Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 727 Don't kill you, don't draw the arrow

Chapter 727 Don't kill you, don't draw the arrow

"Your Majesty, Jiang Fang urgently reported that Du Fuwei has crossed the river!"

In the middle of the night, an urgent report was rushed into the palace through the small window on the palace door, waking the emperor from his dream.

Before the emperor sent troops to fight Jiangnan, regained Danyang and moved the capital to the south, it turned out that Du Fuwei came first.For a period of time, Du Fuwei was Chen Bing Jingkou, stationed in Beigu Mountain, showing the attitude of intending to attack Jiangdu from Jingkou through Guazhoudu.

It's just that after a long time, no action was seen for a long time, so Jiangdu also believed that Du Fuwei dared not cross the river.The rise of Shen Faxing, Lin Shihong, and Zuo Caixiang in the south of the Yangtze River also surrounded Du Fuwei on three sides. Several rebels attacked each other, which made Yang Guang think that Du Fuwei was too busy to take care of himself.

No one expected that Du Fuwei killed Jiang at this time.

"Where are the Huainan soldiers at Guazhoudu?" Yang Guang asked, rubbing his aching head.

"Your Majesty, Du Ni crossed the river through quarrying."

There are two easy crossing places in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in ancient times, one is Caishidu and the other is Guazhoudu, which are located upstream and downstream of Jian'an City.

The Jiangbei army wanted to cross the river to attack Jiankang, so they sent more troops to these two places.

And Jiankang has also strengthened the defense of these two ferries. Therefore, soldiers have been stationed on the south bank of the two ferries and established as military towns. This is Jingkou and Caishi.

These two places face each other across the river, with Jiangdu on the east and Liyang on the west.

Du Fuwei had been stationed in Jingkou with heavy troops before, making Jiangdu think that even if Du Fuwei really wanted to attack, he would definitely cross the river from Jingkou to attack Jiangdu directly, so the heavy troops were stationed in the east for defense.

But who would have thought that Du Fuwei would make a noise.

They had not been able to settle for a long time before, but this time they would not only attack each other with several other rebels, but they could also make a sudden move and cross the north in the quarry.

In fact, Du Fuwei was not inactive during this period. After capturing the four counties of Danyang, Xuancheng, Piling, and Wujun, although Du Fuwei sent troops to continue to attack, there was Shen Faxing in the southeast and Zuo Caixiang in the south. , there is Lin Shihong in the east, and it cannot be expanded for a while.

Hearing that Yang Guang was mobilizing troops to go south, Du Fuwei acted first.

He had also been building warships before, secretly making preparations for crossing the river.

On the surface, Du Fuwei has been sending troops to station Jingkou. In fact, he has been quietly withdrawing troops, but every night, only a little at a time. Mistakenly thought that Du Fuwei added troops to Jingkou again.

After such a period of time, there are actually less than 5000 people in Jingkou.

Jingkou is today’s Zhenjiang. Because Sun Quan’s earliest capital was here, it was named Jingcheng. After the capital was moved to Jianye, which is Nanjing, the capital was changed to Jingkou.

Since then, those who established their country in the Eastern Capital all took Jingkou as an important town. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Xi Jian managed Jingkou to defeat the Su Jun rebellion, so he built it as a male town, known as Beifu, and guarded it together with Liyang in the West and Gushu in Nanzhou. Jingshi Jiankang.Huan Wen was good at state affairs and regarded Jingkou as a thorn in his side.

When the Sui Dynasty destroyed Chen, He Ruobi was the first to cross the Yangtze River from Guazhoudu, captured Jingkou, and built Kangcheng together with Han Qinhu who crossed the river by quarrying stones.

Because of the importance of Jingkou, everyone's eyes are fixed on Jingkou.

What they don't know is that Caishi is actually opposite Hengjiang Ferry across the river.

Qin Shihuang's southern tour also crossed the river from here.

Even Sun Ce attacked Jiangdong and crossed the river from here.

