Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 916 Forbidden to Marry 3 Korean Women

Chapter 916 It is forbidden to marry one hundred thousand three Korean women

Sunrise East.

Andong Road, Daifang County.

At the foot of Cheling Mountain, beside the Nanhan River, a group of soldiers from the Shenwei Army returned victorious, showing off their might.They carried the heads of the Goguryeo rebels they killed with their spears, and rode across the river on their steeds.

Some soldiers also held up the captured rebel battle flags and guards of honor, laughing loudly all the way.

Behind their horses, there is also a long line of Goguryeo rebel soldiers tied up.

At this time, their armor was stripped off, their hands were tied, and even their belts were taken away. They had to lift up their trousers at any time, and then they struggled to take heavy steps to keep up with the speed of the horses, otherwise they accidentally fell down. , he had to be dragged to pieces by the horses.

Compared with other defeated companions, the fate of these prisoners is not bad.

The heads of their officers and superiors were all stuck on the spears of the Qin army at this time. As for more companions, they were still scattered at the foot of the mountain by the side of the ditch, or had already sunk at the bottom of the Nanhan River.

There are defeated captives everywhere, and dead bodies are everywhere.

The Qin army had already finished the battle, and they were cleaning the battlefield with ease and joy. They wandered in groups and groups on the battlefield, took out their sharp horizontal knives and cut off the heads of the dead rebels, and stripped off their clothes. Armor, take away their horses, and anything useful or valuable on them will be taken away.

Even dead war horses will be slaughtered and divided.

Xu Shiji, the commander in chief of this battle, also came to the battlefield on horseback, surrounded by a team of personal guards.

Wherever they passed along the way, the soldiers of the Shenwu Army all gave warm cheers to the young commander.

It was under the leadership of this commander that the soldiers of the Shenwu Army they led were invincible. From the lone army when they first came here, to the post-Korea and post-Korean countries they are fighting now, they are all defeated and unable to gain a foothold.

The kings of the two small courts have changed three or four times. From Seoul in the north, they have been beaten to the rich Jianghan Plain, and then to the Taibai Mountains and Cheling Mountains.

Now the two rebels can only hide among the mountains and flee guerrilla.

Even the Baekje and Silla armies who pretended to be rebels were severely defeated by them several times. The Baekje and Silla people who were killed were suffering and dared not complain.

Another great victory, they successfully encircled and wiped out more than 3000 rebels.

The weather is getting colder and the mountains are getting more and more difficult. When the rebels go down the mountain to grab food, it is their death time.

"Report to the governor, behead more than [-] ranks, and take the rest as prisoners. There are more than [-] rebels, and none of them escaped."

Xu Shiji nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, that's what we want."

After this battle, the rebels would no longer be able to hide in the Cheling Mountains, and would definitely move further south, and further south would be Baekje.

Xu Shiji wanted to know if King Fuyuzhang of Baekje had the guts to take them in.

Fu Yukang, the envoy of the Baekje Kingdom, stood by the Namhan River, looking at the record room of the Shenwu Army, which was recording the military achievements.

The chief officers and adjutants of each regiment and battalion have to report to the military headquarters separately to check the military exploits.After all the military achievements are recorded, a list will be announced. If all the soldiers think there is something wrong with this, they can report it and verify it.

Fu Yukang had been in Xu Shiji's army for a while, he had no other choice, he was ordered to find Xu Shiji, the highest leader of the Qin Dynasty, but Xu Shiji was in the army all day, fighting everywhere, so he had no choice but to follow.

"Wang Tainan is one of the six great generals of the Goguryeo Dynasty. I never thought he was beheaded here." Fu Yukang saw his beheading record in the military merit book, and couldn't help but sigh. He had met Wang Tainan before. He dealt with these Goguryeo rebels a lot, and even supported them secretly on behalf of Fuyu.

