Chapter 62
Luo Cheng and Qin Qiong clamped Wang Bo one left and one right, and the three riders walked forward in a zigzag shape.

"Shubao, I didn't instruct Wang Yonghu to intercept you. I didn't know about it at all." Wang Bo was bound with his hands behind his back, feeling a bit like a hero.

Qin Qiong was silent for a moment, then reached out and took off his heavy helmet.

The helmet was taken off, the wind blew up the messy hair, and on the pale gold face were those sad eyes.

"Brother Wang, you are so old, why do you still do this thing of licking blood with a knife? Is it because you have failed in business and you are tight, or do you have a reason to be caught and coerced?"

"I have been in business for ten years, and every year I sell some tea and salt outside the Great Wall and bring back cattle and horses. Although this business is hard work and dangerous, the profit is very high. There are thousands of acres of fertile land and a few shops, although I don’t live in the fortress now, I still have my part in the caravan, and although the money I earn every year is not as good as before, I still have a stable income.”

Wang Bo sighed, "I'm not being coerced either."

"Then why do you still want to be a thief when you are old?"

"No," Wang Bo replied calmly, "I'm not a thief, and I don't bother to be a thief. Shubao, you know me well, so why would I be a thief? You know that I was in the army for ten years, and I was born and died for the Sui Dynasty. Pass."

"Because of this, I don't even understand why you want to cheat with thieves!"

"What is an official, what is a thief?"

Luo Cheng just listened to their conversation, but didn't join in.

He actually understood what Wang Bo meant. Wang Bo's family was poor in his early years. He joined the army and fought for the Sui Dynasty.In the officialdom for ten years, he was also a member of the ruling class of the Sui Dynasty.

It's just that he was imprisoned in the wrong team because of an official battle, and after he came out, he went out to do business in Cyprus for ten years.

Wang Bo's experience is very rich, but now under the rule of Emperor Daye, the world is restless, and Wang Bo is not pleasing to the eye.In other words, in fact, many of today's policies and his governance philosophy are not pleasing to many Wang Bo.

It's just that some people just pay attention to it, while Wang Bo started to act.

"Is it worth it?" Luo Cheng asked.

"Is what worth it?"

"In your current situation, do you think your choice is right? Do you think the sacrifices you have made are worth it?"

"A man never regrets what he does!" Wang Bo said coldly.

"Upright, refreshing!" Luo Cheng praised.

Slowly, pain appeared on Qin Qiong's face.

"Brother Wang, I don't think you should choose this path."

"Shubao, don't you still not see the world today? This is the beginning of the end of the world. The Emperor of Daye sitting on the golden hall of the Daxing Palace has been secretly abandoned by many people. The king has no way, we wait Since the rebellion was raised, the universe will be re-established."

Qin Qiong didn't expect him to say such a thing, he never even thought that Wang Bo was plotting a rebellion, and he always thought that he was just dealing with some horse thieves.

Luo Cheng was neither surprised nor surprised.

"There are indeed many people who think this way, but not many people dare to do so."

"The sun is setting, and all those who are still fantasizing about supporting the Golden Crow are in vain. Although Yang Guang can deceive the emperor and seize the throne, he can't rule the world. Now he has succeeded to the throne for only five years. In the past year, however, there have been chaos and chaos everywhere, and the people of the world are already in dire straits. When the Eastern Expedition comes together, I am afraid that the people will never have peace, and the world of his Yang Sui will be crumbling. With their surnames standing above the court, they are actually just a group of moths."

"Although I, Wang Bo, am not talented, I have traveled half my life and seen the sufferings of the people. There must always be someone who should stand up and say no to those people. This is a worthwhile life in this world!"

Such an awe-inspiring remark has the aura of a revolutionary.

However, Luo Cheng is not completely convinced. Wang Bo may really have such an ideal, but he is actually just a small pawn in someone else's conspiracy plan, and the people he works for are actually just the group of people who rely on their surnames. For the people standing in the court, for those people, it is nothing more than a struggle for power within the group of power holders.

Luo Cheng shook his head.

"If you are successful, you will help the world, and if you are poor, you will be alone. Now we are just ordinary people on this vast land, how can we think of going so far. When I was still running for three meals, when I did not even eat It’s pointless to talk to me about anything else when you’re still hungry!”

"You are wrong, as long as countless ordinary people like us join hands, we can change the world and create a new world!"

"No, never. In the end, you are just pawns in other people's hands."

"The chess piece may not have a day when it turns over and decides!"

"But I won't think so far now, because I still have family members to take care of, and my parents are still struggling, so what about He Shi and the distance?"

Wang Bo suddenly laughed out loud.

"You are too young, cowardly!"

Luo Cheng said, "I admire your courage and determination, but I won't learn from you."


Qin Qiong drew the knife fiercely, the knife was as bright as snow, and an arc of light fell towards Wang Bo.

Luo Cheng was shocked.

"Second brother?"

Knife falls.

But Wang Bo was not hurt at all.

The rope binding his hands broke in several pieces and fell down.

"Brother Wang, just like Xiaowu said, I admire your courage, but I can't learn from you. But I can't tie you to the execution ground myself. I used to be brothers, and that's all I can do for you. There are too many, you go. The farther you go, the better, it is best to leave Qi County from now on and never come back. "

Qin Qiong wants to let Wang Bo go.

Luo Cheng was shocked.

"Second brother, let Wang Bo go, and you won't be able to do business with Jun Cheng."

"Let's just say that some party members moved him halfway, Xiao Wu, you cut me down."

Qin Qiong asked Luo Cheng to cooperate with him in acting, and pretended to be Wang Bo's party to rescue him.

"Second brother, is it worth it for you?"

"Loyalty is worth a thousand gold. Brother Wang is both a teacher and a friend to me. I should be like this."

Wang Bo also stood there for a long time.

After a long time, he handed over, "Shubao, I will always remember this loving brother."

"Let's go quickly. From now on, we will be farewell to each other. See you in the rivers and lakes, and we will be selfless again."

"Understood, thank you." Wang Bo was not hypocritical. Although he was not afraid of death after being captured, it didn't mean he wanted to seek death. Of course he was willing to escape if he had the chance.

Pushing the horses, Wang Bo ran away.

Luo Cheng sighed.

"Second brother, he just ran away. You were righteous to him, but he was not benevolent to you."

"It's nothing, I was the one who let him go." Qin Qiong said, "Xiao Wu, come on, give me a knife and do something decent."

"Second brother, sometimes I really can't understand you, and sometimes you are too pedantic."

"Xiao Wu, if you don't want to help me, then you can tell Jun Cheng the truth, and I will bear all the consequences."

"Second brother, are you scolding me? Am I, Luo Cheng, that kind of person?"

In desperation, Luo Cheng had no choice but to take a knife and slash Qin Qiong's body. The slash was quite heavy, but he didn't find any critical place. It looked serious, but it was actually a little skin trauma.

"Why do you think Jun Cheng asked us brothers to take Wang Bo back alone? Did you expect us to let Wang Bo go?" Luo Cheng asked.

Qin Qiong froze for a moment, "Shouldn't it be possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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