Chapter 443

1700 monthly tickets plus delivery, begging for monthly tickets!
"Yang Xuangan has already stayed in Liyang to oversee the transportation of grain and grass to the east, and he has also served as the prefect of Ji County."

"I found Li Mi in Liyang, but now I have gone to Pingyuan County."

"I found that a large group of thieves and bandits are gathering in Pingyuan County. They seem to want to attack Pingyuan County."

the end of the first month.

In the camp at the foot of Changbai Mountain in Zhangqiu, Luo Cheng was listening to Zhang Liang's report from Hebei.Zhang Liang passed the upper Yellow River a few years ago, and was in charge of keeping an eye on Yang Xuangan and the others. His hard work paid off, and after more than a month of staring at them, he finally found out an important situation.

Zhang Liang's intelligence team had just been formed, and they lacked both manpower and experience.But fortunately, Luo Cheng pointed out a way for him, that is, just keep an eye on Yang Xuangan, Li Mi, Wang Bodang, and Wang Bo.As long as you can find this person, then stare at them, and then find valuable information from clues such as their whereabouts and people they met.

Zhang Liang worked very hard. He was good at making friends, and he was straightforward and loyal. So when he changed his identity and pretended to be a ranger from Nanyang, and then he was extraordinarily bold and generous, always spending money like water. Many new friends were made in no time.

He can get acquainted with no matter what the three religions are, or traffickers, or even singing girls and dancing girls in brothels and Chu houses.

The effect was still obvious, Zhang Liang stared at Yang Xuangan, then found Li Mi, then stared at Li Mi, and found Wang Bodang and Wang Bo.Then, through Uncle Wang, they found a few more rebels.

Luo Cheng nodded.

Pingyuan County and Qi County are separated by the Yellow River. During the last Eastern Expedition, Luo Cheng led his army to the north, crossing the Yellow River and entering Pingyuan County through Lujiao Pass. Liu Badao, who was entrenched in Douzigang, beat him like a dog in mourning.

Still made a fortune there.

"Douzigang, which is hundreds of miles away between Pingyuan and Bohai County, has always been a place where bandits gather. It is said that Liu Badao was beheaded by the government soon after he was defeated last time, but his subordinates, Li Deyi and Ge Qian, brought with them The remnants fled, and soon gathered a lot of people. Later, several forces entered Douzigang, making the current Douzigang even more mixed. When Uncle Li Mi saw them in Douzigang, it seemed that he also wanted to plot against these people. "

"Marshal, there is another piece of news. When I was inquiring about information in Pingyuan County, I found something. Do you still remember Dou Jiande and Gao Shida?"

"of course I remember."

"Gao Shida and Dou Jiande used to belong to our army, but later in Tongding City, Sun Anzu and Gao Shida became deserters. Dou Jiande went after them, but let them go. The commander finally let them go. The other time I found out in Pingyuan County that Gao Shida and the others returned to their hometown in Hebei, and soon after they returned to their hometown in Hebei, they were killed because of their status as deserters. Every year, a team of thousands of people was drawn up, and not long ago, Dou Jiande took Liu Heita and Wang Fubao to Douzigang to vote for Sun Anzu."

When Luo Cheng heard the news, he just groaned. The fate of these Hebei heroes is still advancing with the inertia of history, and has not changed much.

"Actually, Dou Jiande and others are quite capable, but it's a pity that they have gone astray."

Zhang Liang felt sorry for Dou Jiande and the others. When they were still on the west bank of the Liaohe River, he was the captain of the battalion and Dou Jiande and the others were the team leader. Although he was not their direct superior, he also watched these guys fight and bleed together.

"By the way, Gao Shida is Dou Jiande's boss now. Dou Jiande defected to Gao Shida, and Gao Shida made him a soldier in charge of training and fighting. Before Dou Jiande came, Gao Shida led thousands of troops, but there were many bandits in Douzigang. The middle one is also weak. But since Dou Jiande voted him in charge of training and fighting, in a short period of time, he has won several battles and annexed several nearby bandits, and now his strength has greatly improved."

Luo Cheng suddenly asked Zhang Liang a question.

"Can you find out whether Li Mi, Wang Bodang, and Gao Shida and Dou Jiande are in contact?"

"I don't know yet."

"Have a hard time, go see Dou Jiande, and see if Li Mi has contacted them. If so, ask him if he is willing to tell us. You tell Dou Jiande that he used to be my subordinate and fought with me. So as long as If he is willing, then I welcome him here at any time, and let him not worry about being a traitor, I can help him get it done."

Hebei, Pingyuan County, Douzigang.

Dou Jiande returned with 2000 men and horses, behind him were carts of money and food, and teams of people followed.

Gao Shida came out to greet him with a smile, "It's another great victory, Si Bing is really amazing."

"Fortunately, Lu Youde dared to rob us of our food, so naturally we can't let them go." Dou Jiande said with a smile, "This time the harvest was good. Not only did we get all the robbed food back, but we also took advantage of it by surprise. I raided Lu Youde's old lair, broke his lair, and seized a lot of food, grass, equipment and horses, Lu Youde has been killed, I burned his village, and brought back thousands of people in his village."

"Okay, okay, that's great." Gao Shida blushed.

"Gao Gong, I plan to select five hundred young men from among Lu Youde's people to join the camp."

Gao Shida hesitated for a moment, "Now there are 500 people in the camp, do we need to add another [-]?"

"Gao Gong, there are only [-] brothers in the battle camp. Looking at the entire Douzigang, we are still weak. Not to mention, there are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in any county in the imperial court. If we don't increase our strength, we may end up in the end." Just like Lu Youde."

"That's right. Since I've appointed you as the commander, I'll leave it to you to lead the troops to fight the war. If you say another five hundred, it will be five hundred."

When Gao Shida went to check on Qianbo with a smile, Liu Heita snorted, "Brother, this Gao has forgotten his origin, and now he not only doesn't call you big brother, he doesn't even call brother, open your mouth and shut up Dou Sibing , He really regards himself as the Duke of Donghai."

Dou Jiande didn't say a word, "Okay, let's go back and rest, the brothers are all tired after going out this trip, let's disband and rest for three days, and then gather for training."

Dou Jiande separated from his brothers and went back to his small courtyard to take a bath first, and then changed his clothes.

Walked out of the bathroom and came to the study, but was stunned for a while.

"Brother Dou, don't be in a hurry to touch the knife. You shouldn't be happy to meet old friends."

Only then did Dou Jiande realize that the person sitting in his study was actually Zhang Liang.

"Lieutenant Zhang, why are you here?"

"Of course I came here specially to meet your old friend. How is it? It's not bad here, is it?"

Dou Jiande smiled lightly, walked up to Zhang Liang and sat down.


(End of this chapter)

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