Chapter 72 Acupuncture

(Thank you for picking the wrong one when you are in a bad mood, and the domineering sword king for your reward! Thank you!)

"Fifth brother, is this salt okay? I just found it from a bandit."

Du Fuwei handed over a small cloth bag, which contained a handful of black coarse salt.

The salt is coarse and has large grains.

Especially the ones that are yellowish, and some are even black. This kind of salt used to be used to pickle sauerkraut, and I didn't like it.But Luo Cheng knew that most people actually eat this kind of salt at this time.

This kind of salt is still expensive. As the saying goes, a bucket of rice can only buy a catty of salt for the price of a bucket of rice.

Although the quality was a bit off, at least it was much better than Lao Jia's sour-smelling salt-and-vinegar cloth.

"Get an iron helmet, bring some fresh water, and boil a pot of water again."

Luo Cheng began to give orders.

"Fusan, get some wood to burn, not water, but charcoal. Can you burn charcoal?"

"Yes, Fifth Brother, I can burn charcoal. My father and I have burned charcoal before, but it's just that burning charcoal is too tiring to make any money."

Luo Cheng stopped his memory, "It's good to know how to burn charcoal, and I don't need much charcoal. You can simply build a fire, and then make some charcoal for me."

"Third brother-in-law, go over there and look for the prisoners, and see if there are some clean clothes on them, take off one or two pieces."

Qin Qiong asked a little puzzled, "What is this for?"

Lao Jia was eating his boiled meat with vinegar and salt cloth, "Why do you have to boil water, burn charcoal and strip clothes? Do you really want to try roasting human meat?"

Luo Cheng pointed to the injuries on everyone's bodies.

"Help everyone deal with the wound."

"Treat the wound? Is it like that? Isn't it enough to just get some grass, ashes, and soil to stop the bleeding?"

"Of course not. If you mess around like this, it's easy for evil spirits to enter your body, and then you'll get a fever. If you don't make it right, you'll talk nonsense, go into a coma, or even fester. Don't look at the wounds as small. Sometimes, if you don't treat them properly, a small incision will suffice. Let you amputate a hand."

Lao Jia suddenly fell silent.

It's just that the eyes he looked at Luo Cheng were scary.

"Boy, what you said is true, can you prevent these evil spirits from entering your body by boiling some water?"

"Of course I dare not say that it can be eliminated with [-]% certainty, but at least it can be reduced by [-]% or [-]%." Luo Cheng did not brag. Wound infection is a terrible thing. It is said that in World War I, a large number of soldiers died not directly. Instead, he died from an infection following his injury.

In the ancient cold weapon war, it is said that less than [-]% of the soldiers killed in battle died directly in the battle, and more died of wound infection.

Especially in the era of cold weapons, any wound can easily cause irreparable consequences. After all, at this time, there is a lack of medical care, sanitary conditions and hygiene concepts are backward, and everyone does not know how to protect themselves.

"Xiao Wu, what do you want to do, tell me directly, I will help you." Lao Jia almost said through gritted teeth.

Luo Cheng looked at him in surprise, and then saw his one arm.

"That's right, back then when I was in the Southwest with the Prime Minister to fight against the rebellious Liao people, I was shot in the arm by an arrow. I thought it was nothing serious, but the redness and swelling didn't go away, and it became more and more serious, and pus came out. In the end, although After leaving the mountain, I found a doctor in the camp for treatment, but it was too late, and finally I had to cut off my whole arm."

"If the method you said is really effective, then I don't know how much it will help the soldiers of our guard!"

Luo Chengdao, "The conditions here are very simple. In fact, there is not much we can do. We can only do some simple cleaning and bandaging first."

"You don't have to tell me so clearly, you do it for Shubao first, and I want to see the effect." His face was flushed, if someone could help him deal with the wound back then, maybe he wouldn't be hanging forever One arm is gone.

The water boiled, Luo Cheng threw the bag of black coarse salt into it and boiled it.

"What does boiling salt do to clean a wound?"

"Salt water can remove evil and disinfect!" Luo Cheng simply explained.

Coarse salt has too many impurities, so Luo Cheng can only purify it by hand first.

Boil the salt.

Then wrap the charcoal powder that has been ground into powder to make a charcoal bag to filter salt water.After repeated filtering several times in this way, some obvious impurities are absorbed, and finally boiled again until the salt crystals are obtained after being boiled dry.

A group of people surrounded Luo Cheng, and they all stared at Luo Cheng's complicated operation.

When the water in the pot boiled dry and a small puddle of white salt powder appeared, their faces were flushed.

"Salt, salt like snow!"

"My God, is salt okay?"

Lao Jia couldn't help but press his finger into the powdered salt, and stuffed some of it into his mouth.

"This salt is not bitter!"

"There is no salt that is not bitter!" the fourth child yelled, and also got some to taste.

As a result, after tasting it, my eyes almost popped out, "It's really not bitter, it seems a little sweet."

Luo Cheng gave him a white look. In his opinion, the salt still has a lot of impurities. After all, the filtration method is too crude. The salt is not so black, but it is still a little yellowish, and it is still relatively thick.

But in the eyes of Luo Si and the others, this salt is simply a magic trick.

"Such snow-white salt can be bought at least several times the price." After all, he has seen a lot of worlds, even the best blue salt, but the whiter and finer the salt, the more expensive it is. He understands the truth better.

Luo Si's eyes lit up. After the bag of salt was boiled, it became much less, but it was not a few times less. And the salt was boiled and filtered, and it was worth several times more. Doesn't it mean that as long as you buy it? Some black coarse salt to filter, and then you can earn several times the money?

This is simply a cornucopia.

"Old Jia, this method is the family secret of our old Luo family. If you see it, you must not tell it, and you are not allowed to steal it to make money!"

Lao Jia snorted, "Is this kind of person I am? I am more concerned about how the salt water will eliminate evil and disinfect!"

"Redissolve this salt in hot water, and then wait for the water to cool before wiping the wound to remove the dirt in the wound."

Luo Cheng asked Qin Qiong to take off his clothes, revealing his bronze-colored muscular body. After fighting all night, he had seven or eight wounds on his body.

Fortunately, most of them were skin traumas, but not too serious.

However, it was not bandaged in time, and although the wound had stopped bleeding, the blood scab was blurred.

The water in the other iron helmet was also boiling. Luo Cheng threw a piece of cut white linen into it to boil, washed his hands with water, took out the dagger, washed it and roasted it on the fire.

"What are these for?"

"Wash the water to prevent the evil poison on the hands from contaminating the wound. The same goes for the cloth and knives, they must be cleaned and disinfected!"

When everything was ready, Luo Cheng first washed Qin Qiong's wound with boiled sackcloth. After washing it, he rinsed it several times with salt water.

During the process, Qin Qiong clenched his teeth and remained silent.

"Second brother, there are a few big wounds, some rotten flesh needs to be cut off, and some need to be stitched up with needles, so as to heal faster, don't you believe me?"

Qin Qiong looked at the clean wounds, "My brother, if you don't believe me, just come here!"

"What, what? You still need to sew it up with a needle? It's the same as sewing skin and flesh with a needle? Are you kidding me?" Old Jia asked in surprise.

"I'm not joking. After suturing the wound, it will help to speed up the recovery, and it can also prevent the wound from being exposed and prevent the wind evil virus from taking the opportunity to invade."

"But I always feel that you are joking." Lao Jia swallowed and said.

"Are you kidding, you'll know when you see the curative effect in the end!"

(End of this chapter)

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