Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 726 Conspiracy in Jiangdu

Chapter 726 Conspiracy in Jiangdu

Sitting on the couch in the palace, Yang Guang couldn't help but feel the winter chill.

After listening to Yuan Chong's report, he couldn't help but feel more and more cold. This is really a cold winter.

"Damn Li Mi, how could he annex Meng Rang's military territory so easily? Is this Meng Rang a pig?"

At this time, the emperor even hated iron for being weak.

After Li Mi murdered Meng Rang and annexed his men and horses, he even complacently claimed credit for Jiangdu's victory, saying that he had killed the false Qi Emperor Meng Rang for the imperial court, recruited 30 soldiers and horses for the imperial court, and recovered the land of ten counties.

This is simply slapping him in the face of Yang Guang.

"Your Majesty, Li Mi has sent Wang Bodang to lead 10 troops to officially cross the canal and attack Luo Gui's Dongjun Wagang."

"Is this good news?" Yang Guang was furious.

"Your Majesty, this should be good news."

"Where's the good?"

"Your Majesty, at the same time that Li Mi sent troops to Shandong, Luo Cheng sent his brother Luo Cunxiao to lead [-] soldiers from Liaodong across the sea to Donglai and landed."

Yang Guang fell silent for a while.

Did Luo Cheng finally send troops south?

"Didn't you say that connecting with the Yuan family can restrain Luo Cheng?"

"Your Majesty, Xizuo sent back a message from Liaodong, saying that Luo Cheng sent his brother Luo Shixin to capture the Fuyu City of the Yuan family just now, and there was little damage in the battle. The Yuan family lost more than [-] soldiers and horses. Now Yuan Taizuo is already asking Luo Cheng for peace. gone."

The news hit the emperor like a heavy hammer.

"Okay, I got it."

The emperor sighed and said, "Since Li Mi has already sent troops to Shandong, we can issue an order to reward him. Also, call back Sima Dekan and Yu Wenhuaji's Xiaoguo army, let Lai Hu'er and Chen Leng retreat to Pengcheng, let them Li Mi is going to fight with Luo Gui and his son, we just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the emperor thought that he could send troops across the river to fight Du Fuwei.

He is still obsessed with taking back the Danyang counties so that he can retreat to the south of the Yangtze River.

"I asked you to find Jiangnan women as wives for the soldiers of the Xiaoguo Army. How is the matter going?"

"The minister is stepping up the process."

"Your Majesty, I think that Jiangnan is not safe now that there are Du Fuwei, Shen Faxing, Lin Shihong, and Zuo Cai. Even without these rebels, Jiangnan is not a place to defend. Now there is Wei Wensheng guarding Guanzhong, I think It's better to go back to the driving pass as soon as possible."

Yang Guang glared at him.

"I don't know that Guanzhong is easier to defend, but now there is no way to go back? There are rebels on both sides of the river, and even the banks of the Han River are rebels. It's a long way, how to go back?"

Yuan Chong said, "Your Majesty, as long as your majesty is determined, you can always kill them back. Now there are still [-] Xiaoguo soldiers. Most of them live in Guanzhong. They are away for a long time. Everyone is homesick. If your majesty awards If the reward is heavy, the soldiers will definitely work hard, and it will not be difficult to fight all the way back to Guanzhong."

"It's easy to say." The emperor didn't want to go back to Guanzhong, "Have you ever thought that even if you go back to Guanzhong, how can you keep it if there is no place in the Guandong to provide money and food?"

No matter how Yuan Chong persuaded him, the emperor had no intention of going back to Guanzhong anyway.

"What's happened to Li Yuan recently?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Li Yuan hasn't moved much, but Li Yuan's sons Jian Jian, Shi Min, and Yuan Ji have been very active recently. They often go to the Xiaoguo military camp and have close contacts with the generals of the Xiaoguo army. I am a little worried."

The emperor's face turned ugly.

In the city of Jiangdu.

Li Yuanji and Yu Wenzhi were drinking wine and listening to music in a brothel.

Although there are rebels everywhere and beacon fires everywhere, the city of Jiangdu is still peaceful with singing and dancing. Although the price of goods has risen, for these noble children, they don't have any personal feelings.

"Jiangdu's food is almost finished." Li Yuanji said suddenly, holding the wine glass.

"Well, I've heard that too." Yu Wenzhi nodded.

"Now there are enemies on all sides. Although there are still some counties and counties loyal to the imperial court, they can no longer bring food in." Li Yuanji said again.

"A few Guanzhong Xiaoguo soldiers escaped today, but they were captured by the emperor's order, and they were all beheaded." Yu Wenzhi sighed.

"It's useless. If you kill these few, more people will escape. You are not afraid of killing. I heard that many soldiers of the Xiaoguo Army are discussing in private that the emperor wants to send troops across the river to fight Du Fu." Wei, after retaking Danyang, move the capital to Danyang." Li Yuanji said.

"Jiangdu can't even keep it. It's useless to move the capital to Danyang. If nothing else, there is no food and grass. How can we keep it. What's more, Danyang is still in Du Fuwei's hands now!"

At this time, the two sons and brothers are also full of confusion about the future.

"Li Mi is very powerful now. He just killed Meng Rang, and now he claims to have millions of troops and is based in eighteen counties. Do you think he can succeed?" Yu Wenzhi asked.

"Perhaps, but I heard that Luo Cheng has already sent his brother Luo Cunxiao to lead the Liaodong Army to land in Donglai Port. Maybe they will come to Jiangdu at any time."

"Yes, this Luo Cheng is also a ruthless character."

"What do you think we should do, we can't wait to die here, can we?"

"Wait for Li Mi or Luo Cheng to call!" Yu Wenzhi shook his head and smiled.

"I'm afraid I can't wait for this day. It is said that Jiangdu's food is only enough for a month, and it can't even survive this winter."

"Then what should we do? You can't run away too, but the emperor has already issued an order. Anyone who dares to escape will be killed without mercy!"

Li Yuanji then whispered to him, "I know that all the officers and men of the Xiaoguo Army want to escape, even the officials accompanying them all want to leave this ghostly place."

"That's true, but what can you do? The emperor is determined not to leave."

"If a few people escape, they won't be able to escape, but if many people escape together, the emperor will have no choice." Li Yuanji said.

"You mean?"

"Let's contact more people, and then we all run together, so that if the emperor dares to send people to chase, we won't be afraid. Maybe we can take the people who come to chase with us. Anyway, Guanzhong is better than here, Brothers and relatives are still in Guanzhong!"

After thinking about it, Yu Wenzhi thought it was the same reason.

"Okay, then let's get in touch quietly."

Yu Wenzhi was currently serving as the junior supervisor. Although his father Yu Wenshu died, after all, Yuwen's family had many years of power and had many friends.

He was very worried that Luo Cheng would go south to Jiangdu, and the Yuwen family, who had an old grudge with Luo Cheng, might be able to escape the catastrophe of family annihilation, so he was more anxious than Li Yuanji to escape from Jiangdu.

As for Li Yuanji, he heard from his father and brother that the emperor is very worried about their family now, and he might strike at any time, so he is also anxious to escape.

But one or two escaped alone, and they couldn't escape, so they thought about fleeing together in a group.

"Hu Yalang has always been friends with Zhao Xingshu and me, and the servant Yang Shilan is my nephew, I will contact them."

"Prince Qianniu Chai Sichang has a good relationship with me, I will contact him."

The two drank the wine in their glasses, then walked downstairs quickly and left separately.

(End of this chapter)

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