Chapter 63 Grandpa is here
Jia Runpu spat in the face of a thieves, and he mocked the man disdainfully.

"Juncheng, there are more than 36 bandits in this lair, [-] corpses were left behind, and the remaining [-] people were all captured. In addition, we found no food or strong men who were taken away here. But there are traces , It is estimated that it was transferred in advance."

The thieves are fierce, but no matter how fierce the thieves are, they are just a group of thieves. They may be very powerful on their own, but in the face of a team of trained county soldiers, they cannot hold up to a sharper bow and crossbow , Spear giant shield.

After besieging Qingyang Mountain Villa, Zhang Xutuo led the county soldiers to quickly go deep into Changbai Mountain to suppress bandits.

"As expected."

Zhang Xutuo nodded, and ordered the youngest county soldiers to cut off the heads of the dead bandits, and let the rest clean up the battlefield.

"Hurry up and interrogate, and ask them to explain where Ding Liang was transferred."

Break Qingyang Village first, and then enter the mountain to win another game, but Zhang Xutuo didn't pay much attention to it. He dispatched more than 600 county soldiers, and even a victory against a group of thieves and bandits in the district should be considered a victory.

However, after these two battles, although more than [-] thieves and bandits were killed and nearly a hundred were captured, seven of the county soldiers under Zhang Xutuo's command were killed and more than ten were injured in the first battle. Very dissatisfied, there should not have been such a large number of casualties, after all, they were only facing a group of thieves and bandits.

"Juncheng, what I don't understand is, why did Qin Qiong and Luo Cheng escort Wang Bo to Zouping County, and why did they escort Wang Bo alone? I'm always worried that Qin Qiong will let Wang Bo escape halfway."

"Someone just wants to give Qin Qiong this chance."

"Huh?" Jia didn't understand.

"I asked Qin Qiong and Luo Cheng to escort Wang Bo to Zouping. If they complete the task, it means that Qin Qiong is still trustworthy. If it is said that he has escaped, then it means that Qin Qiong is not clear about his public affairs."

"But why do you want Luo Cheng to go with you again?"

"Because someone also wants to see how Luo Cheng's temperament is?"

Jia became a little anxious, "It took a lot of effort to catch Wang Bo. This man is a big fish, we can't let him go."

"Don't worry, of course I can't let Wang Bo go. In fact, I have already sent people to watch Qin Qiong and the others secretly. Even if Qin Qiong really let people go, and Luo Cheng doesn't care, then don't be afraid. Someone will watch Wang Bo, let Wang Bo go back to the mountain, and let him lead the way for us, so that we can find his den."

"It's still the Jun Cheng's cleverness, I admire it!"

Luo Si spat into his palm, he felt his heart beating violently, and even his palm was hot, as if he was holding a piece of charcoal fire.

Yu Wangluo tightened his palms, and he felt more at ease in his heart.

Look around.

The sixth brother followed closely behind him, Zhao Gui and Zhou Xin squatted on the left and right, while Du Da and Fusan squatted on the other side.

The six of them just squatted in the late autumn forest.

Without Lao Wu, he would be the leader of the team. Under the order of the prefect, Xiao Wu and Qin Qiong escorted Wang Bo back to Zouping, and they came here to scout.

"Fourth brother, this is indeed the lair of thieves, you see a lot of people." Zhao Gui whispered to him.

The fourth child glared at Zhao Gui fiercely, "So what if there are too many people? Isn't it just a chance to make meritorious deeds if there are too many people? Wealth and wealth are in danger. There are six of us here. I think there are only twenty or thirty thieves in front. Didn’t the eight of us also kill eighteen cavalry, what are you afraid of? You don’t want to get more rewards? A bandit should at least have a reward of ten or twenty pennies, right?”

"Of course I want to get the bounty, but... But, the fifth brother and the second brother Qin are not here, we may not be able to beat those thieves. Otherwise, we should go back and report to the county magistrate to explain the banditry here, that is also a credit One piece."

"Xiao Wu isn't here, but isn't I still here? Last time I fought, Xiao Wu didn't kill as many as I did. Without the two of them, the six of us can do as much as one vote." Luo Si said coldly, "Don't always be Xiaowu Xiaowu, I am Xiaowu's brother! You all listen to me!"

"Fourth brother, isn't it too risky?" Fusan reminded.

Luo Si grabbed Zhou Xin by the collar, "Are you f*cking afraid of death? You bastard, if you're afraid, go back with your balls in your hands. Without you, I'd do the same thing myself."

"No, fourth brother, if you want to go together, if you want to go up together, we can't let you go up alone." Fu San said helplessly.

The fourth child was still cursing in a low voice.

"Don't be a petty five all day long, his little five is as strong as I am? Ever since I was a child, Xiao Wu has never been me."

Xiao Liu argued at this time, "Fourth brother, the last time you came back, you fought with fifth brother, and he was beaten on the ground by fifth brother. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Finally, he desperately begged for mercy, and fifth brother will forgive you."

"Shut up, I let him go, you know, let him go." The fourth child was furious and furious.

Everyone kept silent. In fact, it was very hard to hold back. Although the fourth child was indeed older than the fifth child, although the fifth child was young, his words and deeds were usually much more prudent. Everyone followed the fifth child and did things in a down-to-earth manner.

"It would be great if Fifth Brother was here." Xiao Liu whispered.

"Stop arguing, we will finish this job in a while, and we will share the credit equally, and I will never get much. I, Luo Cunxiao, am also an indomitable man. Following me is no worse than following Luo Wu."

Luo Si clenched King Yu Luo in his hand again, thinking in his heart, Lao Tzu won't believe it, Lao Tzu is no better than Lao Wu.As long as he does another big ticket this time, he will still be appreciated by the county magistrate. If he can also be awarded a team deputy or something, then he won't have to follow the fifth brother at all.


Zhao Gui and Zhou Xin looked at each other, both a little helpless and a little excited. If they can win this vote, it will definitely be a big one.

"Then do it!"

"Fuck it!"

in the forest.

A forest was cut down, and a place was vacated, and several wooden houses were built with fallen trees, and there were about twenty or thirty robbers there.

Some people are basking in the sun, some are chatting, and some are boiling water to make soup.

The strong smell of meat wafted out, and Luo Si swallowed his saliva.

This is a temporary camp for Wang Bo and the others. There are more than [-] people here, who have also participated in the robbery of the government's rations before.

The surroundings were peaceful, but in the seemingly idle camp, there were still some eyes that were walking vigilantly, as sharp as a falcon.

"Hound, is there any movement?" A bearded man asked.


The answer came from a tree.

The bearded man frowned, "Brother Hu and the others have been away for two days, why haven't they come back, can something happen?"

"What can be wrong?"

"I don't know, I always feel that something is not right, why don't you take a few brothers out to Qingyang Villa to have a look."

"Okay!" The man hadn't finished his sentence when suddenly a powerful arrow shot through the air and pierced his throat.

"Enemy attack!" The bearded man roared, and quickly drew his knife.

Another few arrows came.

Immediately afterwards, a tall and thin guy rushed over with a stick in his hand, "Grandfather Luo Cunxiao is here, grandchildren are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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