The reporter, who was dressed in a military robe and had a long beard, wrote on the scroll with a pen in one hand, and said with a smile, "Zhao Laosan is lucky to have Wang Tainan beheaded. His military exploits are enough for him to acquire [-] acres of fertile land on the Xinhan Plain by Nanyang Bay, this bastard is lucky."

The Xinhan Plain beside Nanyang Bay is a fertile plain in the north and south of the Han River in the Cheling Mountains. The Shenwu Army called the bay Nanyang Bay and the plain beside it the Xinhan Plain. missing.

The most common rewards given by the Shenwu Army to those who have done meritorious service are to grant land and land, and the rewards are very generous.

In addition, there are rewards of silk money and grain, as well as slaves, cattle and horses.

It can be said that the Shenwu Army is leading the way to calm the chaos, and now many soldiers have become landlords by the Han River.

And Xu Shiji's most common saying to encourage the morale of the army is, as long as you don't die, you can be a big landlord here!

Fu Yukang felt very bitter in his heart. After running with Xu Shiji for a while, he felt more and more powerless towards Qin Jun.

The Qin army is too powerful, especially their equipment is too strong.

It used to be said that the Goguryeo people were strong, and the Goguryeo army had many armored horse cavalry, but the armored horse cavalry of the Goguryeo people was far inferior to that of the Qin army.

Not to mention the morale of the Qin army.

Fu Yukang found Xu Shiji and expressed to him that he wanted to go back.

"After I go back to Beijing to meet my great king, I will definitely ask my great king to send troops to intercept the Goguryeo rebels entering the country and never take them in. But I also ask the general to restrain the soldiers under his command and not to cross the border and enter our Baekje territory."

Xu Shiji chuckled.

"I'm talking about Lao Kang. I heard that although you are from the Fuyu tribe, you have read the classics of my Han family since you were a child. It is said that your family has been well-read poetry and books for generations. You can be regarded as a well-known noble family in Baekje. ?”

"I, Baekje, practiced Confucianism 300 years ago and learned Chinese characters. My family is just average, so I dare not call it a noble family." Fuyu Kang said hastily.

"Since you often read the books of the Han family in the Central Plains, you should also understand the ambitions of my Han family emperor. Goguryeo must be destroyed, and the old frontiers of the Han family must also be restored. No one should think about it, otherwise You have also seen the powerful elite of my Shenwu Army."

"Yes, yes." Fu Yukang said hastily, "I will never dare to prevent Emperor Qin from restoring the old frontier of the Han family."

"When you go back, please persuade your king, don't try to play tricks with us. It's the year again, and you have to prepare some tribute gifts, and then send a mission to the capital of the Central Plains to pay tribute to the emperor. Show loyalty."

"Thank you, General, for reminding me, what should we offer as a tribute?" Fu Yukang asked, the Central Plains has a vast land and resources, and nothing is better than Baekje.

"Gold, silver and pearls are more tribute points. In addition, you can also pay tribute to some young and beautiful Baekje women, so as to enhance communication and show loyalty."

Fu Yukang took it down seriously, on the same day he bid farewell to Xu Shiji and returned all the way back to Sibi City, the capital of Baekje.After seeing King Fu Yuzhang, Fu Yukang elaborated on the strength of the Qin army, claiming that he must never provoke the Great Qin, and that he should pay tribute to the Emperor Qin to eliminate the disaster.

"It is my king's order that all unmarried women who are between 20 and [-] years old in Baekje will be banned from marriage within two years, and all of them must participate in the beauty pageant. One hundred young and beautiful women will be selected from them and sent to the Central Plains as a tribute. To Emperor Qin."

"Your Majesty, the number of unmarried women from [-] to [-] may not be less than [-]. If marriage is banned for two years, the impact may be too great. Please think twice." Some ministers objected.

But Fu Yuzhang ignored it, "This matter will be handed over to Fu Yukang to preside over it. In addition, we will prepare 5000 taels of gold, 1 taels of silver, and ten buckets of pearls, and prepare to pay tribute to the emperor of Qin together."

(End of this chapter)

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