Chapter 764
East County.

White Horse City.

Li Mi personally commanded from the base of the city, and a large number of Wei troops attacked like a tide, not to mention all kinds of siege equipment, Li Mi also gave full play to his strength and home advantage.

Not to mention besieging the city from all sides, a large number of peasants and strong men from Henan were recruited, and they were asked to fill trenches with soil and build earth hills outside so that the Wei army could attack Baima City with siege crossbow catapults.

No tricks.

It is a strong attack.

Li Mi bestowed on his elite lineage the two military titles of Shenjie and Shenxing given by the imperial court. The two armies of Shenjie and Shenxing stayed in Jinyongcheng and Xingluocang, and the two armies of Shenxing were stationed at Hulao Pass, and the other was here to serve He supervised the battle.

The generals of each army will draw lots and lead their troops to attack the city. Whoever gets the draw will go up. Anyone who dares to slack off the battle will be killed.

"My lord, if you attack the city like this, the casualties will be too great."

Li Gongyi couldn't help frowning as he watched the mass casualties of his followers under the city wall.Li Mi's Wei army actually adopted the nature of joining a group. When he entered Henan, rebels and rebels from all walks of life came to join him, and even many powerful landlords recruited troops and led their troops back.

Li Mi never refused to come to these people, and awarded official positions according to the number and strength of the soldiers and horses under his command.

The more soldiers and the more elite they are, the higher the military title they will be granted.

Li Mi conferred official titles and titles on these people, and then organized them, asked them to organize troops and horses according to the Wei army camp system he set, and then handed them over to their own command.

And in each battle, the spoils captured by each ministry belonged to them, but another [-]% was handed over to Li Mi.

Under this rule, the number of the Wei army is extremely large. Anyway, the more soldiers, the bigger the officials, and the more spoils they can grab. Strong Latino.

Not only did the Wei army have many soldiers, but it was also miscellaneous, with many factions and mountains.

Li Gongyi, Wang Dangren, and Zhou Wenju all had tens of thousands of soldiers, and there were also many former Sui generals who also held heavy soldiers.

Li Mi's own direct descendants of Wei soldiers are not many, and even if they are direct descendants, the generals below are accustomed to treating their soldiers as private soldiers.

When the wind is down, they scramble to be the first, and when they grab the loot, they often even fight hard, but when encountering tough battles with heavy casualties, they are all timid.

"If you get the attack lottery, then you have to attack for two hours. No matter how you arrange it, you must follow my pre-battle order and attack without slack. If you can't attack, you have to attack for two hours. Otherwise, Don't blame me for being ruthless in military law."

Li Mi is very aware of the importance of this battle, he can't drag it out here for a long time, he must settle it quickly.

"My lord, but the brothers under my command have lost more than [-] percent."

"It's only ten percent, what are you calling?" Li Mi said dissatisfied.

"But the morale of the brothers is already low. If the attack continues like this, they might collapse."

"I only heard that the field formation was broken and the defense was broken and scattered. I haven't heard of the one that was broken during the siege. Continue to attack!"

Seeing his frowning expression, Li Mi comforted him, "After capturing Baima City and capturing Xia's equipment, I will give you a hundred sets of armor."

Hearing the temptation of a hundred armored suits, Li Gongyi had no choice but to bite the bullet and accept the order, and continued to supervise the battle before returning to the formation.

"My lord, the Xia army in this city is too powerful." The first general said.

"So what, there are only ten thousand people. In the past few days, our fierce attack has killed no less than 2000 people in the city. Although our army has suffered a lot, it is only a drop in the bucket for us. As long as we continue to attack like this , White Horse City will be destroyed."

In Li Mi's opinion, there were more than 1 defenders in Baima City before, so it was difficult to attack, but now there are only [-], and if the attack continues, it will be [-]. Difficult to defend.

And he also sent people to dig tunnels and make equipment, so the victory must be more and more on his side.

As for casualties, this is the result that must be endured.

But as long as Baima City is won, it will be the key point of this decisive battle between Xia and Wei. He doesn't believe that Dou Jiande still has many such elites.


Fan Yang.

Dugu had white hemp tied around his waist, and he and Fan Yang's soldiers were in mourning for Emperor Daye.

"Commander, He Jian reported carefully, saying that there are only more than 10 troops left behind in Leshou City, which is very empty. Dou Jiande has assembled troops from various counties, and a total of [-] troops have gone south to compete with Li Mi."

Dugu Xun was very excited when he heard the news.

"Li Mi, that rebel, is vacillating. One day he will join the rebellion tomorrow, and now he is still going to the Liaodong Puppet Dynasty. Let them bite dogs. It just so happens that we send troops to recover Hebei."

"What is the direction of Liaoxi County and Zhuo County? Will the rebel generals Luo Siye and Luo Cheng make any changes?"

"No movement of soldiers and horses in the second county has been found."

"Where's Xuba, king of Shanggu?" Dugu Zhan asked again.

"Wang Xuba led an army to attack Luo Siye's Yunnei County, but was shot and killed by Luo Siye's big arrow in the battle. Now all his troops were defeated and fled back to Shanggu."

"Wang Xuba is dead?" Dugu Zhan was a little surprised, "It's good to die." He gritted his teeth.

It's just that his death made Luo Siye lose a great enemy.Previously, Wang Xuba accepted the imperial court's recruitment and was granted the title of Lord of Shanggu County, Governor and Prefect of Shanggu County. He was ordered to cross Taihang and send out flying foxes to attack Luo Siye in Yunnei County.

