Chapter 431 Shadow Guard


Li Mi snapped the fishing rod in half.

"I still underestimated Luo Cheng."

After getting angry, Li Mi's face was as gloomy as water, "Let's go to Pingyuan County, Hebei."

Wang Bodang also didn't expect that 300 dead soldiers ambushed and attacked Luo Cheng's [-] men, and the result was that the entire army was wiped out, and Luo Cheng didn't even lose a hair, and only two or three of Luo Cheng's more than three hundred men died. Only ten.

This is the teacher who said several times that he is capable of great things and can be an elite soldier with one as ten?Is Luo Cheng too powerful, or is the dead soldier too useless?

"Teacher, don't you care about it here?"

"Let's go, since you missed it, there's no need to stay here anymore."

"What if the dead man leaks out?"

"Don't worry, although these people have missed, I can guarantee that no one will reveal anything. Besides, they don't know anything useful. Let's go to Pingyuan County. Since this move failed, the I can make a move."

"Luo Cheng doesn't care anymore?"

"I can't control it anymore, at least for the time being. Fortunately, I suggested to Chu Gong before that I asked the emperor to make Luo the commander of the navy. If I can't kill him this time, I can only let him lead the navy to Liaodong."

"How are Du Yanbing, Wang Run and the others on the other side of the plain preparing?" Li Mi asked.

"Back to the teacher, now the two have three thousand light cavalry and five thousand infantry. They are all according to the teacher's instructions. They are all strong and brave. They train every day. Now they have achieved initial results and are worthy of a battle."

"That's good, but it's useless to talk about whether we can fight or not. When we get to Pingyuan County, we just take them out for a walk. If you can command them to take down Pingyuan County, then it will be really embarrassing." One use."

"Attack Pingyuan County?" Wang Yong was a little surprised.

"That's right, in May or June next year at the latest, we're going to launch an incident in Liyang, so we have to test the reality of the counties in Hebei first."

As for Henan, Li Mi no longer intends to take care of it. Anyway, he still has a plan for Luo Cheng, and if he can't kill him, he will be transferred away.

When the Eastern Expedition resumes next year, Luo Chengcheng will have to lead the navy to leave Henan.

It's just that he couldn't kill him, Li Mi always felt a little regretful, Luo Cheng was too fierce, keeping him would be a future trouble.

By the Jishui River.

Luo Cheng subdued the 37 old brothers who died in battle with military etiquette. He survived a hundred battles in Liaodong, but unexpectedly lost his life at the door of his house.

"Brothers, let's go first. Don't worry, I will take good care of your family. If you have no heirs, I will adopt an orphan boy as your heir, so that you can have incense supplies."

When sending these brothers off for the last time, Luo Cheng was calm on the surface, but in his heart he was trying his best to suppress his anger and killing intent.At this moment, he had already murdered Yang Xuangan and Li Mi who had never masked.

On the trip back home again, everyone was silent a lot along the way.

"What are you thinking about?" The fourth child asked Luo Cheng.

"I was thinking about how to kill a man."

"You don't have to think about killing one person. Although you didn't kill 10 people in Goguryeo as the outside world said, you still killed tens of thousands of people under military orders."

"This man is not easy to kill."

"who is it?"

"At the time, Minister of Rites, Yang Xuangan, there was another one named Li Mi."

"Why do you think of killing them? What kind of hatred?"

"Because they sent those people just now."

"But didn't you ask me nothing just now?"

"Don't ask, I already know."

The fourth brother didn't ask Luo Cheng how he knew. The two brothers had been together for a long time, and he was used to Luo Cheng sometimes having some strange thoughts and actions.

Just like when he was in Liaodong, he seemed to have known that the Eighth Army was destined to be defeated by Pyongyang before he went south, so he insisted on dividing his forces on the Yalu River, and first took down Dahang City, and then it was the same at several critical moments.

At that time, I just felt that these actions were a bit unclear, but when I think about the decisions made at these times after the fact, I can't help but think carefully, because what happened afterwards shows that Luo Cheng's decisions at that time were extremely targeted. Sexually avoiding those big pits.

"Why don't I go and kill you, isn't it just two people, even if he is the minister of the court, it doesn't matter."

Luo Cheng shook his head, "You are suitable for charging, but when it comes to assassinating you, you can't."

In fact, Luo Cheng felt that he didn't have such a suitable candidate around him. Although there were a large group of men under his command, there seemed to be no one who was suitable for walking in the dark.

It is not easy to kill Yang Xuangan, after all, he is the minister of the court, and the other party is also known as the little bully, this force is also unique.In addition, he is ready to rebel, and there must be many dead guards around him, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get close.

At this moment, Luo Cheng felt that it was necessary for him to form a team to walk in the dark.

Yang Xuan feels that Li Mi has such a team, and he should too.

War is not only about bright swords and guns, but also the shadow of swords and swords without light.

Intelligence, assassination, escort.

A dark force is very necessary, and it can play a great role at critical times.

Before Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, there were inspection schools, and after he became emperor, there were Jinyiwei.

When Yongzheng was still a prince, it is said that he had a blood drop.

In the Han Dynasty, there were embroidered garments, in the Three Kingdoms there was the School Office, in the Song Dynasty there was the Imperial City Division, and in the Tang Dynasty there were six gates.

Even if it is an ordinary army, it must be equipped with scouts and scouts.

Luo Cheng screened one by one among his brothers, but he didn't think which one was suitable.

Cunxiao, Siye, and Shixin are his own brothers, so they are naturally the most trustworthy, but these three are all fierce generals. Zhao Gui, Zhou Xin, and Zhou Dewei are his sisters-in-law, but they Can fight and punch, but when it comes to walking in the dark, it seems that it is not suitable.

And Du Fuwei, Fu Gonger Er, Kan Leng, Wang Xiongdan, etc. are still too young, let alone suitable.

In the end, it was more appropriate for Luo Cheng to choose only two people.

One is Zhang Liang, and the other is Wang Junkuo.

Both of these two men used to be his personal bodyguards, and now they both got the post of Eagle Striker General, and their grades are not low.Zhang Liang used to live in a difficult family environment, so he was very patient. He likes to make friends and is very loyal. If he is allowed to walk in the dark, his personality is quite suitable and can be placed on the surface.

As for Wang Junkuo, he beat up little orphans, sold horses outside the Great Wall, and often engaged in illegal activities. He was a bold guy.This person is a bit rascal and ruthless enough.If you partner with Zhang Liang, one light and one dark, Luo Cheng thinks it is feasible.

Let Zhang Liang do intelligence, let Wang Junkuo do assassination.

On the way, Luo Cheng called the two of them to talk alone for a long time. They were very excited about Luo Cheng's new mission and were willing to try it.

"I will give each of you 500 taels of gold as funding, and I will give you some old brothers, and then you will recruit people and build a network by yourself. My only request is to get it done as soon as possible, but you must also keep in mind, To do this, the most important thing is to keep it a secret.”

The two have their own teams, Zhang Liang is in charge of intelligence, and his department is temporarily named the Dark Guard, while Wang Junkuo is in charge of assassination, and his department is temporarily named the Shadow Guard, and the combination of the two is the Shadow Guard.

 Thanks to Liu Angang, Xu Lang Shukuang, Ishida Jin, You Hang Update, Maple Leaf Ding Ding, Dameng Wansheng for your rewards, thank you.

  The monthly ticket list is temporarily classified as tenth, but the difference between No.11 and No.[-] is only a few dozen votes. There is a danger of suicide at any time. Brothers, help protect Chrysanthemum!

(End of this chapter)

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