Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 412 Luo Cheng's Troubles

Chapter 412 Luo Cheng's Troubles
The fourth child fished for a long time without catching anything, and finally exhausted his patience, he pulled up the rod and threw it aside, not bothering to bother about it anymore.

"Old five, I said why do you hold your breath so heavily, you can sit for half a day in one sitting."

"Only by holding your breath can you catch fish. You see, I caught a big bucket of fish for a long time, but you didn't catch a single fish for a long time. Only by being lonely can you get the harvest." Luo Cheng lifted the pole again with a smile, A sea fish weighing about a few kilograms was jumping, but it was still lifted to the deck.

Xiao Liu jumped on it with a smile and grabbed the fish. Although the fish was very slippery, he couldn't struggle in Xiao Liu's hands.Xiao Liu took off the hook and threw the fish far into the bucket.

Another fish was added to the bucket.

"Old Five, I really didn't expect that so many people thought we would lose under the city of Pyongyang. What's more, His Majesty the Emperor actually gave you such honor after death. King, you are not as good as you Just die under the city of Pyongyang, it is impossible for you to be crowned king in your lifetime, let alone the posthumous title of Zhongwu."

The fourth son said in a flustered voice, "It's worth changing to another king after you die. It just so happens that you don't have any descendants, so my son will inherit the Liao king position."

"It's beautiful to think, even if I have no descendants, your son is still your son. If your son inherits my title, then he will be my stepson, and he will no longer be your son in the genealogy. Are you willing? "

"What are you reluctant to do, Feng Wang."

"You are willing to let him be my stepson, but you can't be crowned king." Luo Cheng threw another pole, he can be crowned king after death, but how can he be crowned king if he is alive with a different surname?Think about how much work Yang Su did back then?It's not just that the title was changed from Duke of Yue to Duke of Chu.

If Luo Cheng is crowned king after his death, even if his fourth son succeeds him, he will definitely be demoted to the rank of Duke. He may not even be crowned a Duke, and it would be great to be a Marquis of Xiangyang.

"That's right, but you are really lucky. When you came out of Zhangqiu's hometown, you were only the eighth-rank Sima of Changbai Mansion. Now you are all his mother's Duke of Qi. I worked so hard that I didn't even get a noble. "

Luo Cheng just smiled.

Since Daye, the title of Great Sui has not been as good as before.In the past, among the aristocratic families in Guanlong, especially the top aristocrats like the Eight Pillars Country, which one didn't have seven or eight dukes, and there were as many princes as dogs.

But now, the title is only the third class of princes and princes, so it is very difficult to confer a title.

The Luo family now has two Dukes of one family, one Duke of Yan and one Duke of Qi. Those are all special cases, and they belong to the only one in the scorpion's shit.

If it hadn't been for an oolong before, the emperor thought that Luo Cheng had died in the battle in Liaodong, so he would have conferred the posthumous posthumous title of King of Liao Zhongwu. Based on Luo Cheng's military exploits, it is actually impossible to confer the title of duke.

After all, the Luo family already had a Duke of Yan. Even if he made meritorious service, the emperor would not be able to give Luo Cheng another Duke out of balance.

But now, in order to put an end to that oolong, and at the same time to completely boost the morale of the soldiers and civilians after the failure of the Eastern Expedition, the emperor once again made an exception and gave Luo Cheng a duke.

Luo Cheng was sitting on the deck with a pole in his hand, but his mind was not on fishing.

What he thought more about was what he would do after returning from the Eastern Expedition.

Doctor Guanglu, General Zhonglang of Zuo Yiwei's relative's house, the prefect of Donglai who inspected the school and knew all the military forces of the Donglai Navy, and Luo Cheng, the Duke of Qi.

The name is getting louder and louder, and the title is high.

It's just that after the failure of the Eastern Expedition this time, even if Yang Guang intends to conquer Goguryeo again, it is unlikely that he will fight again in two or three years. After all, this time he lost almost 40 troops, which was a serious injury to the Sui Army. vitality.

