Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 763 True Dragon Emperor

Chapter 763 True Dragon Emperor
"He had a good hand, but Li Mi played poorly. Yang Xuangan wasn't much stronger after all."

Lushun port.

Luo Chengzheng parted ways with Feng Xiaoci and Qu Tutong.Feng Xiaoci will lead two vassal legions and a loyal army to land on Qinhuangdao by boat and attack Fan Yang.

And Luo Cheng led Zhao Gui, Jia Runpu, Qi Guoyuan, Li Rugui, Qin Qiong, and Yuchi Gong to Shandong, with the goal of Pengcheng Jiangdu.

"Shu general Guan Yu caresses soldiers well but despises scholar-officials, Zhang Fei pays homage to scholar-bureaucrats but despises soldiers. The two generals' actions are somewhat biased. Their final deaths are also caused by their personalities and behaviors." Luo Cheng looked at the port. One boat after another, "Yang Xuangan was brave and decisive, but unfortunately he was too impatient and aggressive. Li Mi knew strategy, but was limited by his innate nature. When he raised his troops, he relied on bandits and rebellious soldiers. He only wanted to be big and strong, but his huge Wei army, But until now, there are many internal factions, and there is no real digestion at all. Last year, Meng Rang was newly swallowed. Although his subordinates in Huaixi and Shannan dare not complain, how can they have no complaints in their hearts?"

"As for Dou Jiande in Hebei, he was born as a small landlord, kind and loyal, so he can win the hearts of the people in Hebei, and he is good at uniting and recruiting officials and scholars, so he is also very powerful now, but I think Dou Jiande is too talkative. Benevolence and righteousness, and some have forgotten the essence of hegemony, and sometimes you can't win if you are not ruthless."

This war between Xia and Wei originated from Luo Cheng's plan to kill three soldiers with two peaches. Cao Bao was fooled first. Originally, Dou Jiande also realized that this was a trap, so he should give up Cao Bao. They were all mobilized by Li Mi, and they were completely passive.

If it's just Xia Wei contending for supremacy, it's fine, but now there is Li Yuan, Luo Cheng, Wang Shichong in the Central Plains, and even Fan Yang has a Dugu usurper. At this time, it is undoubtedly very unwise to go to Li Mi's territory with all his strength and fight Li Mi. of.

"Li Mi's future defeat will be due to the fact that his army is too diverse and not refined. His army is unstable. Now that he is in a good situation, naturally with tens of thousands of troops, all the generals will respect Li Mi. Once Li Mi loses, he may be scattered like birds and beasts. Although Dou Jiande has a way to Anmin in Hebei, he will eventually be defeated by decision."

Jia Runpu said, "These two can be regarded as heroes for a while, but compared with you, Marshal, they are far behind."

Luo Cheng laughed, "Old Jia, when did you become so good at flattering?"

"This is not flattery. I'm telling the truth. If we want to learn from Li Mi, we will definitely have four to five million people now, and maybe even thirty or forty counties. But this kind of people who only care about eating and don't care about digestion Behavior, the commander-in-chief will never do it. Although we don't think the territory is too big and the soldiers are not too many, but to be honest, our loyal army is not afraid of losing even for a while, even if it is three defeats and four defeats. As long as we still have breath, we can all get up again, but Li Mixing?"

Luo Cheng nodded, this is indeed the biggest reliance of the Zhongwu Army.

They have a very stable rear, especially after Yuan Taizuo surrendered, Luo Cheng no longer has any worries, and can safely farm and develop border markets.This is extremely rare in today's world.

Whether it is Guanlong Hexi, Shannan Jiannan, Hebei Dongdong, Central Plains Jianghuai, or even Lingnan, the situation is turbulent.

It is difficult for the people to live and work in peace and contentment, and there are a large number of refugees and beggars.

Only in Anton outside Guan, food prices have been stable in the past few years, there has been no war in the country, and the military has been used a few times, but it is also very short-lived, and there are not many casualties.

Compared with the constant population outflow in many places, Andong Road has experienced a rapid inflow and increase in population in recent years.

