Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 725 Public Enemy Luo Cheng

Chapter 725 Public Enemy Luo Cheng
Meng Rang fell in a pool of blood.

The corpse was separated, and Cai Jiande held the head in his hands, his eyes were wide open, and he did not rest in peace.

However, Li Mi's relatives in the tent were still wantonly hacking and killing.

Meng Rang and his officials came to the banquet to drink, but they didn't expect Li Mi to make a move at the banquet, and they didn't even bring a weapon with them.

As a result, the prime ministers, generals, and ministers were killed one after another.

At this time, many people reacted.

The drunkenness also woke up completely.

They also no longer returned to the previous arrogant attitude towards Li Mi. Many people knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately to Li Mi.

In front of the steel knife, few people's knees are hard.

At this time, Li Mi was still sitting in his seat, holding another wine glass in his hand, continuing to drink in a leisurely manner, and even picked up a few chopsticks.

I saw many people begging for mercy.

Li Mi took another sip of his wine before standing up.

"I raised up a rebel army with you, together weeded out the tyrant and the good, and crusaded against the tyrannical Sui Dynasty. But Meng Rang was greedy and tyrannical. I was fighting on the front line, alone and helpless. I asked for reinforcements for a long time. Meng Rang never sent a single soldier to reinforce I, however, have to send people to ask me for money and food every now and then, and they are never satisfied."

"Not only that, I was fighting fiercely under the city of Luoyang, but he wanted to send people to seize my military power, and even planned to kill me. Dare I ask, what can I, Li Mi, do to him, Meng Rang? If I hadn't planned for him, how would he be today? ?”

"Today, it wasn't that I wanted to murder him, it was that he wanted to kill me first, and I had no choice but to resist you. But today, I only killed his family, which has nothing to do with you. Please forgive me if anyone frightens you brothers."

As for those other people who fell in a pool of blood with Meng Rang, Li Mi chose to ignore them.

Fortunately, after Li Mi's words, his subordinates stopped killing people.

Everyone was shocked.

At this time, no matter what Li Mi said, they would not object, and no one would dare to criticize him.

Li Mi let those who were lucky enough not to be chopped continue to serve on the table, and then toasted them.

Many people's hands were shaking, but they had to raise their glasses.

"I see that you are also a little tired, so please go down and rest first."

Li Mi sent his own army to 'escort' all the officials of the Qi State to rest, but actually put them under house arrest.

Then he took Wang Bodang and other generals to the Mengrang camp outside the Guancheng.

Li Mi is indeed courageous and heroic.

As soon as he entered the camp, he bluntly said that Meng Rang had been killed, and counted Meng Rang's many crimes in detail, and then said that he only killed Meng Rang and had nothing to do with other brothers.

At the same time, he also took out the emperor's edict to recruit him, and read it to the Qi army in the camp.

"All brothers together, pardon the old sins, return to the imperial court with me, and then confer official titles!"

There were 20 people in Meng Rang's camp, but at this time the group had no leader, and all the generals were under Li Mi's command. Those people themselves were nothing but a group of rebels. After Li Mi said something, they were actually very quiet.

In the end, Li Mi successfully appeased the 20 men of Meng Rang, and took the opportunity to annex them.

Then, Li Mi wrote several letters in his own handwriting to the old men of Meng Rang in the ten counties of Huaixi, telling them the current situation and asking them to obey his orders.

"If I had known this earlier, I would not have made this trip."

When the officials and academies under Meng Rang's command in Hulaoguan City heard that the overall situation had been decided, they couldn't help but sigh inwardly.Coming this trip, I didn't enjoy the slightest blessing, and almost lost my life.

But in the face of Li Mi's regicide, no one dared to fart.

After all, among thieves and bandits, this kind of fire is actually not very common. The more people there are in the team, the more such things will happen, and there must be more mountains inside.

The power was complicated, so Li Mi, who had 30 soldiers and horses, killed Meng Rang at Hulao Pass and put all the officials under house arrest. Then the 20 Qi army followed Li Mi.

Anyway, for them, there is no loss.

Whether Meng Rang is the emperor or Li Mi is the emperor, what does it have to do with them.

Now Li Mi has killed Meng Rang and said that everyone will join the court with me, and those people don't have much feeling.

It's just that everyone changed from being a general of the Qi army to being a general of the Sui army.

Wei Wang Li Mi became Wei Guogong Taifu Shangshuling Dongnan Road Daxingtai Shangshuling.

After Li Mi killed Meng Rang and annexed his troops, he was busy appeasing Meng Rang's subordinates.On the one hand, he gave these soldiers many rewards, and on the other hand, he mixed Meng Rang's soldiers with his old troops, hoping to swallow this army as quickly as possible.

Then he sent troops to Huaixi to take over the territory.

Half lure and half coercion, he quickly won the land of ten counties.

In a short time, Li Mi's power increased greatly, his territory expanded by ten counties, and his soldiers and horses increased by 30.

Sitting in the Guangji Hall in Jinyong City, Li Mi couldn't help laughing out loud.

This deal is worth it.

"Teacher, now that we have a strong army, shall we continue to attack Luoyang City?" Wang Bodang was also very excited.

"No, don't rush to fight Luoyang, let's fight Shandong."


"Because Wang Shichong is no more than a tortoise no matter how much he hides in Luoyang. Sooner or later, when he runs out of food, why don't we follow us if he wants to kill or cut to pieces? It's okay to let him guard Luoyang City for a while. But Luo Gui from Shandong , but must be removed first.”

Li Mi, like Jiangdu Yang Guang, is soberly aware that among all the forces in the world today, Luo Cheng should be the most powerful, and Yang Guang should be the one with the largest territory.

But Yang Guang's world is now full of anti-kings, fragmented by anti-kings, so his strength is greatly weakened and it is difficult to concentrate.

Luo Cheng is different, he has a strong army and a strong horse, if he crosses the sea from Liaodong and lands in Shandong, it will be difficult to drive him away in the future.

Li Mi already regarded Luoyang and the Central Plains as his sphere of influence, how could he let Luo Cheng step in.

"As long as we seize Shandong first, Luo Cheng will have no base, so he will not be able to come from the sea. He can only go south from Hebei. At that time, since Dugu usurpers or Dou Jiande will block him first, we can let them fight first. "

Li Mi, who already owns the land of eighteen counties, now desperately wants to seize the twelve counties of Shandong. In that case, his family will dominate the Central Plains.

"Teacher, now Luo Gui is stationing [-] troops in Wagang, East County, Luo Jizu is stationing [-] bandits and bandits in Rencheng, Lu County, and Li Sanniang, Luo Cheng's concubine, is stationing [-] troops in Linyi, Langya County. Let's attack Wagang first. Luo Gui. As long as we capture Luo Gui, we will head east along the Jishui Yellow River, and ignore Luo Jizu from Lu County and Li Sanniang from Linyi. Let's go straight to Donglai Port and not give Luo Cheng a chance to cross the sea and land."

"Hahaha, Saburo, what you said is exactly what the teacher thinks. Now the teacher will appoint you as the Shandong Jiedu envoy, the vanguard general, and command [-] troops to attack Wagang Luogui!"

(End of this chapter)

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