Who would have thought that this guy had repeatedly defeated the army in Hebei and won the cities of Shanggu, but who would have thought that more than a hundred thousand people went to fight Luo Siye, but he was defeated and was even shot to death by Luo Siye.

What an incompetent idiot.

"Under the festival, why don't we take this opportunity to send troops to Shanggu, annex Wang Xuba's tribe, and then seize Shanggu County?" a general suggested.

But Dugu Zhan was not interested in this proposal.

"Since Wang Xuba is dead, his subordinates are just a bunch of local chickens and dogs, so don't worry about it for now. Let's go south and take down Dou Jiande's lair first, take advantage of the trend and recover Hebei, and it won't be too late to deal with the Shanggu thieves when we come back."

For Dugu Zun, although the emperor was murdered in Jiangdu, he still did not change his loyalty to the Sui Dynasty.

After the death of Emperor Daye, he also went to Jiangdu Taihuang Taihuang, led Fan Yangzhen to support the acting king Yang You as the emperor, regarded him as Zhengshuo, and was willing to lead his troops to continue to fight against the rebellion of non-subjects.

Dugu issued a military order and dispatched soldiers and horses from various counties, preparing to raid Leshou City, Hejian County, Dou Jiande's puppet Xia capital with all his strength.

"Under the festival, Fan Yangtong guarded Guo Xuan to see him, and said he had something important to report."

"Let him in!"

Guo Xuan was originally the governor of Zhuo County, and later Zhuo County was upgraded to a mansion, so he became the general guard of Fanyang Mansion. After Xue Shixiong was killed by Dugu, he and the general of Fanyang Mansion belonged to him, and his performance has been good.

Guo Xuan untied the knife outside the mansion, "This is the leader of my scout team. He has important military information. I want to bring him to the commander in person and let him report to the commander himself." He said to the soldier in front of the mansion. .

The dental soldier sized him up a few times.

"What is your name?"

"Wang Junke." The man had a flattering smile on his face.

"Brother, why is the military situation so important?"

"It was Wei Dao'er from Hengshan County who wanted to annex Shanggu King Xuba's tribe, but Wang Xuba's tribe refused, so he intends to join me in Fanyang Town."

"Oh, good thing, let's go in."

Guo Xuan took Wang Junke into the mansion.

Dugu listened to the report, "Is there really such a thing?"

"Under the festival, I also brought the letter of attachment from the Shanggu thieves here, please read it under the festival." Wang Junke stepped forward a few steps and reached into his sleeve to get the letter.

Suddenly, a knife flashed.

A dagger had already been inserted into Dugu Zhan's chest, he looked down at the knife in disbelief, blood was gushing out.

Wang Junke no longer had that reserved expression on his face, he smiled at Dugu Chuan.

"who are you?"

"My name is Wang Junkuo, a loyal military general."

"Luo Shuai asked me to ask you!"

Dugu turned his head and looked at Guo Xuan, "I'll wait for you..."

Guo Xuan stood there, and said calmly, "When you used tricks to kill Xue Shuai, you should have thought that today would happen."

"Come on, there are assassins..."

Dugu Zun tried his best to shout the warning.

Wang Junkuo laughed disapprovingly.

"Call, it's too late to call again, Dugu Chao, you can go on the road first."

After finishing speaking, he drew out the dagger and placed it across Dugu's neck, with all his strength, Dugu's throat was cut.

"Have you heard that? The voice outside is the sound of gold and iron. The Zhongwu Army is already on its way. Outside are the generals of Fan Yang's Mansion. They are leading their brothers to avenge Xue Shuai. They are preparing to welcome the brothers of the Zhongwu Army." We are here!"

Fan Yang City was already in chaos.

Among the various soldiers and horses who were ordered to gather outside Fanyang City, many soldiers from the original Fanyang Mansion, led by Xue Shixiong's old generals, are launching a surprise attack on the former Dugu usurper's Beiping tribe.

In the city.

Wang Junkuo's shadow guards are taking advantage of the hidden stakes that have been arranged in Fan Yang City long ago to seize the city gate and lure Fan Yang soldiers into the city.

Guo Xuan was instigated by Wang Junkuo, he was already dissatisfied with Dugu usurping Xue Shixiong's plot to kill Xue Shixiong, and many Fan Yang generals were the same as him.

But under the current situation, Luo Cheng is undoubtedly the most likely to win the world. Therefore, after Wang Junkuo worked hard, Guo Xuan was willing to go anyway, and then contacted many generals Fan Yang.

Finally, when Dugu Zun intends to gather troops to attack Dou Jiande's lair, Hejian Leshou, Fan Yang's old troops, who were originally transferred to the outskirts, finally have the opportunity to gather at Fan Yang's city.

Taking this opportunity, a raid was launched.

Fan Yang's army invaded the city, and Guo Xuan and Wang Junkuo walked out of the Yamen of Fan Yang's Jiedu envoy carrying Dugu's head.

More and more people are attached.

Some confidantes of Dugu who usurped the throne, such as Zhao Shizhu and others, wanted to fight to the end, but they were surrounded and strangled by Fan Yangbing in the end.

The sound of swordsmen faded away.

The chaos slowly settled down.

Wang Junkuo and Guo Xuan raised the red white tiger banner together on the gate tower of Fanyang City.

In the barracks outside the city, many Beiping soldiers also surrendered one after another after seeing that the situation was over.

"General Guo, please write a victory report in your own handwriting, and I will jointly send it to His Royal Highness King Qin!" Wang Junkuo said to Guo Xuan with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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