Chapter 56 Good News
(Thank you Thorn Bird for your love!)
Qi County.


Zhang Xutuo, the prefect of the county, was still standing in the school field in the north of the city with his helmet on and his armor on, practicing the county soldiers.

Jia Runpu, who had returned to the county town first, was reporting to Zhang Xutuo, "They went to Zouping to find Wang Bo, who used to be the law officer of Qi County, but unfortunately, Wang Bo's uncle just passed away, and there was a big funeral at home. .Wang Bo didn’t have time to investigate the case for them, so Luo Wu and the others had no choice but to leave and come back. Because Luo Wu and the others can’t ride horses, I asked me to come back and report first.”

"Going to Zouping, did you gain nothing?" Zhang Xutuo asked.

"Seems to be."

Zhang Xutuo just stroked his short steel needle-like beard under his jaw and said, "I don't think so."

"What does the governor mean?"

"If you're just looking for clues, there's no need to go to Zouping to find Wang Bo. I guess Luo Wu and the others have found some clues, but they're not sure yet, so they didn't say it directly, but went to investigate first."

"Then why didn't they tell you, Juncheng, and even kept it from me?"

Zhang Xutuo tapped his fingers on the table in front of him, "That means they haven't believed you yet."

"But why don't they even believe Jun Cheng?"

On the school grounds, teams of county soldiers are practicing hard. The veterans who have followed Zhang Xutuo in the battle are now acting as instructors, strictly supervised, and even mercilessly whipped.

"I hope that Luo Wu and the others can find this Zhishilang. I just took office and encountered such a thing. If it can't be settled quickly, then how many people in Qi County will laugh at me."

From the very beginning of his tenure, Zhang Xutuo began to ask all counties in the county to send food and soldiers to strictly train the county soldiers. This made the prefect and other officials very dissatisfied.But if this matter can't be resolved as soon as possible, I'm afraid they will use an excuse to make trouble.

"There are more and more bandits everywhere, and the local law and order are unstable. As the county magistrate who catches and suppresses bandits, I have the responsibility to train the county soldiers and step up the elimination of bandits. If there is no food, there will be no soldiers. If there are no soldiers, there will be no bandit suppression. If there is no bandit suppression If the place is not peaceful, it will be turbulent, so we must fight this battle well.”

"But Juncheng, we can't just count on Luo Wu and the others, right?"

"Of course I don't just count on them. People from all walks of life have been scattered, but nothing has been found so far. I hope that Luo Wu and the others are a surprise army and can play a role of surprise."

Sending Luo Wu and the others is just like when Zhang Xutuo used to fight, he would always send some partisans in addition to the main army, or surprise attack, or reconnaissance, or circle around, it may not be effective to send out, but some Sometimes, it does work wonders.

"I'm afraid they let Juncheng down."

"not necessarily!"

Licheng, East Gate.

As the sun rose, the gates of the city burst open.

The gate of Licheng is now guarded by the county soldiers. Early in the morning, the high-spirited county soldiers came running with spears and shouting.

When the head of the team took out the key to open the city gate, the people who had been waiting inside and outside the city lined up to enter and exit.

"These mud legs look pretty good."

"No, when I was recruited before, I looked either old or young. I thought it was another group of fools. I didn't expect that under the training of Xin Juncheng, it has been so long, and I have such a spirit. , although they are not as elite as the government soldiers, but they are indeed somewhat soldier-like."

"It looks good, but it's much more troublesome than before. How could there be so many rules when entering and exiting a city gate, and you have to line up and check one by one. Everything can only be entered and exited on the right. It's too troublesome."

"The trouble of queuing is a bit troublesome, but don't you think that it seems to be troublesome now, but it actually takes less time to go out of the city in the morning than before?" a businessman said.

In the past, there was no such strict queuing, and people just entered and exited casually. When there were many people in the morning, they had to be blocked. Every morning and evening, they had to be blocked for about half an hour.

But now, although we have to wait in line, the time in line is not long, so it saves some time.

"Tell me, did Tomoshiro catch that?"

"I guess I caught it, otherwise why haven't I heard anything new recently?"

"Catch it, this damn Chishiro has made people panic, the trade routes are almost cut off, and many goods can't get in or out."

While waiting in line, it is also good to chat with people who are familiar with you.

While chatting, there was a sound of horseshoes ahead.

"Get out, get out."

Someone yelled.

The people queuing up were a little riotous.

The leader of the county soldiers in charge of guarding the gate is not happy, and someone dares to break through the gate?

"Whoever doesn't open his eyes, take it down for me!"

Immediately, the two groups of county soldiers raised their spears and pushed away the people who lined up to surround them.

"I'm Qin Qiong. There is an urgent military situation coming into the city to report to the county magistrate. Get out of the way."

The goalkeeper team was approaching aggressively, but when they heard that it was Qin Qiong, and then heard that there was an emergency situation, they couldn't help but hurried forward.

"It turned out to be Captain Qin, who came back so soon, what's going on?"

Qin Qiong on Huang Puma's horse was full of travel and dust, and drove all night yesterday, running for sixty miles at night, his body was drenched with dew and sweat, fortunately, two horses took turns to replace them.

He pointed to the hog-like thieves who were tied up behind him and said, "Did you see that these two are Zhishilang's subordinates, and I captured them. I have important military information to report to Juncheng, let me enter the city quickly."

As soon as everyone heard that the person on the horse was Zhishiro's subordinate, they all cheered up and wanted to squeeze over to have a look.

The head of the Shoumen County Brigade did not dare to neglect after hearing this, and hurriedly greeted his subordinates.

"Hurry up and clear the way for Deputy Qin, and escort Deputy Qin to escort the bandits to the county magistrate."

Immediately, the two groups of county soldiers turned their spears and drove away the people who came to watch, "Get out of the way."

Twenty soldiers from the county guarded Qin Qiong and went into the city, leaving behind the people at the city gate to discuss.

"It's still up to Qin Shubao to step in. All monsters, monsters, and sprites, all of them can be easily captured and surrendered."

"No, it's the same when Zhi Shilang meets Qin Shubao."

"Brother, dare to ask, where is this Qin Shubao from? How can you say it so mysteriously?"

"Grandpa, you're not from the local area, are you?"

"Well, I'm from Luoyang, passing by here to sell some goods."

"No wonder, if you want to talk about this Qin Shubao, it's a bit over the top. Let's put it this way, this Qin Shubao's real name is Qin Qiong and his name is Shubao. His family is a famous family in Licheng for a century. This Qin Shubao has been smart since he was a child." have to········"

City North Campus.


"Report to the magistrate, Qin Shubao asks to see him."

"Shubao is back?"

Qin Qiong came in with two prisoners.

"Qin Qiong joined the army as the prefect."

"Qin Qiong, who are these two people? Why are they tied up?"

"Reporting to Juncheng, these two are Zhishilang's subordinates."

"Have you checked Tomoiro?"

"It has been found out, and it has already been fought."

"Hurry up and report the details truthfully!"

"Is such that·······"

(End of this chapter)

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