Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 444 Infernal Affairs

Chapter 444 Infernal Affairs

The fifth one is here!

"You should be the captain of the Weifu now, rank six?"

"Eagle strikes general, from five."

Dou Jiande sighed, "It's really enviable."

"Actually, if you didn't leave back then, you would be at least a sixth-rank infantry captain now."


Dou Jiande leaned back and leaned back in the chair, lost in thought.It's a pity that there is no regret medicine, one wrong step, one step at a time.

"I heard that you are triumphant, and I am also happy for you. When I first heard the news of Luo Shuai's death in battle, I was still sad for a long time. I got drunk with Heitai and Fu Bao."

"Hahaha, how can it be so easy to die, we fought thousands of miles, fought in and out, and no one could stop us." Zhang Liang laughed, "The second Eastern Expedition is about to begin, and Luo Shuai also received the imperial decree and was awarded The commander of the navy will command a hundred thousand Donglai navy to cross the sea to attack Goguryeo in March, the commander asked me to ask you, are you willing to fight Goguryeo with him again?"

Dou Jiande was stunned.


"Is there anything impossible? I went to Pingyuan County some time ago and heard about your brothers. When I went back, I told the commander in chief. The commander also said that you are a pity, and said that as long as you You can go back at any time if you want. As for the rest, you don’t have to worry about it, the commander will naturally help you out.”

A variety of expressions flashed across Dou Jiande's face. At this moment, he was very complicated, including gratitude to Luo Cheng and helplessness that he could not go back.

But in the end, he shook his head.

"I can't go back, it's impossible to go back. If it was half a year earlier, I would definitely go back, but now, I can only thank the commander-in-chief for his kindness."

"Why? What a chance to start again?"

"Do you know why I came to Douzigang to shed grass? Because the officers and soldiers killed my whole family, my wife, my son and my daughter, all of them were killed, even the three-year-old child."


After a long time, Zhang Liang said, "You can think about it carefully. It is not a long-term solution for you to hide in the grass like this. Now the commander is willing to help you return. This is a good opportunity. Follow the commander to conquer Goguryeo again. There is still a chance to make meritorious deeds again, and then he will be appointed as an official."

But Dou Jiande said resolutely, "I will never be an official of the Sui Dynasty in this life, let alone a soldier of the Sui Dynasty."

"Well, everyone has his own ambition, and we can't force it."

Dou Jiande's eyes were red.

"Brother Zhang must go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so he didn't come here to tell me these things, did he?"

Zhang Liang smiled, "Actually, there is one more thing I want to ask you for help."

After the secret meeting with Zhang Liang, Dou Jiande remained calm. He did not reveal to anyone that he had met Zhang Liang, not even Liu Heita and Wang Fubao.

A few days after Zhang Liang left quietly, a group of people came to Gao Shida's village.

"Si Bing, follow me to meet some distinguished guests."

"What distinguished guest?"

"You'll know when you see it."

Gao Shida took Dou Jiande and other men to greet him in front of the village.

Dou Jiande has been secretly looking at this visiting team.

"Zhangqiu Wang Yong, pay homage to Duke Donghai."

A young man jumped down from the horse. He was tall and energetic, but his name was even more resounding.

Zhangqiu Wang Yong Wang Bodang, almost no one who has gathered righteous people on both sides of the Yellow River has never heard of this name.

"Wang Bo of Changbai Mountain!"

An older man jumped down.

Dou Jiande was horrified. Zhang Liang came over a few days ago and asked him about Uncle Wang becoming Wang Bo.

Gao Shida smiled and went forward to chat.

"Sibing Dou, let me introduce these two to you, Wang Sanlang of Zhangqiu, and Prince Zhishilang of Changbai Mountain. These two are the predecessors of our reckless rivers and lakes, the heroes who raised the flag of righteousness for the first time."

Dou Jiande stepped forward to say hello.

After the banquet was over, Dou Jiande returned to his small courtyard. He went into the study and took a pen to write a letter, in which he wrote down all the things Wang Bo and Wang Yong had heard during the day when they came to discuss with Gao Shida, and then called one of his subordinates .

"Send this letter to Pingchang County for me, and give it to a Nanyang hero named Zhang Chang in the Four Seas Inn. Remember, don't let others know about this."

That man was one of the people Dou Jiande brought from Zhangnan, and he said with a smile, "Please don't worry, Si Bing, I just said that I was going to buy some drinks, and no one will know about it."

The next day, Gao Shida sent Wang Yong and Wang Bo away.

"Mr. Gao, I am opposed to joining them." Dou Jiande directly put forward his own thoughts, "The Second King contacted the families of Douzigang to attack Pingyuan County City. I don't think it will be of any benefit to us."

"Why is there no benefit? Wang Sanlang promised that if Pingyuan County is breached, all the money and food in the county treasury, including the weapons and equipment in the arsenal, will be shared by each family."

"Gao Gong, but we only have [-] soldiers. Even if we go to Pingyuan County, we still have to leave troops to guard the house. We can only draw [-] soldiers at most. And [-] soldiers will be compared among each family's horses. There are too few. My family has few soldiers and horses. I am afraid that when the time comes to attack the city, we will have to act as the vanguard. Maybe it will not be good cannon fodder. I don’t think it’s worth it, there’s no need to take the risk of fighting with them in plain counties.”

But Gao Shida was very interested in this, "Sibing Dou, who said we only have 2000 people, look at the tens of thousands of people in each family, do you think they really have tens of thousands of people? It's just a lot of people. "

"Gao Gong, soldiers are more expensive than elites. More people are not more powerful. More people will only increase the inconvenience of movement and waste more food and grass."

But this time, Gao Shida didn't know how he was promised by Wang Yong and the others, but he insisted on joining the alliance and attacking Pingyuan County together.

"Since Dou Sibing, you don't want to go to Pingyuan County, then you can stay and watch the house. I will leave you with one thousand brothers from the war camp, and the remaining two thousand brothers from the war camp will go with me. Bring 8000 troops, so that you can claim [-] troops, and when the time comes to capture Pingyuan County, you can also share more benefits."

That night.

In Pingchang City, Zhang Liang, whose pseudonym was Zhang Chang, received a letter sent by Dou Jiande.

After reading the letter, he couldn't help sighing, "It turns out that Wang Bo and Wang Yong really wanted to attack Pingyuan County and contact various gangsters. But why is it Pingyuan County, and why is it now?" ?”

Zhang Liang felt that things would not be so simple. After all, the commander told him to keep an eye on Yang Xuangan and Li Mi, while Wang Bo and Wang Bodang were just horses running in front of Li Mi and the others.

Zhang Liang, who couldn't figure it out, didn't continue to think, but quickly gathered the enthusiastic information, and then sent someone back to Zhangqiu, Qi County.

The letter was sent back to Qi County and sent to Luo Cheng.

After reading it, Luo Cheng took out the map and studied it for a long time.

But in the end, they didn't understand why Yang Xuangan and Li Mi gathered several bandits to attack Pingyuan County at this time, and what was the significance?
 Thanks to Liu Angang, thanks to Mountains and Rivers with Dreams 01, thanks to Maple Leaf Ding Ding, thanks to Years Can Ever Be Lonely, thanks to your Yang, thanks to Hundred Years of Lonely LCY, thanks to sinking elites, Erhot Electric Pad, Xu Lang Shukuang, Wind in the Clouds, Poor Monk Zoro, etc. Thank you for your support, and thank you for your monthly pass. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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