Chapter 910
"The Qin army is about to break into the pass!"

In the city of Yong County, Qizhou, the people rushed to tell each other, there was anxiety, panic, and even a bit of anticipation.Since the end of the Sui Dynasty, the land of Guanzhong has been considered a little more stable, but it is not a paradise. All kinds of thieves, bandits and generals are rampant, and I will appear on the stage after you sing.

After Li Yuan entered the customs, he finally calmed down a bit, but his life was not much better, and it was not even as stable and fulfilling as Daye's seven years ago.

When Xue Ju and his son were rampant in Longyou, the people of Fufeng were also panicked for a while. After all, Xue Ju and his son were famous in Guanlong for their brutality, especially his prince Xue Rengao, who was the enemy of thousands of people. people.

When Xue Jun came to attack, the people of Fuyu rushed to join the army and went to the city to help defend. No one wanted to see Xue Jun attack, let alone see their own city houses burned down, and their property was seized. , let alone seeing his wife and daughter being raped.

But this time it was the Qin army who wanted to attack, but last time it was Xue's West Qin army, but now it was Luo Cheng's East Qin army, but everyone was not so panicked.

East of the city.

The Li residence was unnaturally quiet in the slightly flustered city of Qizhou.

The servants, tribunes, and servants followed the steps step by step, without any panic.

The head of the house was sitting in the middle of the lobby, holding a Hebei white porcelain wine glass in his forehand, drinking alone.

"Lang Jun, you've already drunk a pot, don't drink any more."

A graceful and gorgeous woman with a graceful figure walked towards him, and a pair of jade hands held his hand to deliver wine to his mouth.

The man's hand hangs in the air.

"The world is chaotic, and only a pot of dirty wine can relieve sorrow."

The woman took off the wine glass and persuaded, "Because of the chaos in the world, it is more necessary to be clear-headed. If you are drunk, you can only drift with the flow. How can you be detached?"

"Unexpectedly, I, Li Zhongwen, are not as knowledgeable as a woman, haha."

Li Zhongwen, the general manager of Qizhou, is the grandson of Zhao Guogong Li Bi, one of the Eight Great Pillars of the Western Wei Dynasty, the son of Li Yan, the Zhenxiang County Duke, and the uncle of Li Mi, the former leader of the Central Plains.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, Li Zhongwen organized his family and servants to revolt in the west of Beijing. Later, Li Yuan entered the customs and sent people to persuade him to surrender. Li Zhongwen later joined Li Yuan and was appointed Taichang Shaoqing.

After that, Xue Ju went to the east, and Li Zhongwen went out to fight with the army. He was defeated in the first battle and was captured.

Previously, Dugu Huai'en surrendered Liangzhou to Qin Dynasty, and Li Yuan transferred Li Zhongwen and Li Shentong to lead the army to attack, but not only failed to recapture Liangzhou, but also lost the Hechi outside Sanguan, and the Tang army had to retreat to Sanguan.

Li Zhongwen was transferred to the post of governor and governor of Qizhou.

But in the west of Beijing, Li Shentong served as the head of the Jingxi camp, and he was still above him.

As the Chief Inspector, he has no real power.

"My husband, born in a famous family, is also a half-life hero, why use wine to get drunk?"

Li Zhongwen sighed, "I'm not drinking to drown my sorrows, it's just that my future is uncertain."

After he was a famous nobleman in Guanlong, he had a good official career in the Sui Dynasty. As a result, his nephew participated in the rebellion, which made him implicated. He lost his official title and became a rich man.

When the Sui Dynasty was in turmoil, he was unwilling to be lonely and organized a military incident. He originally wanted to respond to his nephew Li Mi and prepare for his future entry into the customs. Who knew that Li Mi would spend a few years in Luoyang City, but Li Yuanjie was the first to enter the customs.

Seeing that all Guanzhong surrendered to Li Yuan, he had no choice but to surrender to Tang.

