Chapter 57

(Thanks to the Martian male god for the reward! Thank you!)

The sun rose high, and the golden light shone into the cave.

With the warm sunshine hitting his face, Luo Feng woke up belatedly.

They were so excited last night that almost everyone couldn't sleep all night, and they finally fell asleep from sleepiness when it was almost dawn.

He yawned, stood up, and seeing the group of brothers still lying on the ground, he finally remembered what happened that day.

Luo Si hugged the little bundle of gold and silver in his arms, and he hugged it tighter than women, and looked at the other people carefully, and everything else was the same, even the naive Xiao Liu was also hugging the little bundle tightly. hold on.

He rubbed his head, still a little groggy.

Lying on the ground and sleeping all night, the humidity is still very heavy, although he taught everyone to dig a hole in the place where the fire was lit last night in the cave, buried the unburned ashes below, and then everyone slept on it. I put some clothes on it, but it is autumn after all.

Couldn't sleep last night, and several of them shared the remaining wine.Although it was a grain wine with a low alcohol content, it still caused headaches after overnight.

I can't bear to disturb their sweet dreams. I guess they are all dreaming sweet dreams at this time.

Picking up the bow and knife from his feet, Luo Feng walked out of the small cave in his cloak. The fresh air was blowing outside, and it was still a bit cold.

Under the tree beside the cave, fourteen horses were tied there, and they all stood there quietly.

I checked in the past, and the three injured horses were not in good spirits, and their injuries seemed to be a little inflamed, but fortunately, they were probably able to hold on.

Stretching out his hand to touch Dahei, Dahei opened his mouth to bite, but the bite was very light, obviously an act of intimacy.

"Xiao Wu, you woke up early?"

The voice of his brother-in-law's scarred face came from behind, Luo Feng turned around and saw his messy hair and beard, and said with a smile, "You're awake, don't you want to sleep longer?"

"I woke up hungry." Scarface said with some embarrassment.

"And some venison."

"I'll clean it up." Scarface was very diligent.

When Scarface brought the knife, the others were also woken up.

"Xiao Wu, the grilled deer chops and stewed deer tail soup you made yesterday are delicious, and you should make them today." The fourth child was hungry for food, and was afraid that scar noodles would not be as delicious as Luo Feng's.

"If you want to eat, can you do it yourself? Today we eat buffet, everyone roasts everyone's food, and you can eat whatever you want." Luo Feng rolled his eyes at the fourth child.

The venison was kept overnight, but it was still fresh because of the cold weather, and it was almost unchanged when it was taken out of the cave.

Luo Feng cut off a large piece with a knife, weighing about two catties, and then carried it to the stream in front of the cave to wash it.

"You really make your own, you know I've never cooked before, I don't know how to do it."

"Then you don't need to eat."

Helpless, the fourth child had no choice but to cut a piece of meat with a knife and wash it.

The big guys follow suit, you have one piece, he has one piece, and the remaining half of the deer will be cut off quickly.

Yesterday it was a whole piece of deer steak that was grilled, today it was not so good ribs, Luo Feng simply cleaned the meat, cut it into small pieces, specially sandwiched some fat in the middle, cut some small branches into a bunch, and it became a deer steak. Ordered simple venison skewers.

Except for Scar Mian and Zhou Xin who knew how to cook when they were bachelors, the rest of them couldn't do it at all, so they simply followed suit and made venison kebabs.

There are not enough ingredients, so the venison has not been marinated, just like a bunch of raw.

"Fourth, go light the fire." Luo Feng commanded.

Although the fourth child was not happy about being instigated by Luo Feng, in the end he was compelled by Luo Feng's sharp eyes and had no choice but to start a fire.

When the fire was lit, everyone threw the dry branches they picked up into it, and after a while, they harvested a lot of charcoal.

As soon as the open fire is extinguished, a large charcoal pit will be ready immediately.

"Put your venison strips on the side and roast it. Remember to watch the heat, don't burn it. It's almost done when it's roasted with oil. Sprinkle some salt and you're ready to eat."

So the brothers each took a large bunch of venison skewers, each contracted a charcoal pool, and inserted rows of venison.

"Xiao Wu, you said that we killed so many thieves this time, and it was a group of thieves, how much reward can we get?" Old Si was still thinking about the reward while smoking and roasting venison.

"Whatever it is, there should be one or twenty thieves."

"Then we killed fifteen, captured three, and seized so many weapons and horses, all together we need four or five hundred coins?" Luo Wu began to count with his fingers again, "We have a total of eight People, fifty guan for one person, that is [-] guan. Well, I killed four of them alone, so it should be more points, so it is not too much for me to take [-] guan, right?"

Luo Feng chuckled.

"Fourth brother, you have received the reward, what are you going to do?"

The fourth child said with longing, "It would be great if I could get a hundred coins. I'll take out the ten coins first and go to the next door to the mountain village Xiaping."

"Oh, is there a friend of the fourth brother there?"

"It's not a good relationship. I know Butcher Liu who kills pigs and sells meat in the village. I drank at his house before. He has a daughter who ranks third in the family. Everyone is called Sanniang. She is handsome. She has a thick waist and Big butt, it is definitely easy to have children after marrying, it is not a problem to give birth to seven or eight children, and she is very strong. I saw her help his father catch a pig, a big black pig of two hundred catties, she just twisted the pig's ear Drag it away, it's amazing, such a woman is good, Wangfu."

Luo Feng heard that a big head with a thick waist and a big butt is actually the best choice?

He couldn't imagine a girl who was five big and three thick, who could twist a pig's ear with one hand and drag a two hundred catty pig away with one hand. Such a girl was really scary.

"Fourth brother, you have really strong taste."

"What do you know? To find a daughter-in-law, you have to find such a strong one. If you want to find a wife in the future, you should also look for it according to this standard."

Luo Feng couldn't take it anymore, he turned around and asked Xiao Liu.

"Xiao Liu, what do you want to do if you receive the reward?"

"Buy a cow."

Xiao Liu blurted out, "Buy two big yellow oxen, so that our family's land can be planted, if there is any leftover, I want to buy another donkey for the family, so that when the mother wants to go to the married sisters' house, You can ride a donkey."

"Xiao Liu is filial, better than your fourth brother. He is not a person who only thinks about his daughter-in-law and forgets his mother when he is rich."

Brother-in-law Scarface said that after receiving the reward, he wanted to build a new house. The house at home was too old, and it leaked everywhere when it rained, and it was ventilated everywhere in winter.

"Invite more people to come, cut some good wood, and then tamp down the foot of the wall. Then the yard will be built with earthen walls and wooden roofs. There will be no wind leakage in winter, and no water leakage in rainy days."

"What about you, brother-in-law?"

"I want to buy some land. I don't have an acre and a half of land in my family. I always feel uneasy. When I have money, I want to buy a few acres of land first. Even if it is thin land, I can work hard and always have some rations."

"Du Da, Fu San, how about you?"

Du Da said that he wanted to buy back the former yard of his home so that his mother and younger sister could return to the old home. He also said that he believed that his father was still alive. Not to them.

And Fusan said he wanted to buy sheep, buy a large flock of sheep, and then graze the sheep for himself in the future.When the sheep are fattened and can produce lambs, the more sheep can be raised, the more money they can earn, and one day they can become a rich man.

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(End of this chapter)

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