Generally speaking, if you cross the river from north to south, it is easier to cross the river through quarrying than Jingkou, because the river at Jingkou is wide and densely covered with rivers and lakes, making it difficult for cavalry in the north to march.But to the north of Caishi, facing the Central Plains directly across Huaixi, it is easy for cavalry to reach and display.

However, if you attack from south to north, Jingkou is easier to cross than quarrying.

But Du Fuwei did the opposite.

He was assisted by his old brother, Gong Er, and Luo Cheng's three adopted sons, so he selected a strong and brave man from the army, named Shang Recruit, with the best equipment and treatment, and he must use them in every battle. For the frontrunner, after the battle, the injury should be checked. If the injury is the first, there must be a heavy reward.

If the injury is in the back, etc., there will be a heavy penalty.

Among the [-] recruits, there are [-] Danyang sword and shield soldiers who are best at jumping and charging, and there are [-] light cavalry. In the south of the Yangtze River, [-] cavalry are already very strong.

This elite team was secretly trained and quietly transferred to quarrying in batches.

Then, when the Yangtze River was shallow in winter, they crossed the river in a dark night on a warship made out of it.

Caishidu was broken in one fell swoop.

Liyang and Jiangdu are known as the roots of Huaidong.

The fall of Li Yang caught Jiang Du by surprise.

It is said that at that time Du Fuwei stayed behind to assist Gong Er to guard Danyang, and personally led the three generals of Kan Leng to cross the river with [-] soldiers.

During the night attack on Caishidu official army, the fierce battle was in full swing, but he was shot by an official army sharpshooter.

Du Fuwei fell off the horse in response to the arrow.

Just when everyone was worried, Du Fuwei finally got on the horse with an arrow, swung his knife and pointed at the Sui general in the distance, and shouted, "I won't kill you, I won't draw the arrow."

Then, the fierce man slapped his horse and swung his knife and charged straight away, all the way straight to the man, beheading the general with one knife, and the Sui army collapsed.

"Hurry up and dispatch the Xiaoguo Army to intercept it!"

"I ordered Li Yuan to lead the troops to quell the chaos..." Halfway through the speech, the emperor remembered that Li Yuan may not be credible now, so he changed his words, "I ordered to protect my son as the envoy to the southeast, and the three provinces of Henan, Huainan, and Shandong were all subject to it." For his restraint, he ordered Xiao Yu to be the Xuanfu envoy of the Guandong, and the three towns of Hebei, Hedong, and Monan were all under his military control."

"Let Chen Leng go south immediately, command the Huainan army to attack Du Ni, and order Sima Dekan, Yu Wenhuaji to immediately lead the Xiaoguo army from Xiapi and Pengcheng back to Jiangdu to escort them!"

Li Yang.


In history, the overlord of Chu killed himself.

Du Fuwei had just captured Wujiang County, and now he had more than [-] soldiers under his command, and Fu Gong Er sent him several soldiers and horses.

In Wujiang City.

Du Fuwei discussed with Kan Leng and other generals where to fight next.

Some generals thought that they should attack Lujiang and seize Hefei. The reason was that Meng Rang was killed by his subordinate Li Mi. Now everyone in Lujiang County is uneasy.

Now is a good time to send troops to seize.

And Lujiang is an important town in Huaixi, occupying Lujiang, can attack Henan from the north, and sweep Huaixi from the west to the east.

"No, did I come across the river this time to take advantage of the opportunity to grab territory? I came to attack Jiangdu and capture Lord Hun. So, my goal is only one, Jiangdu City."

Kan Leng expressed his support.

If you want to fight, fight Jiangdu.

"Jiang Du has a hundred thousand fruits!" someone reminded.

"One hundred thousand fruit? I don't think it's even as good as one hundred thousand pigs!" Du Fuwei disagreed.

"Decree, the whole army rests overnight, and tomorrow morning, we will cross the Chushui River and Liuhe Mountain, and we will go to Jiangdu to capture Hunjun!"

At the end of October, when Chen Leng led [-] soldiers and horses to Liuhe, west of Jiangdu, bad news came from the front line one after another. Conquering two counties of Quanjiao and Qingliu in a row, they are heading for Liuhe County on the north bank of Chushui River!

(End of this chapter)

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