Chapter 524
"I think you've been a little anxious recently? Why?"

Hou Mo Chen Yi, the prefect of Xincheng who came from Xincheng, asked Luo Cheng puzzledly. In his opinion, Luo Cheng was only 21 years old, and now he was considered a young upstart. A son and a daughter should be proud of the spring breeze.

"Brother Hou Mochen, what do you think of the current situation in the world?"

"It's a bit messy, but it's not bad." Hou Mochen said.

Hou Mochen is from Xianbei, one of the eight pillar countries in the Western Wei Dynasty was Hou Mochen Chong, and even Yuwentai was able to become the lord of Guanlong back then, in fact, it was because of another Hou Mochen.At that time, Hou Mo and Chen Yue were selected by Gao Huan to kill He Bayue who was guarding Guanlong at that time, which made Yu Wentai the new leader of Guanlong Group.

Hou Mochen is a branch of Xianbei's Tuoba family. As a veteran Guanlong nobleman, Hou Mochen feels that the current environment is still good, at least much better than when Zhou and Qi confronted each other.

But Luo Cheng didn't see it that way.

"The Central Plains has been in chaos. Not only the top nobles like Yang Xuangan have rebelled, but also local powerful people like Liu Yuanjin have rebelled. The mobilization order of the Three Conscripts ordered soldiers from all walks of life to gather, but now the government soldiers from all over the country are scrambling to escape. Originally, 40 government soldiers were to be recruited to gather in Zhuojun, but it is said that even 10 people have not yet assembled. Get up, countless people are fleeing."

"Many people even cut off their hands and feet in order to avoid the conquest of Liaodong.

The government soldiers did not want to go to Liao to fight, and the people were willing to serve for the Eastern Conquest.

40 people were recruited for a few months, but less than 10 people were assembled.

The situation is very pessimistic, which shows that the Sui Empire, which appears to be powerful, has lost its ability to execute and the prestige of the imperial court.

When the regime cannot even carry out the decree, the regime is almost finished.

And although Luo Cheng is now commanding the soldiers and horses of the six counties in Liaodong, in fact, Liaodong is completely unable to support itself now, and everything has to be supplied by blood transfusions from the Central Plains. Shipped from the Central Plains.

They hang alone outside the pass, once the Central Plains cuts off the confession, the hundred thousand soldiers and horses will have to finish.

He cannot be self-sufficient in food and weapons, and even the soldiers are all soldiers from the Central Plains. How can Luo Cheng, a general, feel at ease? His current power, status, and even military power are all vain .

Not a little bit is solid.

Although Luo Cheng thought of ways to allocate land to the government soldiers and give them concubines, it was still too difficult to achieve any results in a short time.

Without a period of three to five years, it will be difficult for military and civilian settlements to be effective and self-sufficient.

But there is no time for three or five years for him.

Luo Cheng has been thinking about a problem these days, that is, in the last few years of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang was trapped in Jiangdu and could not return. They wanted to return to their hometown wholeheartedly, even if the emperor gave them women from the south of the Yangtze River as wives, allocated them fields and land, etc., they could not change their thoughts of returning home. The result of returning to the west.

Now Luo Cheng wants to run Liaodong as the foundation, but his soldiers are all soldiers from the Central Plains. Will he be the same as Yang Guang in the end?
"If we can destroy Goguryeo early, will the people of the world be at ease after the Eastern Expedition is over?" Hou Mochen asked.

"The problem is, it's not easy to destroy Goguryeo." Luo Cheng was not as optimistic as the emperor. Although the two Eastern Expeditions had seriously hurt Goguryeo's vitality, Sui's vitality was also seriously hurt, and now it is the result of both losses.

And Goguryeo still has at least one hundred thousand horses, and it can even put together 20 soldiers.

There are still so many mountain castles, but it is difficult for the Sui Dynasty to send a large army to conquer Goguryeo.

"Brother Hou Mochen, I plan to attack Anshi this time to promote surrender."

"Using strikes to promote surrender?"

"Well, it is unrealistic to want to swallow Goguryeo in one go. Although our six counties have [-] soldiers, we don't have the logistical capacity to support a [-] army to destroy Goguryeo. , and then force Goguryeo to surrender, even if it is only a nominal surrender, you can always get a slightly satisfactory result. At least you can end this Eastern Expedition in a decent way first, otherwise this endless three-conquest and four-conquest will continue. will collapse."

Regarding Hou Mochen, Luo Cheng didn't hide too much. After all, they have fought side by side for many years, and now Hou Mochen can be regarded as one of his direct descendants on this mountain, and everyone is a relationship of mutual prosperity.

"Can the Goguryeo people surrender?"

"It is definitely not possible to let them surrender now. We have to win a big victory. We must make the Goguryeo people feel that they are doomed, and then force them to surrender. This will work."

Last year, Yang Xuangan's rebellion not only shook the ruling class, but also emptied the millions of shi of grain in Liyang, a large grain and grass transshipment warehouse in Liyang.

It is not a day or two to accumulate food and grass again.

On the other hand, all over the country is now boiling, the emperor's three conquest orders have been issued, and the soldiers are dissatisfied with the assembly. How can we reconquer next year?
Maybe it will be difficult to transfer food and grass next year. As the supreme commander of Liaodong, Luo Cheng must consider these situations in advance, and can't wait until next year's collapse to scratch his head.

"From Liaoxi, Jian'an, and Lushun, 1 people were drawn to besiege An City each, and Koguryo was forced to send troops from Shicheng, Wugu, and the country to help, and then we tried to find a way to help him, beat him up, hurt the Goguryeo people, and then let them surrender. "

"Of course, as long as they don't break through the domestic city, they will definitely not really surrender, but it doesn't matter, as long as they are willing to declare surrender, as long as they are willing to accept the imperial court's establishment of counties in Liaodong, even if they still rule the actual control area, give them It doesn’t matter if you are a prefect or county magistrate, what we need is a decent step down.”

"And then?" Hou Mochen asked.


Luo Cheng thought, and then of course, he can gain some leisurely time for development. He can farm land in the Liaodong Army, immigrate here, find a way to convert the garrison here into Liaodong Fubing, set up a military mansion here, and move to the mansion. Bing's family, let's run this place.

Only then will he have the chance to truly become the King of Liaodong.

The gentleman does not stand under the wall.

The building of the Sui Dynasty was about to collapse. At this time, Luo Cheng didn't dare to think that he could help the building by himself. He could only think of making some plans early and finding some foundation for himself, so that he could survive the troubled times. , more strength in hand.

 Looking for a monthly ticket????
(End of this chapter)

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