In the past two years, Li Tang has not been going well. Li Yuan doesn't trust him very much. At this time, although he is the general manager of Qizhou, he can't have the final say in Qizhou. he.

That beautiful woman is Li Zhongwen's concubine, a lady from a famous family, but later her family was convicted of a crime, and she was also reduced to a teaching workshop. After Li Zhongwen saw her, he was very moved, so he redeemed her as a concubine.

She has sharper insights than ordinary women.

"Husband, why don't you join Daqin?" the woman said bluntly.

"As far as I know, my nephew was once the leader of the Central Plains Rebel Army, but after the defeat, he also joined the Qin Dynasty, and even returned to the post of Jiuqing, which is not bad. If my husband could return to Qin, he would certainly not Worse than now."

Li Zhongwen sighed, "What you said makes sense."

"Now that Li Shentong is leading an army to reinforce Sanguan and enter Chencang, this city of Yong is empty."

If you want to vote for Qin, you have to take some salutes and accept some votes.

"Come here, call my righteous sons!" Li Zhongwen shouted towards the door.

On the north bank of the Wei River, Chencang City.

It's three o'clock in the night.

A fire broke out in Chencang City, followed by the sound of swords and soldiers.

Li Shentong was awakened from sleep by the guards.

"Your Majesty, Li Zhongwen has rebelled, Li Zhongwen has rebelled, and he led a group of adopted sons and led Qizhou soldiers to set fire to kill everywhere."

Li Shentong didn't come to his senses for a while, "Li Zhongwen turned against him? Didn't he just bring thousands of local men and women to escort a lot of food and grass from Qizhou this morning? Why did he turn back?"

"It's the other way around."

When Li Shentong was ready to go out, he found that the situation was completely out of control.

Li Zhongwen launched an attack in the middle of the night and set fire to the city, while shouting loudly that the Qin army had entered the city, and even forged many red Qin flags.

As a result, the Tang army in the city really thought that the Qin army had broken through Sanguan and came to Chen Cang. Many recruits bombed the camp first.

Immediately afterwards, some veterans with a little experience were also led into chaos.

When Li Shentong came out, Li Zhongwen had already controlled the yamen, treasury, and city gates of Chencang City. A large number of Tang soldiers in the city had already surrendered to Li Zhongwen, and many more fled out of the city in a panic.

Li Shentong still wanted to rally to resist, but Li Zhu'er, Li Zhongwen's adopted son, stabbed him off the horse with a horse spear in his hand. He covered the wound on his shoulder, his face was swollen purple, but he couldn't speak, and finally he was tied up by Wuhuada See Li Zhongwen.

After dawn, Li Zhongwen sent two adopted sons to stay in Chencang City, and then took the surrendered Tang Jun and others, a total of 8000 people, to Sanguan.

At the foot of Sanguan City, Li Zhongwen asked people to tie Li Shentong to a high pole, held it high in front of the team, and persuaded the Tang army on Guancheng to surrender.

Tang Jun on Sanguan was dumbfounded.

Before the pass was the Qin army who continued to attack, but after the pass it was Li Zhongwen, the general manager of Qizhou who voted for Qin, and Li Shentong, the king of Huai'an who was captured and the general manager of the west Beijing camp. How can this battle be fought?
Not to mention, there are still many former ministries of Li Zhongwen on Sanguan. After all, he is still the governor and governor of Qizhou. Once he shows up, people will turn against him immediately after closing.

After a mess.

The gate of Dasan Pass was suddenly opened, which stunned Huang Junhan's troops who were attacking the city for a moment, thinking that the cavalry was going to be sent out in Guanzhong, they all regrouped and prepared to meet the enemy.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, no cavalry rushed out, but a white flag was first seen coming out.

Under the flag, a member of Tang Jiang slowly left the customs.

Dugu Huai'en had sharp eyes and recognized it immediately, "Under the festival, it is Li Zhongwen, the governor of Qizhou, Li Mi's uncle."

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(End of this chapter)

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