Chapter 748

Luo Shixin went south under the order of Luo Cheng.

Although it was cold winter, Luo Cheng still ordered Luo Shixin, who had just won a big victory in Fuyuchuan, to lead the first army across Hainan.

The situation in the Central Plains has become more and more tense, and Luo Cheng can only speed up his pace.

While ordering Luo Cunxiao to abandon the four east counties of the canal and withdraw from Qilu, he also stepped up to dispatch an additional reorganized army led by Luo Shixin and Li Jing to Shandong.

"Abandoning the four counties on the east bank is just a strategic requirement. It's not that we want to evacuate Shandong, let alone abandon Shandong. On the contrary, the commander said that Shandong must be defended at all costs. We are the left army, just a forward, Immediately there will be a left army of Shenwei going south as well."

In the city of Qingdao, Luo Shixin announced Luo Cheng's attitude to everyone who came to attend the meeting.

"Why didn't Lao Wu come?"

Not long ago, Luo Cunxiao, who had just retreated from Dongjun to be stationed in Yuncheng on the edge of Dayeze in Dongping County, also came to the meeting this time, and he asked directly.

Up to now, he is still a little resentful about letting him abandon the four counties of East County.

"Fourth brother, fifth brother is now crowned King of Qin. He is not only Grand Marshal, Shang Shuling, but also Internal History Order, and he can't leave for the time being." Xiao Liu explained to the fourth brother, and then announced a piece of good news to him.

The imperial court granted Luo Cunxiao the Duke of Wei.

"The command of the commander-in-chief is based on the soldiers and horses of Luo Cunxiao and Luo Shixin who crossed the sea to the south, mixed with the soldiers and horses of Shandong, and reorganized into the four armies of Yiwu, left and right, brave and right and left."

The current military system of the Liaodong court is no longer the previous system of twelve guards and four mansions, and there is no Xiaoguo army. The Liaodong court relies on the border troops of each town.

Among them, Luo Cheng's Liaodong Zhongwu Army is naturally his confidant.

Therefore, after welcoming Yang Hao to proclaim himself emperor, Luo Cheng bestowed six military titles on his Loyalty Army.

The left army of Zhongwu Shence is the original first army, and the right army of Shence is the second army.

Now Luo Cheng has sent Luo Cunxiao and Luo Shixin with more than 3 horses, plus the earliest 3000 brothers Xue Wanshu, the total is more than [-] people.

So Luo Cheng now uses these [-] people as a base, plus the various departments of the original Shandong Army, and reorganizes them into four armies of the Mighty Army, and assigns them four military titles: Left and Right Bravery and Left and Right Shenji.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to reorganize the motley crew of the original Shandong Army into elite soldiers capable of fighting, and to mix them with the Zhongwu Army going south is also to strengthen control and make them direct descendants.


Luo Cheng had the Sixth Army of Zhongwu, the Fourth Army of Yiwu, and a total of ten armies, which would be under his direct control.

However, Siye's Xuanwu and Liu Wuzhou's Yiwu are not directly controlled yet.

Originally, the Zhongwu Army had four armies of [-], but now more than [-] people have gone south. The Zhongwu Army in Liaodong is also undergoing a round of large-scale military expansion.

The number of soldiers and horses has increased greatly, and the combat power will definitely decrease, but in order to deal with the current situation, this is also inevitable.

Fortunately, before Liaodong, all the people were trained as soldiers, and with the availability of foreign soldiers, they were not afraid of having no soldiers.

The newly compiled four armies of the Mighty Department will use Luo Gui to command the Shenyong Left Army, Luo Cunxiao to command the Shenyong Right Army, Li Xiuning to command the Shenji Left Army, and Luo Shixin to command the Shenji Right Army.

Finished reading.

Li Xiuning was the first to stand up.

She came from Linyi, and now there are more than [-] troops stationed in Linyi, assisted by brothers Luo Chengzong and Xue Wanshu.

"Before the situation was tense, I also tried my best to help. Now that the situation is getting clearer, Goro can finally find time to send troops into Shandong. I can retire as a woman."

Li Xiuning refused to accept the post of envoy of the Zuo Shenji Army.

