Chapter 747 Qingdao

Dalaushan Bay, because of its advantage of not freezing in winter, makes it a new big port.

A port is built along the bay, and a city is built because of the port.

The new city will be named Qingdao.

In the past, Donglai Port, a large port, was closed for several months due to the freezing of ice every winter.And Luo Cheng, guarding Liaodong, relied heavily on the routes between Liaodong and Shandong, and couldn't bear the non-navigation time for several months.

Lushun and Dalian Ports are both ice-free ports, so Luo Cheng asked Luo Gui to develop Qingdao Port.

After the construction of this new port, the fleet of Donglai Port will be moved here in winter and spring to continue shipping with Liaodong.Cattle, sheep, horses, furs, herbs, and slaves in Liaodong continued to move southward.

Then the immigrants from the Central Plains and various handicraft products were continuously transported to Liaodong.

The Bohai Bay route is extremely busy, and Qingdao Port has also prospered because of it.

Originally, there were very few fishermen in Daluoshan Bay, the land here was barren, the population was sparse, and there were no special products.But in the past few years, because of the prosperity of the tea-horse trade in Liaodong, Luo Cheng also asked people to start planting tea in Qingdao, which has excellent sunshine.

The quality of the tea here is not bad. Although it cannot be compared with famous tea producing areas in the Jianghuai area such as Wuyi Mountain, it also has a great advantage, that is, it is close to the seaport and can be quickly shipped to Liaodong, an important place for tea sales.

Not only the tender tea from Ming Dynasty sells well, but even the tea after Ming Dynasty, even the leaves of big tea trees, can also be picked to make tea cakes and tea bricks, which are still easy to sell in the Liaodong border market.

Because of this tea, in the past two years, tea trees have been planted everywhere in the mountains around Qingdao, tea gardens have been built, various tea workshops have been built, and countless people have become tea farmers.

Many of these tea farmers were originally people from the plains along the Central Canal, but now they have moved here to grow tea and make tea, and their lives have begun to be stable.

Others were slaves from Liaodong and other places.

Qingdao Port also has a major pillar industry, which is now the slave trade.

It is no longer just the Goguryo slaves and Turkic slaves captured by the Zhongwu Army from the Liaodong war, but also many Mohe slaves, Silla slaves, Baekje slaves and even Dongying slaves.

Because of the large volume of slave trade in Qingdao, a large number of merchants gathered here.

When there is demand, it will naturally promote transactions.

Many merchants began to form slave hunting teams and went to Baekje Silla and other coastal areas to catch people as slaves. However, some merchants were smart and took the goods from the Central Plains to trade there, but they mainly traded slaves.

In the face of huge interests, many businessmen, robbers, or some powerful officials in Baekje, Dongying, Silla, and Mohe native countries took the initiative to cooperate with slave traders in the Central Plains.

They tried to sell criminals to merchants as slaves, or went to snatch them directly.

In order to obtain some good things such as swords, armor or porcelain and silk sent by the Central Plains, some tribes began to attack hostile tribes, capturing people as slaves and selling them to Central Plains merchants.

Originally, although some Mohe tribes were feuds, although there were conflicts, they did not work hard every day.But since these slave traders passed away, the war between those tribes was no longer for glory or hatred, but just for profit.

Even tribes that were not enemies in the past began to kidnap each other.

The slave trade was extremely profitable.

The slaves traded in Qingdao Port every day are worth thousands.

The Sui Dynasty was a dynasty that supported the slave trade, and now the slave trade is even more popular in the war-torn era.

Rich people bought slaves to train as guards, or used them as industrial workers and plantation farmers.

Especially in the Shandong area, there are many shipyards and gold mines. The shipyards and mines require a lot of workers. In addition, there are many fishing factories and tea farms, which also need a lot of manpower.

The prosperity of the shipbuilding industry has brought about the expansion of industrial chains such as lumber mills, lumber yards, and iron workshops.

A few years ago.

As in the cold and twelfth lunar month of the present, the Daluoshan Bay will only be quiet, and the fishermen are warming up at home, spinning their nets, or repairing their boats.

But now, it's busy here.

The timber factories, shipyards, iron factories, and sail factories are all working hard, and countless workers are busy.

And because there are a large number of factories and workers gathered here, many shops, restaurants and restaurants have opened in the surrounding area. Even in the official registration of Qingdao City, there are more than 1000 women engaged in the brothel industry in the entire port city. These people were all required to be registered, licensed to make a living, and required to pay rouge money.

"The ship is here, the ship is here!"

A young child trotted to a brothel and shouted to Mr. Gui.

"How many boats have come here, big boats and small boats?" Gui Gong asked, as required by the government, he wore a green hat on his head and a green sweat scarf around his waist.

"It's a fleet, a large fleet, many fleets, there are hundreds of them, and they are about to enter the port."

How many hundred?
Green Hat Turtle's eyes widened. In this ghostly weather, although the port is still non-stop, there are not as many ships as usual.

Therefore, everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the boat, and when a boat arrives, everyone scrambles to snatch the guests on and off the boat.

Ship owners, captains, sailors, these people often run in the wind and waves at sea, so they are also the ones who earn more and are willing to spend money.

In order to compete for the guests, the turtles even bought information from the children. As long as they came to report the news of the ship entering the port, they could get a few Wen Kaiyuan Tongbao rewards.

Most of these children are the children of port workshop workers. They usually do some things in the port, such as selling newspapers, selling snacks, or running errands.

Mr. Gui took out two copper coins and gave them to the children.

But the boy still stretched out his hand, "Hundreds of boats, this is a big business, and the whole port city can make a fortune."

Gui Gong reluctantly gave him three more, "Take it, brat."

The young man who won the Wuwen copper Kaiyuan laughed and ran away.

Mr. Turtle was in pain for five cents, and at the same time hurried in to report the good news to the landlord.

"Then let the girls put on their make-up and greet them when they arrive at the port in a carriage. It would be great if we can get a few generous patrons." The host is a woman who used to be a bustard in Luoyang City. The age is not old, but the charm still exists.

She was also a brothel beauty at first, but later she quit her job when she was older and became a procuress, and then came here to open this brothel, recruiting a large number of girls from the Central Plains, and the business is booming.

This madam has even visited Lushun and Dalian several times, and is planning to open a semicolon there as well.

When the old bustard came to the pier with the beautifully dressed girls, he happened to see countless ships entering the port with white sails.

On that side of the sail, there was a fierce tiger roaring.

"Oh, it turned out that Zhongwujun came across Hainan. The brothers of Zhongwujun are the richest and most generous. They never hurt girls, and they never give money after playing. Girls, they all laughed for a while." The old bustard said happily.

Mr. Gui was sent down to inquire about the news.

After a while, the turtle came back.

"It took two silver tigers."

One silver tiger is one or two silver Kaiyuan coins, which is five guan coins, and two silver tigers are ten guan coins, which is enough to buy two good-looking little girls to take care of slowly.

"What did you find out?" The bustard didn't feel sorry for the two silver tigers. After all, the news of two silver tigers must be worth the price.

"The one who came was the Shence Zuo Army of the Zhongwu Army, which was also the first army of the Zhongwu Army. It was led by Zhao Guogong, the sixth younger brother of His Royal Highness the King of Qin, with a total of 4000 troops. The whole army also came with Li Jing and Shan Xiongxin. , Cheng Yaojin, Xue Wanche and other loyal generals."

(End of this chapter)

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