Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 525 Goguryeo Concubine

Chapter 525 Goguryeo Concubine
From Xiao Hei's point of view, this Goguryeo woman seemed a little timid. She stood in front of the desk, bowed her back, and looked around from time to time with her eyes, as if all the Sui people around her were man-eating tigers. His hands kept rubbing his feet.

But this woman is very young, and from the appearance, she should be the daughter of a powerful family in the past, with a fair face and delicate features, although there is fear in her eyes, she is not that kind of fool.

"Let me ask you, what's your name?"

The woman was taken aback for a moment, and looked up at Xiao Hei, but she didn't dare to speak.

"Hurry up and translate." Xiao Hei said to a Goguryeo man next to him. The Goguryeo man used to be a businessman and knew Chinese, so he quickly translated what Xiao Hei said to the woman.

"My name is Songquan." The woman whispered.

"Songquan, don't you have a last name?"

"My surname is Song and my name is Quan." The interpreter explained next to her.

In Goguryeo, it is not bad to have a surname, at least it is a commoner family.Goguryeo was founded by Ju Mong, a prince of the Fuyu tribe, who went south for 700 years.In the earliest days, many people in Goguryeo had no surnames but only first names.

Or simply take the tribal name.

Later, the kings and nobles gave surnames to their subordinates in large numbers, so gradually Goguryeo people also had surnames. However, Goguryeo was a tribal system in the early days. Later, although it learned the culture and system of the Central Plains and became a country of half-cultivation and half-pastoralism, there are still people. Many customs of the tribe, such as owning a large number of slaves.

Most of the slaves did not have surnames.

There are also many surnames in Goguryeo, the royal surname is Gao, in addition to many surnames such as Song, Quan, Cang, Zou, Luo, Yu, Ke, Yuan, etc. There are also many compound surnames, such as Shaoshi, Dashi, Zhongshi, etc. In addition, there are many For example, the surnames of the Han family such as Li, Huang, Zhou, and Sun, etc., most of these surnames are of former Han descent.

This woman's surname is Song and her name is Quan. She is a native of Goguryeo.

Xiao Hei asked some more questions, and the woman answered honestly. This woman's family used to be considered a landlord in Xincheng, with hundreds of acres of land, more than a dozen slaves, and a few herds of cattle and sheep, and her life was not bad. of.His family is also quite large, with five brothers and seven sisters, and his father has six wives and concubines.

This girl named Songquan is the youngest girl in the family. She is 16 years old and is still unmarried. She was originally engaged to the son of a landlord in Xincheng.

The family's cattle, sheep, fields, and slaves were confiscated by the Sui army, and even his family became captive slaves. Two of his elder brothers died in battle while guarding the new city, and the rest were still alive.

Now she and her two widowed sisters-in-law were proposed by the Sui people, saying that they would have a blind date with the Sui army and marry them to the Sui army as concubines.

Songquan was unwilling, but as captive slaves, they had no choice.

Xiao Hei asked Songquan to raise her head, and asked her to open her mouth, and then check her teeth.

It was found that her teeth were good, neat, not missing, and very white.

She was not bad in size, although she hadn't done any physical work and was not as strong as the wife he married in his hometown in Zhangqiu, Qi County, but she did have the kind of temperament that a country woman didn't have.

"Didn't you learn a word of Chinese in the prisoner camp?" Xiao Hei asked.

He is more concerned about this point, if he really wants to take this woman as a concubine, then he can't keep talking about it in the future.

"Know a little." The woman hurriedly said. In the prison camp, the Sui army asked them to learn Chinese. They learn a little every day. Although they learn slowly, they can understand a little bit. Can also say some simple words.

Xiao Hei asked her to say a few words, she stuttered, but fortunately she could say a little bit.

This made Xiao Hei very satisfied. He said to a clerk next to him, "This woman is not bad." Goguryeo is equivalent to the daughter of our landlord’s family in the Central Plains.”

"Okay, I want her."

So the secretary smiled and congratulated Xiao Hei, asked him to sign a few documents, called Na Songquan, asked her to press her fingerprints, and called her father and brother.

"Congratulations, Miss Songquan is favored by Captain Liu Heifu. From now on, Miss Songquan is Captain Heifu's concubine. You, too, have become honorable family members of the Sui Army."

As family members of the garrison, there are also many advantages. For example, the Songquan family originally worked in the prisoner camp. They worked every day, and then recorded work points, and finally paid rations based on work points.

But now, after becoming military members supporting the army, they will be able to leave the prisoner camp.

Xiao Hei is the school lieutenant, and he was given [-] mu of land first, and then [-] mu of Xun Tian.Naturally, Xiao Hei did not have time to cultivate the [-] mu of land. His family also bought some fields, which were cultivated by his wife and younger brothers and sisters.

Now the land allocated here, he can hand it over to his father and brothers who are newly hired concubines and servants to cultivate, they are regarded as Xiao Hei's tenants.Half of the harvest from the field belongs to Xiao Hei, which is regarded as a tenant, and the other half belongs to them.But they have to spend [-]% to pay the rent, and the remaining [-]% is theirs.

Although only [-]% of the harvest was obtained in the end, it was much better than the current prison camp. Working in the prison camp can only get a little ration, and there will be no private property at all.

Of course, after Xiao Hei married Songquan, he also had the obligation and responsibility to supervise the Songquan family. If they escaped or made trouble, Xiao Hei would be responsible.

Xiao Hei bowed his hands to Song Quan's father, a thin old man with a goatee. This old man was originally a fat man, but after staying in the prison camp for more than a year, he has now become a thin old man. In the state of the Goguryeo landlord at half point, facing the son-in-law of the captain of the Sui army, he was extremely respectful.

"Our Central Plains is a country of etiquette, and I will not treat you badly if I take your daughter as a concubine. In this way, I will give you a horse and ten pieces of silk as gifts."

Xiao Hei was very satisfied with Song Quan, so he gave it to Pingli very generously.

Song Yu's father Song Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He turned back and pushed two Goguryeo women in their 20s over, talking and gesticulating.

It turned out that he meant to marry the widows left behind by the two dead sons to Xiao Hei.

"No, no, no." Xiao Hei waved his hands repeatedly.

The clerk over there smiled and said, "Lieutenant Liu, you are the captain, and it is not too much for one person to accept three."

"One is enough, one is enough." Xiao Hei repeated.

"According to Luo Shuai's regulations, ordinary soldiers can take one concubine, team leaders can take two concubines, school lieutenants can take three concubines, generals can take four concubines, and generals can take five concubines. It is not against the rules for you to take three concubines. .”

"Forget it, one is enough."

"The fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields. The whole family follows you, how tidy." The document still smiled.

"How inappropriate."

"What's inappropriate? You don't need any betrothal gifts to accept Goguryeo concubines. You can give them as much as you want. If you accept two more concubines, you will have two more workers. Besides, you can also Warm the bed, fold the quilt, cook and do laundry while you are on vacation. You don’t want this good thing. Two young Goguryeo women are worth at least ten guan in Donglai Renma City. If they are in Luoyang or Daxing, at least they can It’s worth fifteen to twenty guan, which is a great bargain.”

Hearing this, Xiao Hei's heart slowly moved.

"I'll write it down here for you. The three women of the Song family belong to you."

(End of this chapter)

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