Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 73 Money is worth more than life

Chapter 73 Money is worth more than life
Luo Cheng bowed his head in thought.

Lao Jia was watching, Qin Qiong was waiting, and the fourth child was watching.

This incident alarmed many people, one-eyed old Wang, no-nosed old Zhao, severed-fingered old Zhang, a group of immortals all came.

They all wanted to see what kind of ability this young man had. He dared to boast that the wounds he had treated could reduce the invasion of evil poison by at least [-]%.

When they were old and immortal, they spent the rest of their lives in battle. The enemy's sword did not cut them to death, and the enemy's spear did not stab them to death, but they survived on the battlefield, but in the end they were still invaded by the evil poison of their wounds. , and eventually became disabled.

There were more people who wanted to come and watch, but the white-haired one-eyed old man became ruthless, saying that whoever dares to disturb Luo Cheng's practice of medicine, he would goug his eye.

No one dared to provoke Lao Wang.

When the group of county soldiers were training in the Beicheng school grounds, almost all of them had seen the ruthlessness of this old king.All the county soldiers he trained had peeled off several layers of skin.

"Xiao Wu, don't worry, take your time. If you are worried that your Luo family's unique secret technique will be peeped by us, then we will wrap a curtain around you with a cloth, and I promise, we will never peep , and don’t let others peep.”

Luo Cheng shook his head.

It's not that he suddenly wants to hide it, but it's just that it's actually the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair.People in later generations are no strangers to medical treatment, but it is limited to the spectrum of medical knowledge and the development of medical technology.When it comes to real hands-on, who would ordinary people know?

I also know that I can diagnose and treat myself by comparing it on the Internet, or go to the pharmacy to buy some over-the-counter medicine if I have a headache.

As for the treatment of trauma, at most it is to buy a bottle of iodine or a few band-aids.

But now, he had to take a freshly burnt knife to cut off the rotting flesh around Qin Qiong's wound, and even had to sew stitches.

This is not cutting vegetables and meat, this is cutting flesh on living people.

"Xiao Wu, I'm getting impatient, let's start."

Qin Qiong smiled at Luo Cheng, "It would be nice if I had a little wine, and then I set the side chess and played chess while drinking, and I probably forgot about it."

Take a long breath.

He never softened his hand when he hit someone with the Morning Star Hammer.

He didn't hesitate when he smashed people to a bloody mess.

But now, holding a two-two-weight dagger, his hands trembled a little.

"Why don't I come?" Old Wang couldn't help but asked.

Old Zhao stared at him contemptuously, "It's just your one eye, can you see clearly, don't cut off the good meat of my brother Shubao."

"I'll still come."

After taking a few deep breaths, Luo Cheng finally raised the knife.

The first cut is always the hardest. He even cut a few times, but only scratched a little bit of skin.

After several adjustments, I finally managed to cut off a piece of rotten skin.

He was engrossed, his eyes only staring at Qin Qiong's wound.

The blood came out again.

"Fu Wei, wipe the blood!" He said coldly.

Du Fuwei quickly came over with a boiled sackcloth to wipe off the bleeding.

It took half a cup of tea before Luo Cheng was able to cut clean the rotten flesh from the edge of a knife wound that was only about five centimeters in length, but the cuts were uneven like a dog gnawing on it.

After changing to warm salt water and repeatedly cleaning the wound to ensure that there was no more dirt inside, Luo Cheng picked up the needle.

This is the needle that Lao Zhao carries with him. It is the needle that is usually used to sew clothes. As a bachelor veteran, he usually has to sew his own clothes.

The needles were burnt red.

The thread is simply hemp thread, also boiled in boiling water.

"Do you really want to sew?"

Lao Jia's eyes widened.

Insert the needle in and pull it out...

Facts have proved that Luo Cheng is actually very courageous. Gradually, he even forgot that he was sewing up a flesh wound, and it really felt like he was sewing a leather bag.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the needlework looks much better.


When Luo Cheng cut off the thread with a knife and the first wound was stitched up, even Qin Qiong stared at his scar.

"Like a centipede."

"Is this really going to get better quickly?"

"You have to bandage it with gauze first, try not to get wet, don't use force, otherwise the thread will be easy to open, and the wound will be easily contaminated."

Luo Cheng continued to suture the two wounds.

Originally, there were five wounds that needed stitches, but in the end, Qin Qiong left two wounds to verify the effect of Luo Cheng's sutures, but only cleaned and bandaged them without suturing.

"How do you feel? Are you feeling better?" Old Jia asked Qin Qiong while holding Qin Qiong.

"I didn't feel it."

"How can it be so fast?"

But the old Wang pulled away Lao Jia, "I want to try it too."

"Uncle Wang, you don't have a wound that needs to be stitched up." Luo Cheng looked around and said.

"Who said there is no, look here, this needs to be stitched." Lao Wang pointed to one of his arms and said, that place was obviously intact, but the next step he took out the knife and scratched there.

Immediately, blood gushed out, and a gash two or three inches long was exposed.

"There is a hole here, let me sew it up!"

Luo Cheng almost sprayed this old bastard to death with a mouthful of salt water, how could he be so nonsense.

But in the end, he had no choice but to give him a suture technique. Fortunately, with Qin Qiong as the base, his craftsmanship has improved rapidly now, and the stitches are still very well-proportioned, even a little aesthetic.

"Don't cut yourself with a knife anymore, I won't sew any more." Luo Cheng quickly declared, but there were still loopholes in his statement.

Lao Zhao cut Lao Zhang with a knife, and then Lao Zhang also cut Lao Zhao.

"Sew it up for us too!"


"Who the hell cuts like this again, I will never take care of it again, I will do what I say."

"I know, I know, hurry up, my blood is about to run dry." Lao Zhao and Lao Zhang urged there, but judging from their virtues, they actually seemed to be showing off their wounds.

The remaining old immortals didn't get the chance, so they took a step too late, so they scolded Lao Wang, Lao Zhang, Lao Zhao for being too insidious, and scolding those thieves for being too incompetent. A wound decent enough to need stitches.

The county soldiers outside only looked at it from a distance, but they couldn't see it clearly. They just seemed to see Luo Cheng had someone boil the salt and then wash the wound.

"Using salt to wash the wound is too extravagant. Salt is precious."

"Salt gold is more expensive, or life is more expensive?" one person asked.



But the man immediately said, "You can reincarnate after your life is gone, but salt costs money. If you don't have money, you're really gone. Money is worth more than life, and it's even more precious!"


Luo Cheng, who just pushed away the group of old people and wanted to take a breath of fresh air, almost fell to the ground when he heard these words.

"Who the hell told you that?"

"My father taught me this since I was a child, saying that money is worth more than life!"

"You're fucking talented, and your father is also talented. By the way, what's your name?"

"Two dogs."

"Okay, Ergou, are you interested in hanging out with me in the future? As long as you are willing to risk your life, I guarantee that you will definitely make a lot of money in the future!"

"Okay!" Er Gouzi actually answered!

(End of this chapter)

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