Chapter 912

The emperor who returned to Luoyang City from Hebei sighed after reading the urgent report.

"Go and invite Concubine Li to come, then go and summon Tang Guogong to come, and also, call Li Shimin and Chai Shao."

The servant was a little surprised when he heard this decree. He didn't know what happened. The emperor actually wanted to gather this family together.

The imperial concubine Li Xiuning came first, she was holding a son and a daughter, with her growing belly, the third child was more than six months old.

Wu Wang Luo Zhewei was six years old, with a tiger head and a tiger brain. When he saw his father, he smiled and opened his hands and rushed towards him.

Luo Cheng hugged him with a smile and lifted him up in the air, the child giggled.

"Your Majesty, don't scare King Wu." Li Xiuning said while holding her three-year-old daughter, Princess Changping.

The higher Luo Cheng tossed, the happier King Wu smiled, but he had a great time playing, and he didn't look scared at all.

"Okay, let's take my sister to the side to play, my father has something to say to your mother and concubine."

Luo Cheng gave Zhewei and Changping princess Shuning a piece of cake, and asked them to go aside to play.

Li Xiuning was a little surprised to see Luo Cheng like this.

"Your Majesty, why do you want the two children to go aside?"

Luo Cheng took her hand, "There is something important to tell you. I planned to hide it from you first, but after thinking about it, I'll tell you. It's bad news. I hope you are mentally prepared."

"Is it something about Chang'an? About my father?"


The smile on Li Xiuning's face gradually disappeared. When the news of her father killing Siye's son came to Luoyang, she was also extremely shocked.

The emperor was originally encircling Dou Jiande in Hebei, but when he heard that Li Yuan had killed Siye's son, and Siye was also angry, he summoned the Helong army to march eastward, and hurried back to Luoyang from Hebei.

"Your Majesty, please tell me that I am ready."

Luo Cheng sighed.

He also did not expect that the situation in Guanzhong would undergo such a change, and the change was even greater than his expectations.After all, in the initial strategy, it was north, then south, then east, then west.

First defeated Jieli in the north, then went east to destroy Dou Jiande in Hebei, and then entered Guanping to flatten Li Yuan.

It's just that no one could have imagined that Li Yuan's act of death would cause him to be defeated so long in advance.

He couldn't have imagined that Siye didn't wait for his consent, and didn't need the court's cooperation and support. It took more than a month for a single person to fight from Xiaoguan to Chang'an, and captured Chang'an City in one fell swoop, and made an emergency landing They captured Li Xiaogong and others, and captured Guanzhong throughout the territory.

"Let's wait until your brothers arrive."

Li Xuanba and Li Shimin entered the palace successively.

They thought that something happened to their pregnant sister Li Xiuning, but when they saw Li Xiuning sitting there properly, they were puzzled.

"Your Majesty, Erro Shiro and the others are here, please announce."

Luo Cheng patted Xuan Ba ​​on the shoulder, "The news just came from Chang'an that Siye has already breached Chang'an City, your father Li Yuan refused to surrender and died in the Tai Chi Palace, your brother Jian Jian Yuanji died in the war Li Zhiyun, Li Yuanjing, Li Yuanchang and others also died in the chaos.”



a long time.

Li Xiuning finally held back her weeping softly.

Li Xuanba stood there blankly, not knowing how to react.

Li Shimin stared at Luo Cheng angrily, "Isn't it enough for you to take Chang'an? Why don't you even let my father and brothers go, Zhiyun Yuanchang and the others are only a few years old, you don't let go of them, you are human!" ?"

Luo Cheng looked at Li Shimin coldly.

"Take your finger away. First of all, I persuaded Li Yuan several times to surrender and gave him a promise of preferential treatment, but Li Yuan just wanted to resist. He also gave Siye's wife to you as a concubine, which insulted Siye and insulted him." Zhen. Not to mention, he killed Siye's eldest son, which is even more deceptive."

"I have already decided to send you, Li Shuliang and others back to Guanzhong in exchange for his wife and daughter, but who would have thought that Li Yuan would be so devoid of conscience and commit such evil deeds. Siye's wife and daughter were burned to death together. I don't think there is anything wrong with Siye killing his son to take revenge after Siye broke the city. The fault is Li Yuan, not Siye."

Li Shimin said angrily, "It's a lie. How could my father commit suicide? Luo Siye must have burned my father to death after breaking through the city, and then killed all my brothers!"

"You can think whatever you want. I called you here to tell you the news. You can mourn for Li Yuan, but because of Li Yuan's madness, I won't give him any honor after death."

Li Xiuning got up and bowed, "The concubine will take my leave first."

Luo Chengdao, "Don't think too much, take a good rest."

Li Shimin still stared at Luo Cheng, "Aren't you going to do it? Don't you brothers want to kill our Li family? Come on!"

Luo Cheng waved his hand in disgust, "You can step back."

Li Shimin still refused to leave, still yelling at the emperor, several guards came in and dragged him out who was still chattering.

Li Shuliang and the others retreated sadly. Before this, although they were captives, they still had a glimmer of illusion. They hoped that Guanzhong Datang could find Luo Qin to contend with, and hoped that there would be a day when they would go back.

But now, everything is shattered.

The emperor died, and the Tang Dynasty was destroyed.

Only Xuan Ba ​​was still standing in the hall, dumbfounded.

Luo Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "Sorry!"

Xuanba smiled wryly.

"Your Majesty, I will take my leave."

Luo Cheng nodded.

Later, the emperor summoned all the prime ministers to the Zichen Hall to discuss matters.

Wei Zheng arrived first, and after learning about the great changes in Guanzhong, he whispered to the emperor, "I think Li Shimin is rebellious, and keeping it will be a disaster sooner or later. It's better to get rid of it, cut the weeds and roots, and simply put Chai Shao, Li Shuliang and other Li Yuan's brothers, nephews and sons-in-law as soon as possible." Get rid of them all, and get rid of future troubles forever."

This is a very sound suggestion.

Li Shimin's attitude today is very bad.

But the emperor just thought about it for a while, and finally shook his head.

"Could it be that I want to kill Xuan Ba, concubine Li Gui, and even King Wu and Princess Changping?"

Wei Zheng stopped talking.

"How about this, first deprive Li Shimin, Chai Shao and other Li Yuanzi's nieces and sons-in-law of all official titles and titles, remove their citizenship as a citizen, and move to Liaodong, outside the customs, to live under surveillance and watch for a period of time."

Wei Zheng nodded in praise and said, "That's good too. It can not only reassure people, show His Majesty's generosity, but also avoid hidden dangers."

The prime ministers arrived one after another.

After hearing the news of capturing Chang'an and Guanzhong, they were all excited.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Guanzhong is established, the north is about to be pacified, and there is no one in the world who can stop me from ruling the world."

Luo Cheng nodded.

"It's an accident that Siye took Guanzhong, but it's a surprise. Now that Guanzhong is pacified, the court can concentrate on pacifying Hebei. Order the generals in Hebei to prepare for the final decisive battle to destroy Xia!"

(End of this chapter)

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