Luo Gui also said, "As soon as I'm old, it's enough to do logistics in the back, and the matter of leading troops to fight will be out of the way."

Li Jing stood up and said at this time.

"This appointment was decided after careful consideration by His Royal Highness King Qin. The current situation in Shandong and such a good result are all due to the hard work of all of you. Although we have led our troops to the south, your contributions cannot be ignored. Obliterated. Therefore, the new Fourth Army is only to make up for the lack of combat power of the Shandong Army, not to annex the Shandong Army."

Li Xiuning said, "I'm just a weak woman. I used to be under the banner of Wulang before, and I didn't have the slightest credit. Besides, Shandong can have the current situation, and it is mainly because of my uncle, the eldest lady, the eldest brother and the second brother, and everyone from Shandong. The merits of the folks."

This can be regarded as giving Shan Binbin face.

After all, Shan Binbin is the wife of the Luo family, and she used to lead the army to appease Shandong. Now that the Shan family is not the leader of the army, but she is the leader of the army, I am afraid that the Shan family will be extremely dissatisfied.

Originally, Shan Binbin was really dissatisfied, but seeing what Li said, he felt a little better.

"My younger sister united the army and guarded Linyi, but her achievements are not small. Although I also recruited soldiers and horses to appease the counties and counties, I have already handed over the soldiers and horses to my father and elder brother, so naturally I am not suitable to be this military envoy again. .”

Luo Gui watched the confrontation between the two daughters-in-law and couldn't help sighing.

In the end, he took out the identity of Luo Cheng's father and made some adjustments.

He went back to Liaodong City, entered the court to assist the government, and helped his son.

Then use Shan Binbin as the military envoy of the mighty and brave Zuo Army, Luo Jizu as the deputy envoy, and Shan Xiongxin as the marching staff officer and the envoy of the Duya Soldier.

Luo Cunxiao was the military envoy of the mighty and brave right army, with Cheng Yaojin as the deputy envoy, Pei Xingyan as the marching staff officer, and Su Dingfang as the envoy of the Duya army.

Li Xiuning was the military envoy of the mighty Shenji Zuo Army, Xue Wan was the deputy envoy, Guo Xiaoke was the marching staff officer, and Changsun Wuji was the military envoy of Du Ya.

Luo Shixin was the military envoy of the mighty Shenji Youjun, with Zhou Dewei as the deputy envoy, Li Jing as the marching staff officer, and Li Junxian as the envoy of the Yaya soldiers and horses.

Each army has 4000 troops and 48 battalions of infantry and cavalry auxiliary troops.

Compared with the original establishment of the Zhongwu Army, the cavalry was significantly reduced and the auxiliary troops were increased.

Some elite units, such as heavy cavalry and heavy infantry, have also been greatly reduced.

But in general, the number of soldiers and horses in Shandong has increased, the system has become more clear, and the overall combat effectiveness has improved.

The Fourth Army readjusted.

Shan Binbin's Shenyong Left Army was stationed in Qi County, Luo Cunxiao's Shenyong Right Army was stationed in Dongping County, Li Xiuning's Shenji Left Army was stationed in Langya, and Luo Shixin's Shenji Right Army was stationed in Lu County.

The envoys of the Four Armies were all under the command of Shandong Jiedu envoy, Luo Gui, commander of the mighty army, and Li Jing also served as the marching staff officer of the mighty army.

According to Luo Cheng's plan, he was going to defend and prepare for war while making adjustments.

Moreover, the reorganization and new deployment should be completed before the year.

"The commander-in-chief ordered that whether it is Li Mi, Li Yuan, Dou Jiande, or Chen Leng, if they want to compete for Dongjun and other four counties, let them fight, we don't care. But as long as they dare to continue eastward, they must be resolute without hesitation Fight back, but after knocking back it's ok."

The fourth child was very unconvinced when he heard such an order, "How can anyone fight like this?"

"Duke Wei, please don't worry. Now that all parties are gathering in the Central Plains, and the heroes are competing, we don't need to be in a hurry to get on the field first. The one who goes on the field first may not be the winner. We don't have to be late for a good meal, and we can win if we go late!" Li Jing reassured him.

(End of this chapter)

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