to the child.

Unexpectedly, now it is said that Luo Cheng is still alive.

"Luo Cheng, you bastard."

"Stop scolding, it's good that you're still alive. I'll send someone to Donglai to find Luo Cheng and tell him the news of your birth." Princess Qingdu said with red eyes, "That bastard, it's so easy to be a father. Ask him to come and see you two."

"Mother, forget it."

Lady Yan suddenly stopped crying.

"Mother, I want my child to have my surname Yan, can I call him Yan Changqing?"

"What's wrong daughter?"

"He is still alive, Zhangqiu of Qi County has a wife, and Li Sanniang, the prostitute of Tang Guogong's mansion, promised him to be a concubine. He is still so young with a wife and a concubine, and there will definitely be no shortage of children in the future. There is no need for this child to be surnamed Luo. "

 PS: The Dawu King owes two shifts, the leader of Qingyi Chasing Light owes four shifts, and still owes six shifts, which will be made up later!Thank you all for your rewards, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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