Many heroes of the separatist side, their subordinates are at a loss, and the soldiers, especially those at the bottom, don't know why they are fighting or for whom.

That's why Li Mi killed Meng Rang, who was able to swallow Meng Rang's ten counties and 20 soldiers in one go.

There is Jiangdu Xiaoguo army's cannibalism.

It is about the mutual attack of Long and Hexi.

And what about Anton's general?
Although Luo Cheng can be regarded as a separatist regime, or even a rebellion, but do the soldiers care about this?Not many people care. They regard themselves as Liao people and Luo as a guardian. They tie themselves and Luo Chengcheng together to share a common destiny. They all protect Liaodong and fight for their families and tomorrow.

They went out to fight, and they fought passionately. They fought in the hope of an early victory.

In fact, what loyalty and righteousness are, for ordinary soldiers, it's not that they don't care, but they don't care that much.

Especially at this time, there is turmoil everywhere, so the people are more concerned about a sense of stability, whoever can bring everyone safety, they support whoever, that's why Luo Cheng is monolithic outside the customs, and Dou Jiande starts from the grass, and Now he has won the hearts of the people of Hebei and proclaimed himself emperor.

As for Li Mi, Yang Guang, etc., although they seem to be strong and strong, but because they only care about fighting and seizing territory, they don't appease the people, resume production, and rescue the people, so the people in the Central Plains have no affection for them at all.

Now it's just because of his great power, everyone can only dare to be angry and dare not speak out. Once Li Mi is defeated, who will fight for him?
Just like Yang Guang, he has tossed the world to such an extent that all places are rebellious. Although there are still some loyal people, most of them are nobles and officials who have received Yang Guang's favor. As for the common people, how many Regardless of his life or death, even his Xiaoguo will rebel against him and kill him, which shows the hearts of the people.

In history, although Dou Jiande was defeated, the people of Hebei still built temples to commemorate him until the Five Dynasties. Why, because he comforted the people in the troubled times, he won the hearts of the people.

"So, Dou Jiande and Li Mi, neither of them are real dragon emperors, they are just dragons. Now that these two dragons are fighting, who do you think will win?"

Lao Jia asked.

Since his father's death, Jia Runpu has been transferred to the shogunate for the past few years, mainly in charge of logistics and armaments. After all, he lacks an arm, and it is not suitable for fighting in battle. When he transferred to the shogunate, he also read more books. , so the consideration of the problem is quite different from before.

"When two tigers fight, there will be no winner. It will only be a result of both losers. What we really need to beware of are Li Yuan and Wang Shichong. Wang Shichong dares to proclaim himself emperor in Luoyang, he has a lot of ambition, this person should not be underestimated As for Li Yuan, he is retreating to Pengcheng now, deliberately showing weakness, just wanting to benefit from the fisherman, he is not a good stubble."

"Since that's the case, why don't we attack Li Yuan in Pengcheng first, but Jiangdu first?"

'First, Du Fuwei suffered several defeats under Chen Leng's command, and Fu Gonghu, who stayed behind in the south of the Yangtze River, was also besieged by three families.Furthermore, taking Jiangdu first will cut off Li Yuan's retreat.After all, Li Yuan still has nearly [-] troops in his hands now, the main force of which is Xiaoguo. Although Xiaoguo is not as good as Siye's at that time, the equipment and training are still good. If he is in a hurry, he will bite us back and cause us great harm With heavy casualties, it might be time for Li Mi or Dou Jiande to take advantage of it, so let's not attack Li Yuan first, but attack Jiangdu first. "

Lao Jia smiled and said, "It's better that you speak clearly, in a few words, and explain clearly."

"What will happen in the future? I mean if we defeat these people, how will you deal with them, such as Li Yuan, Li Mi, Dou Jiande and Wang Shichong?" Old Jia asked.

Luo Cheng faced the sea, watching the soldiers of the Zhongwu Army boarding the ship one after another, "Let's talk about it then!"

(End of this chapter)

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