Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 911 Burning Tai Chi Palace

Chapter 911 Burning Tai Chi Palace

On the north bank of the Weishui River in November, the Weishui River is surging.

Luo Siye's commander-in-chief arrived and raised it high.

After breaking through the four counties, the Eastern Expeditionary Army went straight to the north of Chang'an. At this time, it was only more than [-] miles away from Chang'an City. From a distance, the huge city on the plain could already be seen across the Wei River.

This is an international giant with a circumference of 72 miles.

But in Siye's eyes, that was just his goal of revenge. For some time now, he has been thinking about how to attack this city, how to break into this city, and now he kills his enemies and saves his wife and children.

"Under the festival, Chang'an has nothing to defend. As long as we attack, we can take it at any time."

Chang'an City is too big. This capital city has only been built for 30 years, and the outer wall of the city is more than 70 miles long. However, it was not until the collapse of the great cause that the outer wall of Chang'an City was barely completed. In the past 20 years, it has always been There are only doors but no walls.

But even if Chang'an City had the outer city wall at this time, but such a huge city has only 2 people defending it, which is not enough at all.

The bigger the city, the more troops it needs to defend. This is basic common sense.

And Chang'an City was built on the plains, and there was no danger to defend. When the outer gates of Guanzhong were breached and the inner defense layer was torn apart, Chang'an City was just a huge city with no danger to defend.

At the height of the Sui Dynasty, there were more than 50 people in the city alone, including the guards' soldiers and imperial soldiers, the emperor's concubines and servants in the palace, as well as the officials and family members in the city, and a large number of people. people, artisans, monks, etc.

However, since the Sui Dynasty, the population of Chang'an City has decreased greatly at this time, but there are still more than 20 people in the city, and there are still more than 10 people in more than [-] counties outside Chang'an City.

"hold on."

Siye looked at Chang'an City Road.

He was still waiting, waiting for Li Yuan's reply.

He had already sent envoys to Chang'an City to meet Li Yuan, and gave Li Yuan a chance to return his imprisoned wife and children, and then wait for Li Yuan to surrender, so as to avoid a war.

Even if Luo Siye had sufficient confidence, he could capture Chang'an City in the shortest possible time.

It's just that Li Yuan never replied.

Siye's patience is fading little by little.

In Chang'an City.

Li Yuan sighed.

Facing Luo Siye's ultimatum, he hesitated.

He was not reconciled, and he had worked so hard to get to this point.

"Dalang, what do you think we should do now?"

"Father, my son has already sent people to call Xiaogong from Tongguan to lead the army back to help, as well as the troops from Lantian."

Li Yuan shook his head and smiled wryly.

Even if they were called back, so what.

Luo Siye attacked all the way to the city of Chang'an, and Chang'an was no longer in danger, but Luo Siye had a strong army.

"Father, when Wang Shichong was besieged by Li Mi for several years, he also defended Luoyang. I don't think we need to be afraid of Luo Siye." Qi Wang Li Yuanji said.

Li Yuan thought to himself, Wang Shichong guarded Luoyang back then, how could it be compared with now.First of all, the key to Wang Shichong's ability to defend Luoyang was that Wang Shichong had been in control of Luoyang and the surrounding defenses. Even if Li Mi's troops came to the city in the later period, there were other surrounding forces that kept Li Mi in check.

What's more, Li Mi's army is not strong, and it can't be compared with Luo Siye's Eastern Expeditionary Army.

"Father, if we killed Luo Siye's son, even if he surrendered, he would not let us go, so we might as well fight," Jiancheng said.

Li Yuan had no choice but to smile bitterly, "Okay, the defense of Chang'an will be left to the crown prince, and the king of Qi will assist him."

The third day of November.

Li Yuan ordered to kill Luo Siye's envoy, and threw the envoy's head into the Wei River in front of the Qin army, so as to strengthen his heart against Qin.

Luo Siye was furious.

He ordered soldiers and horses to cross the Wei River.

On the fifth day of November, Qin Dong's army divided into multiple routes and built pontoon bridges to cross the Weihe River in multiple places and surrounded Chang'an City.

After the siege of the city, Luo Siye issued a military order, strictly prohibiting the soldiers of all armies from leaving the camp without authorization, and not entering the nearby villages to plunder.

At this time, under the city of Chang'an, there were three major clusters of the Eastern Expeditionary Army, with 20 troops already under the city, and about half of them were still in the four counties captured.

Luo Siye spent ten days building siege equipment and persuaded the soldiers and civilians in Chang'an City to surrender.

On November 20th, the whole army began to attack the city, adopting the method of besieging the city from all sides at the same time. The [-] troops attacked the city together, and Li Yuan's [-] forbidden troops defended the city on all sides. It is difficult to resist the offensive of the Qin army.

On the third day of the offensive, Hou Junji, a general of the Hexi Army, took Mao Shishi in person, and was the first to climb to the top of Chang'an City and stood still.

The constant Qin army leaped to the top of the city.

In the afternoon of the battle, Hou Junxin, who had captured a section of the city wall, led his army into the city, captured an outer city gate, and opened it to lead the Qin army into the city.The Tang army retreated to Miyagi, but they only held on for half a day.

When it was getting dark, Li Yuan set fire to the palace in the palace and set himself and the Tai Chi Palace on fire.

Qin Jun put out the fire, and half of the Taiji Palace was burned down, but Li Yuan was burned to ashes. Before he died, he took Siye's wife and daughter to be buried with him.

Seeing his wife and children reduced to ashes, Siye was burning with anger.

He ordered to search for Li Tang Yu Nie Jiancheng, Yuan Ji and others, and kill them all.

Li Yuan's infant son was not let go either.

A night of hunting.

At dawn, the sun rose, Siye's personal soldiers were waiting for an order, and the soldiers finally put away their weapons and retreated to the camp.

On the third day after Chang'an City was captured, Huang Junhan, Dugu Huai'en, and Li Zhongwen led [-] troops from Qizhou.

At this time, the troops of Tongguan Li Xiaogong and Lantianguan Li Shenfu, who were ordered to serve as King Qin, were always isolated outside Beijing and could not approach Chang'an City.

The city of Chang'an was destroyed, and Siye sent envoys to the Baqiao camp.

"What about His Majesty the Emperor?"

"I set myself on fire and burned myself to ashes." The messenger said.

"What about His Royal Highness?"

"After the city was broken, he hid in a brothel. When he was arrested and found, he resisted and was killed on the spot."

"Where is His Royal Highness King Qi?"

"Fleeing out of the city, being hunted down, refusing to surrender, and shot to death by random arrows."

Li Xiaogong's face was gray and defeated, "What do you want us to do now?"

"Surrender on the spot and give up resistance."

"How does Luo Siye plan to deal with us and our soldiers?"

"You, together with Li Shentong and Li Daozong, will be imprisoned first, and then obey the emperor's order. As for your soldiers and horses, as long as they are willing to surrender and surrender, then they will not be held accountable and will be sent back to their hometowns."

Li Shenfu asked, "Is my brother okay? Is Chang'an City okay?"

"Li Shentong was only slightly injured. Li Daozong was seriously injured, but he couldn't die. As for Chang'an City, you can rest assured that neither the city nor the indiscriminate killing of innocent people has occurred. It has settled down now."

Li Xiaogong sighed, "I am willing to surrender."

"I wish to surrender!" Li Shenfu also said helplessly.

The tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under the two men abandoned their weapons and returned to them.

(End of this chapter)

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