Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 432 Recruiting the Old Ministry

Chapter 432 Recruiting the Old Ministry
Luo Cheng left Beihai and entered Qi County.

Along the way, in the counties and townships they passed, brothers from the former Fifth Army of the Left kept coming upon hearing the call.Although it hasn't been long since I took off my Zheng robe and returned to my hometown, it seems that the Chinese New Year is coming again.

But when Luo Shuai called, they all rushed over immediately.

One, ten, hundred, thousand.

When Luo Cheng arrived at the foot of Changbai Mountain, there were already as many as a thousand old brothers from the Fifth Left Army gathered.


Changbai Mansion Chief Shi Chai Xiaohe came to greet him with five hundred soldiers.

"The humble job is late."

Luo Cheng stepped forward and patted Chai Xiaohe on the shoulder, "I have been away for two years, thanks to your care of the family."

"It's incompetence under the post, failing to fulfill its duties."

"Don't talk about this, let's walk together."

Luo Cheng passed through Zouping and Changbai military mansions and continued on his way.

Arriving [-] miles away from Licheng, Qi County, Qin Qiong personally led a thousand soldiers from the county to meet him.

Not seeing each other for two years, Qin Qiong has become more mature and stronger.

"Second brother."

"Duke Qi."

"What do you do when you see outsiders like this, you can still call me fifth brother or little five."

Qin Qiong smiled a little cautiously, after all, the person in front of him was no longer the white boy a few years ago, but now the world-famous Duke of Qi.

Luo Cheng turned his head to Zhang Xutuo and said with a smile, "Teacher is now promoted to the Deputy Envoy of Henan Province and the Governor of Xingyang. I also ask the teacher for favors. Don't take my uncle Bao to Xingyang, let him stay in Qiyang." county."

Zhang Xutuo smiled, Qin Qiong was originally a soldier of Youyiwei's mansion, and kept his filial piety at home. He made an exception and called him into the county army to help him suppress the bandits. In the past two years, he has seen Qin Qiong's bravery bit by bit. It is said that Qin Qiong is now the second-in-command in Qijun's army.

"If ordinary people want it, I can't bear it. Since it's Shi Cheng who asked you, then I can only let him go, but you have to arrange him well, otherwise I won't agree."

"Shubao is brave and capable of fighting. He has been suppressing bandits in Qi County for two years. He has rich experience, so he must reuse him. I will worship Shubao as the captain of Qi County now, and then I will show it to the court."

The captains of the counties are graded according to the size of the county, the captains of the large counties are the fourth, the middle counties are the fourth, and the lower counties are the fifth.Qi County is Shang County, so this captain is a fourth rank.Although the real power of the captain of the county is usually small, he can't control the soldiers of the county, and the soldiers of the government and the town generally don't obey his orders, but in wartime, the power of the captain is relatively large.

Luo Cheng directly wants Qin Shubao to be the captain of Qi County, which is not an ordinary reuse.

That was an exceptional promotion, even Qin Qiong was taken aback.

"Second brother, don't refuse. I use you as the captain not because you are my cousin, but because you have assisted the teacher in suppressing the bandits for the past two years. You have done a great job, and everyone can see it. Now that Henan is in trouble, it is exactly what is needed. A capable official like you will take charge of the situation in the future. I am under the emperor's order to comfort Henan and arrest bandits, and I also need your help."

Zhang Xutuo also said, "Just agree."

Qin Qiong was still a little dazed. He was just a captain of the county soldier in Qi County before, and he was Zhang Xutuo's vanguard general. Although his rank had also improved, he was only at the sixth rank.

Now Luo Cheng can promote him to Zhengsi with one word.

Given Luo Cheng's current prerogative of entrusting the appointment, it is estimated that it is impossible for this promotion to be rejected when it is reported to the Ministry of Officials.

It was freezing cold.

Qin Qiong's heart is hot.

When Luo Cheng led the crowd to the city of Qijun, there were thousands of veterans of the Fifth Left Army waiting there. Wait for the county to come.

"Report to the Commander, Zheng Yin Tianci, the former Left Fifth Army's Wooden Niu Liuma Heavy Cavalry Team, has been ordered to return to the army and requests to return!"

A stout heavy cavalry leader roared loudly.

