Chapter 672
There are happy crowds everywhere.

In order to be able to put in more effort, everyone also killed chickens and ducks for extra meals, and they were willing to spend the money.

Many families with a small population even harvest together in partnership.

But in the military camp, the sergeants were even more enthusiastic, and even started a competition of cutting wheat, picking wheat, and threshing wheat, and rewarded the top three with money and silk, which made everyone scream.

Tiangong is also very beautiful.

For more than ten days in a row, it was hot and sunny without a trace of rain, which allowed countless wheat to be harvested and safely stored in the warehouse.

After the grain is harvested, it is delivered to the warehouse.

One share of the food in the army's field was kept in the warehouse, one share was handed over to the army town, and one share was handed over to the commander-in-chief's mansion.For the grain in Guantunli, one part is kept in the warehouse, one part is handed over to the county and county, and one part is handed over to the commander's mansion.

And the common people also lined up to hand in the grain after harvesting.

The military fields of the government soldiers do not need to pay public rent for land rent, but they need to pay a communal granary and charity granary according to the number of mu. The communal granary is managed and dispatched by the county to prepare for famine.The Yicang grain is located in the county and is managed by the county government. It is only used for disaster relief and disaster relief in the county's famine, or for the relief of the orphans, widows, sick and disabled in the county at ordinary times.

Both communal granaries and charity granaries are levied on the basis of mu, which is two liters per mu.

Compared with the output of at least one stone per mu, the two liters of free warehouse and grain from the free warehouse are actually not high, and the sum is less than [-]%.But on the other hand, because there is no upper limit, and it is only levied on an acre basis, it is more than the current communal warehouses and righteous warehouses in the Central Plains. Each has its own differences.

And if a mansion soldier has a thousand mu of land in his family, then he has to pay [-] shi for the grain of the righteous warehouse, and [-] shi for the grain of the communal warehouse.

But in general, it is reasonable. After all, it is expropriated on the basis of land. If you pay more, it means that you have more land and you can keep more.

The people are not dissatisfied.

The soldiers in the government only pay grain for the righteous warehouses and communal warehouses, but they have to pay rent for the land granted by their families.

According to the previous agreement between Luo Cheng and them, except for the government soldiers, the rest of the people who share the land and grant land will also collect rent on a per-mu basis. According to the average yield of one stone per mu, it is set to take three buckets of millet per mu, which was originally set. The call for grass was called, but it was canceled later, and only three buckets of millet were collected per mu.

Three buckets of millet per mu is much lower than the original plan to collect half of the output, but in reality it is only [-]% or even less.But because there are few people in Liaodong and a lot of land, the average land is in place, so every person who is eligible to grant land actually has [-] mu of land, even the wife can get [-] mu of land, and the middle-aged male who is not a child can also get [-] mu of land. , so a family generally has two or three hundred acres of land.

If such a family is monogamous and monogamous with three children and five people, it may have [-] mu of land, and the annual land rent for public grain is [-] shi.In the Central Plains, the rent is collected by the Ding, and the rent is two stones for each Ding.

The difference is huge, but most of the people in the Central Plains do not have enough land to average. The average land of [-] mu is just the amount of land. In fact, few can reach this amount, and there are many apportioned expenses in the Central Plains.

For a family of five, the grant of [-] mu of land, the rent of [-] shi, plus the total of [-] shi for the communal storehouse and righteous storehouse grain, would require a total of [-] shi of millet.

In addition, there is no need to pay silk cloth adjustments, and only 20 days of free service is required, and there is no other burden.

The [-] mu of land, after removing the [-] stone grains handed over, and deducting the seeds, etc., in fact, there is still a lot left.

And if a disaster occurs, leading to poor or no harvest, the government will also reduce or exempt the land rent according to the actual situation.

On the other hand, Andon Road has very strict control over food.

After the common people paid the public grain, the remaining grain, apart from keeping it for themselves, could only be sold to the government if they wanted to sell it.

The government bought it at a price about [-]% higher than the market price.

Hebuy is actually the government’s unified purchase. This system actually started from the Northern Wei Dynasty, but Andong Road’s buying is better. Although other merchants are not allowed to buy grain from the people, they buy it at a price that is [-]% higher than the market price. into, and then into warehouse storage.When there is a shortage of food in a famine, sell it again and sell it at the market price, which can not only provide relief to the people, but also stabilize the price of food and maintain people's livelihood.

At the same time, the government has kept food, an important livelihood and military material, in its own hands as much as possible.

The government uses the money collected from taxes to buy food for the people, and the people get money from selling food, and then have money to consume, so this can form an excellent economic environment in Andong Road, a virtuous circle.

This is indeed the case.

The Anton Jiedushi Mansion has a special rice-purchasing department, which organizes and arranges the purchase of grain in various counties and counties. It takes out a large amount of copper coins, silk, and cloth in the treasury to buy food for the people, and uses the money and silk obtained from taxes to buy food for the people. into the hands of the people.

In every township and county, there are people who pay food everywhere.

As long as everyone sends the grain from home to the grain collection place in the village, they can sell the grain and exchange it for money and silk cloth. They don’t have to go too far to the county or county warehouse to pay the grain, even public grain. The government will go to the countryside to collect the grain, and then Then the government will spend a lot of money to organize the villagers to transport the grain to each warehouse.

The food is sold, and the money is in hand.

Naturally, everyone brought their wives and children, wandered around and took the opportunity to go to the stalls of merchants who came to sell goods in the countryside, pulled some calico and red headbands, bought some jewelry, cut some meat to buy a fish, and even bought a few chickens and ducklings. of.

There are also many common people who also sell some of the handicrafts they usually do, such as willow baskets, baskets, and wooden barrels.

There is a lively market everywhere.

The county also dispatched military militiamen to patrol in time, and dispatched market administrators to manage and supervise.

The six counties and eighteen counties of Andong Road are extremely lively after the summer harvest.

After the public rations were paid and the rations were saved, the rest of the rations were sold, and the county also began to organize villages to dance and dance, hold communal plays, and drink local wine.

Luo Cheng, the Jiedu envoy, also wore a purple gold jade belt beam crown, and led a group of officials and generals to have fun with the people in Liaodong City and celebrate the harvest.

On the Liaohe River, a very grand Dragon Boat Race was even organized. Teams from various counties rowed dragon boats in the Liaohe River and won first place.

The No.1 team has a full reward of 2 coins, the No.3 team has [-] coins, and the No.[-] team has [-] coins.

In addition, there are archery competitions.

Anyone, whether military or civilian, can participate.

Those who hit it will get a prize of rice dumplings.

Those with the best grades can even be rewarded with high-quality bows.

There are dragon boat races on the Liaohe River, archery competitions outside Liaodong City, and finally there is a polo competition that is popular among the people.Luo Cheng gave full play to the purpose of having fun with the people. Not only did the government soldiers and various armies send teams to participate in the competition, but also the county soldiers, local regiments, and township soldiers selected teams to participate in the competition.

In addition, there are representative teams from each county.

There are some representative teams of big companies.

(End of this chapter)

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