Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 671 Independent Kingdom

Chapter 671 Independent Kingdom
Everyone is in a hurry.

If you want to rush to plant your own land, you have to plant the military and official fields as well.Although there are farm slaves in the military and official villages, the soldiers in the military mansion and the people in the counties and villages also have to take turns to undertake the duty of cultivating the land for the officials.

This can be regarded as a handyman, and it basically takes turns.This kind of husband's labor who helps the army and the officials to farm the land is actually the same in nature as the servant who goes to the government office to work as a third-class servant.

The government will even organize the people to build river embankments, canals, and city walls during the slack season.

In Liaodong Road, every commoner has to serve the imperial court for free for 20 days a year, and these 20 days are the common people's obligation.If you have not served for 20 days in a year, you will have to pay, also known as Daiyong.If it exceeds 20 days, according to the actual number of days exceeded, a certain rent adjustment will be reduced at the end.

Of course, this kind of labor is only conscripted by the Jiedu Shifu and the counties and counties. As for some small projects in the villages such as building roads, bridges and canals, it is not included, it is the villagers' own business.

Andong Road now has a population of more than 150 million in six counties, and the average population of 8 counties is only [-]. This population base is still very weak, especially Luo Cheng’s population includes all people, whether you are a slave It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a series or not, even monks, Taoists and prostitutes are included, which is very different from the household registration of the imperial court.

The household registration population of the imperial court is only registered for benefactors, and those slaves, monks, Taoists, etc. are not included in the household registration statistics.

With a population of over one million, it occupies the best Liaohe Plain, not to mention that there is also a large piece of fertile land in western Liaoning.

A large number of fields, about one-third of which are occupied by the army and officers, about one-third by the soldiers and officers of the Fubing County, and the remaining one-third by other people.

In addition, of the more than 150 million people in Andong Province, nearly 50 of them are landless. They are Turkic slaves, Goguryeo slaves, and exiled criminals from the Central Plains. are sharecroppers.

The land is large and the population is small, and one-third of the population is not eligible for land distribution. Therefore, the soldiers in Liaodong now have a lot of land, and each soldier has at least two or three hundred acres of land. A family with a large population may even have thousands of acres.

Fortunately, there are no conditions for intensive cultivation these days, and there is a need for fallow and rotation. The yield per mu is not high due to extensive cultivation, so it can be regarded as extensive cultivation and low harvest. However, with so many fields, it is still possible to earn a lot.

The government soldiers basically have large livestock such as slaves, cattle and horses, and the military and official villages are provided by the government with cattle, horses, farm tools and seeds, so although the land is large and the population is small, everyone's efficiency is still very high.

This year, Luo Cheng deliberately planted a lot of rice in fertile fields irrigated by water sources. The yield of rice is still very good, much higher than that of millet and wheat, but it requires high water and cannot be grown in ordinary places.

After a busy spring plowing, the field gradually became quiet again.

At this time, the common people finally had time to enjoy the quiet.

In the morning, in various villages, the young and strong men started training with spears and bows again, and practiced under the orders of the village chiefs.

The children also began to learn to read and write with the gentlemen sent in the school set up by the Yamen of the Jiedushi.The conditions are simple, there are no textbooks, and there is no paper and pen, so fold tree branches to make pens, and use the sand table as paper.

The school in Tunli is very close to life. It only has half a day of classes every day. Classes start in the morning and class ends at noon.

There is no tuition fee to come to the school to attend classes. It is enough to give some food, vegetables, dried fish, etc. produced by each family to the teacher as a bundle of repairs.

Of course, what is more surprising is that these gentlemen are actually a group of teenagers.This group of youngsters who are still immature, some are only eleven or twelve years old, and some are only thirteen or fourteen years old. Most of them came out of Luo Cheng's orphan camp.

When they were in the camp, they studied literature and practiced martial arts at the same time. When they were older, they would join the army, serve as attendants of officers, and practice in the army.

But now, Luo Cheng arranged some teenagers in the foster children's camp to be teachers in the villages of various counties and counties to teach the children. He asked these foster children to teach for two years in the villages, and then Then enter the barracks as an officer's attendant.

Although they are young, the people in the village respect them very much.

First, everyone calls them the children of the handsome, and second, although they are young, they can read and write. These days, nine out of ten people are illiterate, and ordinary people have no chance to read and write, so for such a free They cherish the opportunity to study.

Farm slack down.

The military towns, counties and counties have also started to recruit young and strong people to take turns to train, and some people have been recruited to build roads, cities and rivers, and some people have come to hire people to dig mines, build ships and iron.

Both sides of the Liaohe River are full of vitality.

On the official road from Liaoxi to Liaodong, countless caravans brought goods and brought back many furs of livestock purchased from Liaodong.

And many Khitan, Xi, Shiwei, Yu and other tribes in the north also came to Liaodong to trade.

Even the Mohe people and Goguryeo people in the east couldn't help sending caravans to trade.

Wanghai Town in the west of Liaoning, Yingkou City in the mouth of the Liao River, Dalian Port and Lushun Port in the south of Liaoning are also extremely busy now. Countless ships come and go, carrying boatloads of goods, even from the Central Plains. The refugees who broke through the customs.

Regarding commercial trade and border market transactions, Luo Cheng is an active advocate. Even if he introduces an industrial and commercial tax that does not exist in the Central Plains, it still cannot stop the enthusiasm of the merchants.

Although Gein has taxes, there are no fees or donations. As long as he enters Liaodong, he will be able to travel smoothly. There will be no extortion or robbery. Compared with the chaos in the Central Plains, this place is very stable now, and the demand for goods is extremely high. It's just to make money. Since he can make money when he comes to Liaodong, it doesn't matter whether he pays taxes or not.

The prosperity of the commercial market also led to the development of the handicraft workshop manufacturing industry in Liaodong, which brought a lot of tax revenue to Jiedushi Yamen.

Jiedu makes the yamen rich, the counties rich, the prices stable, and the frontiers peaceful.

Wait until May.

Military training was suspended, schools were closed, and even officials went to the countryside to help harvest.

Harvesting scenes are everywhere, and families, young and old, are scrambling to harvest wheat in the fields.

Old women are cooking at home, young children are gleaning wheat in the field, young men and women are waving wheat scythes in the field, horses and mules carry people on their backs, and carts of once-denied wheat are sent to threshing Valley field.

Gold everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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