Chapter 915
A cold winter morning.

A cavalry team held high the red Qin flag and marched in the Hehuang Valley. In this beautiful and beautiful corridor, the team is neat.

In the middle of the team was Tang Jian, the envoy of Qin Dynasty who was sent to Tuyuhun this time.

He used to be a minister of Li and Tang, and after the fall of Tang, he belonged to Qin.But for Tang Jian, there is nothing to complain about. After all, compared with his last emperor Li Yuan, he is still alive and his family is still preserved. He is just demoted, which is nothing.

What's more, his boss also told him that as long as this mission is successful, he will be promoted.

Riding a Longyou horse, Tang Jian's heart was also very complicated. Not long ago, he was running around for Li Tang, but in a blink of an eye he became a Qin envoy.

However, compared to the previous trips to Turkic, although this trip was also to a foreign country, Tang Jian was much calmer in his heart.

In the past, it was Li Tang and him who asked for help from others, and had to pay tribute in exchange for support.But now, Daqin is extremely tyrannical, and he came to Xuanwei Tuyuhun this trip to be canonized by Tuyuhun Khan.

The knights around were a team of five hundred riders, carrying the emperor's canonization edict, as well as the emperor's seal and crown belt to Khan King Murong Fuyun, as well as some fine wine, silk and porcelain bestowed by the emperor.

The knights in uniform red uniforms looked very neat and majestic, but Tang Jian knew clearly that the five hundred knights actually came from various forces not long ago.Some people used to be the subordinates of Xue Ju, the overlord of the Western Qin Dynasty, and some were the subordinates of Li Gui, the king of Liang in Hexi. There were also Xiao Guo from Li Tang in Guanzhong, and Turkic cavalry from Hetao. There were actually very few cavalry from the Qin Army in the Kanto region. .

And among the cavalry of the Qin army, there was not a loyal cavalry who was the first to follow Luo Cheng.

But no matter who they served in the past, at this time, they are all wearing the same red military robes, and they all wear the same bronze medals on their arms. Their military robes are neat and uniform, and their equipment is also uniform.

The red flag fluttered and the morale was high.


The three cavalry rushed forward, "Tuyuhun cavalry is found ahead!"

Tang Jian stopped the horse and raised his hand, "It's okay, keep going!"

Tuyuhun's cavalry appeared nearby, walking in twos and threes like a shadow, but Tang Jian ignored them. He was confident that the Tuyuhun people would not dare to plunder them.

Because when they set off, they had already sent home several Tuyuhun people who had been in Chang'an. They were the wives and children of Tuyuhun Khan Fuyun's former prince Murong Shun who stayed in Chang'an.

At that time, Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty sent troops to destroy the Tuyuhun Kingdom and established four counties including Xihai, but he was basically unable to control the four counties. Fu Yun still led the Tuyuhun people to continue to fight against the Sui army.

After the world was in chaos, Fu Yun took the opportunity to restore the country. After Li Yuan occupied Guanzhong, he sent someone to return Fu Yun's prince Murong Shun, and made Fu Yun the king of Xiping County. He formed an alliance with him and jointly attacked Xue Ju.

However, after Li Tang destroyed Xue Ju, he did not cede the Huanghe Valley of Liubailihe to Fu Yun as agreed.

Fu Yun was furious, so he continued to send troops to plunder the border, and the relationship became bad.When Li Gui in Hexi belonged to the Qin Dynasty, Li Yuan wanted to form an alliance with Fu Yun to fight against him again, but this time Fu Yun refused to pay attention.During the process of Siye's attack on Longxi and the destruction of Guanzhong, Fu Yun stayed put and gave him a lot of convenience.

The team kept going.

When they were about to arrive at the lakeside of Qinghai, people from Tuyuhun finally appeared to meet and greet them.

Murongshun, the former prince of Tuyuhun, came to welcome him in person. After the Sui Dynasty defeated Tuyuhun, the former prince captured him and sent him to Chang'an.

After the change in Jiangdu, like Chu Luo, he returned to Chang'an from Jiangdu and Li Yuan all the way.

Just waiting for him to return to Qinghai from Chang'an happily, only to find that his father had already appointed his younger brother Zun Wang Murong Ke as the new prince.

Murong Shun, who returned to Qinghai, was extremely disappointed, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, he came to greet the Central Plains envoy in person, and seeing Tang Jian as an acquaintance, he felt a sense of intimacy.

"Has the general seen his wife, concubine and children?" Tang Jian asked.