"Allowed to return to the team, welcome back!"

Luo Cheng clenched his fist with his right hand and hit his chest hard.

"Yes!" Yin Tianci replied excitedly.

"Mo Dao Shou Zhang Fugui requests to return to the team!"

"Crossbowman Li Cheng requests to return to the team!"

Old brothers one after another, in this cold and twelfth lunar month, resounded Luo Cheng's call for recruitment, gave up the warmth and comfort of their homes, said goodbye to their wives, children and parents, and resolutely rode on horses and came with swords.

Looking at those faces, Luo Cheng smiled happily.

As for Qin Qiong and Chai Xiaohe who were waiting beside them, they were full of shock and admiration. They had also served in the army and had been on the battlefield, but they had never seen a general with such prestige in the army.

"Xiao Hei, you bastard is here too." Luo Cheng saw a familiar figure among the returning soldiers, an old brother from Changbai Township, Xiao Hei, this guy Luo Cheng drank with him after breaking Pyongyang last time Wine, and rewarded him with a hundred guan coins, and promoted him to team leader.

Later, in the Battle of Tucheng in Beijiangkou, Xiao Hei, the leader of the spearmen, showed his bravery for the first time. In that battle, he was wounded in thirteen places, and he lost a lot of blood after the battle and almost died.

So after withdrawing to Donglai, Luo Cheng let Xiao Hei return home first.

"Back to Commander, the injury has been healed for a few months, and it has completely healed, and now it is alive and well again."

"How is the family, how are the brothers and sisters?"

"Well, this time I came back from Liaodong and got a lot of rewards. I bought [-] acres of land at home, hired someone to build a big house, and bought a yard in Zhangqiu County. Also, I'm married. I'm marrying the daughter of the village chief next door." Xiao Hei's face was filled with unconcealable joy.

"You boy, the speed is so fast. Buying land, building a house, buying a yard and getting a wife, this is the pinnacle of life."

"It's all thanks to the commander-in-chief. If it weren't for you, Xiao Hei, I would still be a poor man with no food for the night and no roof tiles."

"Hahaha, are you really in good health?"

"Okay, if you don't believe me, Commander, I took off my clothes for you to see." As he said that, Xiao Hei really took off his clothes, regardless of the cold weather. Once he took off a few clothes, the scars on his upper body were exposed , these scars have just formed, and they are still purple.

"Okay, okay, it's really okay, put on your clothes quickly, don't freeze." Luo Cheng patted Xiao Hei, "You doggy beat you really hard last time, since you want to return to the team, then I will grant you the title of Captain of the Battalion, with two hundred spearmen under your command."

"Thank you, Marshal, for your trust!" Xiao Hei saluted excitedly.

Fang Xuanling and a group of Qi County officials also came to greet him. Luo Cheng greeted Fang Xuanling with a smile. He has just been promoted to the post of Qi County.

"Brother Xuanling!"

"Duke Qi!"

The two met again, but the name had changed.When Fang Xuanling came to Zhangqiu to be the county magistrate, Luo Cheng was only a county soldier and captain, but now Luo Chengcheng has become the apprehension ambassador of the twelve counties in Henan.

"I met Du Keming when I came from Beihai."

Fang Xuanling nodded, Du Ruhui also left from Zhangqiu, and was promoted to Beihai County Prime Minister before, and Luo Cheng passed through Beihai, and had already promoted Cui Junsu to the post of Beihai prefect that was vacated by the Minister of War, and directly awarded it to Du Ruhui.

Although this is only a temporary appointment and still needs to be approved by the imperial court, Luo Cheng, the consoling ambassador, coupled with the Du family's relationship, and Du Ruhui's ability, although the eunuch still needs to add the word "inspection" for a while, but After the transition, there is still a good chance to secure the position of prefect.

It is not ordinary to be promoted to the prefect. This is almost a big hurdle for officials.

After being promoted to the prefect, there will be a lot of opportunities to enter the court, and even enter the center.

"Xuanling, my teacher has now been promoted to deputy envoy for arrest and prefect of Xingyang. The prefect of Qi County is vacant, and the court has not given orders, so I decided to tell the court that you are the post of prefect of Qi County, and you will take over temporarily. The overall situation of Qi County."

(End of this chapter)

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