And the turmoil in the Central Plains is getting bigger and bigger.

He also knows the part-time job of the various military forces of the Donglai Navy. It seems that he can command hundreds of thousands of sailors and sailors in Donglai. He and the sailors and civilians will be dismissed and return to their hometowns. Once the soldiers leave, it is natural that all the military forces of the navy are just empty titles.

On the contrary, the two positions of inspector Donglai prefect and Zuo Yiwei's relative Zhonglang are worth pondering.

One is a local feudal official, and Donglai County is located at the easternmost tip of the Shandong Peninsula. There is Penglai Port, the largest port in the north of the Sui Dynasty, and there is also a naval camp that has sailors stationed all year round.

Because of this port, although Dongnai County is located in the easternmost part of Henan Province, it is still quite wealthy, especially when the troubled times are approaching. Phnom Penh Yinjiao, Donglai is backed by the sea, and there are mountains such as Taishan and Yimeng as screens in the west. , is indeed a very good base.

It's good to stay in Donglai as the prefect and still take care of my hometown in Qi County.

However, the emperor granted him the title of Zhonglang General of Zuo Yiwei's family, which is the position of commander of the imperial army.

In fact, there were more than five Zhonglang generals in the Sui Dynasty. The twelve guards and four mansions, except for the four mansions that did not command foreign troops, and in the twelve guards, except Zuoyi, there were five Zhonglang generals, and each of the other ten guards also had a Zhonglang general. Lang generals, but these Zhonglang generals are only responsible for commanding the soldiers who come to Beijing to join the guards.

And these Zhonglang generals, and the soldiers of the guards under their command, must obey the orders of Zuoyi Wu Zhonglang, who has the servants of the imperial guards.

Under the entire Weifu system, during non-war times, the generals and generals of each guard are actually false titles. In the capital, it is these Zhonglang generals who are really in charge of the troops, a total of more than ten Zhonglang generals.

Among these Zhonglang generals, Zhonglang will be the one with the most authority in Yiwu Mansion.

Luo Cheng was awarded the title of Zhonglang General of Zuo Yiwei's relative's family. This is the commander of the forbidden soldiers by the emperor's side, but now he also has the post of inspector Donglai prefect. It is not known which position he will actually hold in the end.

But no matter which one you hold, it is impossible to hold both positions at the same time.

In fact, Luo Cheng is more willing to be the prefect of Donglai in his heart, but he also feels that the word "inspection school" is added before the prefect, which means temporary agent. Still have to go to Beijing to be the commander of the imperial army.

"I'll be away from home for two years soon, and I don't know if my home is okay?"

The fourth child folded his arms, "My son will probably run away."

Xiao Liu looked at Luo Chengdao, "Fifth brother, Lady Yan probably gave birth too, but I don't know if it will be a boy or a girl. Fifth brother, when we go home this time, will you pick up Lady Yan?"

The fourth child gleefully said, "When the fifth child returns home, he still doesn't know how the fifth sibling will quarrel with him. After two years away from home, he has a concubine, an illegitimate child, and a concubine over there. Haha, with the temperament of the fifth sibling, there must be a quarrel, and some of the fifth brother will have a headache."

Luo Cheng smiled wryly.

"The same thing happened in the Li family. It was repeated over and over again. Before, it was said that Li Sanniang married third brother, and Li Siniang married me. Now it is said that Li Sanniang married me. I don't know what it is. Third brother, don't you Will you be angry?"

The third son, Siye, was staring at the sea in a daze. He didn't turn back when he heard it, but said calmly, "Anyway, I haven't even seen Li Sanniang and Li Siniang's face. I didn't mean this matter at first. Let them do what they want. Now Since Li Sanniang is willing to be Xiaowu's concubine, let them do it, I have no objection, let alone get angry, our own brothers, why are there so many things."

Luo Cheng shook his head, "Uncle didn't ask our brother what happened before and after, so it's quite messy."

(End of this chapter)

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