Murong Shun is tall and rugged, although he has been in the Central Plains for many years, his body is a bit more elegant.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Qin Huang, for returning my wife, concubine and children. They arrived safely all the way, and they are all fine."

Tang Jian took his hand, "How is the situation in Qinghai now?"

Murong Shun sighed, "To tell you the truth, my father is getting old and has become fatuous. Now everyone in the country listens to King Tianzhu. I am very worried."

He told Tang Jian that the powerful minister King Tianzhu recently persuaded the great Khan Fuyun to ask Daqin to marry a princess for the prince Murongke, and asked Daqin to reward the Hehuang River Valley to Tuyuhun.

"This is impossible." Tang Jian shook his head, "Qin Huang is not the king of Tang, there is no room for bargaining, and marriage is also impossible, because Qin Huang has long set up a commandment, no marriage, no land, no vassal, no tribute .”

With Murong Shun accompanying him all the way, Tang Jian knew the current domestic situation of Tuyuhun.

After the chaos of the Sui Dynasty, Tuyuhun was restored to the country, but the national power was also greatly reduced, especially after Li Yuan sent Murong Shun back to China, which made Tuyuhun even more complicated.When Yang Guang destroyed the Tuyuhun Kingdom, he made Murong Shun the new Khan and brought him with him.

Therefore, Murong Fuyun had already made his second son Zunwang the crown prince. Now that Murong Shun came back, the relationship between the two brothers was tense.

After Murong Shun came back, he was restricted everywhere and was squeezed out by his brothers. He also wanted to take this opportunity to build a relationship with the Central Plains, and use his strength to regain the position of Prince and even the position of King Khan.

Qinghai Lake.

Fuqi Wangcheng.

Tang Jian read the imperial edict of Emperor Qin to Khan Murong Fuyun in front of the Tuyuhun nobles.

"Canonize Murong Fuyun as King of Xihai County, Governor and Prefect of Xihai County."

"Canonize Murong Shun as King of Heyuan County, Governor and Prefect of Heyuan County."

"Canonize Murong Shi'an as King of Qiemo County, Governor and Prefect of Qiemo County."

"Canonize Murong Ke as the king of Shanshan County, the governor of Shanshan County, and the prefect."

As soon as the imperial edict came out, Tuyuhun Khan Murong Fuyun, who had been leaning against the beauties, was stunned immediately. Why did he still confer four county kings? Why is his profuse Khan only one county king?
This is not right.

Both Murong Shun and Murong Ke are his sons, and Murong Shi'an is his brother, so how could he be crowned king?
Fu Yun's complexion was very ugly. Before his father died, he passed the throne to his brother Shi Fu. Shi Fu married Sui Guanghua Princess as his wife. After Shi Fu died, Fu Yun succeeded to the throne, married Princess Guanghua, and had Murong Shun.

"I am the Great Khan of Tuyuhun. I am in command of the tribes of Murong Tuyuhun in Xianbei and the tribes of Qiang and Di. I own these three thousand miles of rivers and mountains. How could Emperor Qin insult me ​​like this?"

Murong Ke was also furious, this Qin people want to separate them from the Tuyuhun country?Then when his father died, wouldn't he only inherit half of the Tuyuhun Kingdom?

"Do the people of Qin want to start a war?"

At the banquet, there was a lot of trouble and they broke up.

That night, in the middle of the night, the city of Fucheng suddenly became chaotic, and the flames burst into the sky.

Murong Shun led his subordinates and joined Tang Jian's mission of five hundred knights to rise up and attack his brother Murong Fuyun's Khan Palace, under the banner of the Qing emperor killing Tianzhu King.

After dawn, Murong Shun took control of the Khan Palace, and then took over the control of Fucheng City.

"Murong Ke ran away, Murong Shi'an also ran away, and many nobles also ran away."

"Where's the Tianzhu King?"

"Run away too."

Sitting in his father's palace, Murong Shun's face sank when he heard the news one after another.The three most critical people are all gone.

"What should I do?" Murong Shun asked Tang Jian.

Tang Jian looked at Fu Yun lying in the palace. Last night there was chaos. Fu Ji saw Murong Shun rushing into the palace covered in blood with a sword in hand. He was paralyzed by a stroke in shock and anger.

"Please ask the king of the county to announce the funeral of Fuyun Khan, and at the same time send troops to hunt down Murong Ke, Murong Shi'an and King Tianzhu."

"Please Mr. Tang stay and help me!" Murong Shun looked at Tang Jian expectantly. The turmoil last night was a plan he had discussed for a long time on the way to meet Tang Jian.It's just that I didn't expect that the execution of the plan was not perfect, and several key people all ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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