Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 457 When the human slaughter comes, the child stops crying

Chapter 457 When the human slaughter comes, the child stops crying

Beisha City, also known as Bishe City.

It is located on Dahei Mountain beside Qingniqi, on the middle and south peaks and adjacent ridges, stretching for ten miles.

This city is a mountain city built here after Goguryeo invaded Liaodong at the end of the Jin Dynasty and occupied the Liaodong Peninsula. It is also the center of the Goguryeo people's rule on the Liaodong Peninsula for 200 years.

The city wall is made of stone and built along with the mountain, stretching for ten miles, the majestic and handsome, magnificent.

The canyon inside the city is winding, and the cliffs are surrounded by cliffs outside the city. Camps are set up in the city, and you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat.

Beisha City was built at the end of the Jin Dynasty, when the Murong clan occupied Liaodong and fought against Goguryeo repeatedly. At that time, the Murong clan attacked the capital of Goguryeo several times, and even burned down its royal palace. But even so, the Goguryeo people also Still tenaciously extended to southern Liaoning, and built a city here.

200 years ago, the Central Plains was in frequent wars and the Murong family was weak. Goguryeo took the opportunity to counterattack and finally occupied the Liaodong Peninsula.

The news of the Sui army's landing in Duli Bay has already come. Gao Zang, the lord of Beisha City, was terrified when he heard the news.

"Do you know which army and horse it is?"

Last time the navy of the Sui Army also passed through Beisha, but they just passed by and never even landed. This time they even landed ashore.

"Back to the city lord, they seem to be flying the flag of Luo Cheng, the flag of the Sui Zuo Wujun."

Hearing that Luo Cheng, Zuo Wujun and Gao Zang were all in bad shape.

He pointed at the subordinate with trembling hands, "You read that right, it's Luo Cheng who killed the god, Luo Cheng who destroyed my Pyongyang and killed my former king?"

"It's him. His handsome flag has been set up in Duliwan, and we have seen a young general in exquisite armor from a distance. It should be the killing god."

Kill God Luo Cheng.

In Goguryeo, the word "Killing God" was a title given to Luo Cheng by the people of Goguryeo. Another title with the same name is Rentu.

It is not easy to get the nicknames Killing God and Rentu from the enemy country. This is the result of Luo Cheng defeating the Goguryeo people by dozens of battles and capturing tens of thousands of prisoners in the last Eastern Expedition.

"Why did this killer come here?"

"Hurry up, ask for help from Liaodong and Anshi City, and say that Luo Cheng, the God of Killing, is coming, and Beisha must be rescued. Otherwise, Beisha City has only [-] defenders, and we can't defend it at all."

A banner owner was not convinced and said, "City owner, our Beisha city has a high wall and is located on this big black mountain. The city is ten miles around, and it can be attacked and defended. Even if Luo Cheng is powerful, we can't hold on to it. What are you afraid of him doing?"

"What do you know? Beisha city is tall, can it be as tall as Pyongyang city? Beisha city is big, can it be bigger than Pyongyang city? Not to mention that we only have 8000 people, and the killing god Luo Cheng is a new god of war in the Sui Dynasty. He fights with soldiers , ghosts and gods are unpredictable, no matter how strong the city is, he has a way to attack it."

Gao Zang is the son of Gao Yuan, that is, the nephew of the current king Gao Jianwu. Gao Zang was originally dissatisfied among Gao Yuan's sons, otherwise he would not have been sent to Beisha to be the city lord.

But no one expected that last time Gao Yuan and his favored sons were captured by Luo Cheng and sent to Tai Sui.

Originally, he had a chance to succeed the king, but who would have expected that Eulji Mundeok would force Yuan Taejo to welcome Gao Jianwu as king. Gao Zang was very angry, but he had no choice.

Although Gao Zang was the city lord, he was able to become the city lord only because he was the son of Gao Yuan, otherwise he would have no chance to be the city lord with his ability.Now that I heard that Luo Cheng led the army to land, I was so scared that I almost peed my pants.

"Quick, send someone to ask for help, and send a few more to prevent the Sui army from intercepting and killing them!"

Gao Yuan only wanted to close the city and ask for help, he never thought of attacking the Sui army who intercepted the landing, he didn't even dare to think about it.

Duliwan, now renamed Lushun.

A simple pier has been set up in the port, and a fort has been erected beside the pier.

A large group of auxiliary soldiers were busy preparing to build the city. Luckily, Luo Cheng only wanted to build a simple castle. It didn't need to be too big. A perimeter of two or three miles would do. There was no need for any stone walls, and a simple rammed-earth castle would do.Even the soil does not need to be screened and boiled, because it is not intended to be used for a long time, so it doesn't matter if there are grass seeds or insect eggs in the soil. It will always be no problem to use it for seven or eight months and a half.

Otherwise, the standard rammed earth city building is actually very troublesome. The soil used must be a specific soil. Come on, the soil of the rammed city is qualified, and the earth city can be used for a longer period of time.Even the rammed earth walls of some big cities have to add expensive things and crafts such as glutinous rice juice.


It was busy.

The soldiers divided their labor in an orderly manner.

Someone is building a dock, someone is camping, and someone is building a city.

The loggers fell the wood, the woodcutters chopped the firewood, the water bearers carried the water, and the diggers dug the soil.

Some people are in charge of herding horses, some are in charge of fishing, and some are in charge of cooking. In short, setting up a camp with a large army, especially a camp like Luo Cheng who plans to stay here for a while, is not a small project, so many The gathering of soldiers and horses is also very lively.

Pots were set up by the sea, a row of Zhangqiu iron pans were set up, large stewing pans, small frying pans, and frying pans were all available. A group of young attendants were busy lighting the fire. Luo Cheng stood there holding a good iron The knife is handling the fish.

The fish is marine fish, which was picked up from Lushun Bay.

It has to be said that the catches in the sea these years are really rich.

A hole ray that hangs higher than Luo Cheng. Luo Cheng has eaten this kind of fish in later generations, and it is called the boss fish. is its murder weapon.

"Can this fish be eaten?"

A young adoptive servant looked at this huge fish, which was flat and flat, with a huge body, and it didn't look like a serious fish.

Luo Cheng skilfully paddled the fish with a knife, and the freshly caught fish in the nearby bay were fresher than the seafood bought by later generations when the fishing boats docked in the harbor early in the morning.

"This fish is delicious. It has no hard bones, but cartilage. It tastes fresh and tender. It can be stewed in tofu soup. It's delicious. Of course, you can also put a flower knife on it and hang it up to make dried fish. It's not bad. of."

"Marshal is lying, this fish is not tasty at all, it smells like urine." A young man said, obviously this young man had eaten this kind of fish.

"Hahaha, that's because you don't know how to handle it. This kind of fish does have a peculiar smell, but as long as you put it in the water first, it will be fine."

For a huge boss fish, Luo Cheng simply dealt with a few important points, and then called those youngsters to take over.These teenagers are very diligent. In the barracks, they are curious about everything and willing to learn everything.

Luo Cheng is also very satisfied with these youngsters. Even the generals who said that they despised youngsters before, the fourth child, are now very satisfied with these little clever ghosts.

 Brothers can enter the skirt, it's on the profile.

(End of this chapter)

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