Chapter 917 Plateau Eagle
Under the towering and white snow-capped mountains, there is a vast grassland.

A clear river meanders into a clear lake.

By the lake, a white tent.

Tuyuhun Tianzhu King knelt in a huge tent, and on the blanket in front of him were buttered tea, dried cheese, and dried shredded beef.

In the stove on one side, dried cow dung is burning, exuding a faint scent of grass and trees.

Tianzhu Wang waited quietly, not daring to talk nonsense.

As the Prime Minister of Tuyuhun, the most trusted minister of the Great Khan Fuyun, and the father-in-law of the new prince Murong Ke, King Tianzhu was very proud before, but he never thought that Murong Shun, who had been a hostage in the Central Plains for ten years The old prince, who was able to collude with the envoy Qin to play such a ruthless trick.

He was caught off guard and could only run away in a panic.

Although they fled back to their own tribe, although the three tribes of Tianzhu were strong, they could no longer take back Fuqi City, so they had to find allies.

The tribe of King Tianzhu was in the southwest of Tuyuhun, and used to be at the border with Subi.

The Tianzhu tribe and Subi are both of the Western Qiang tribe, and they have been doing business in the past. A few years ago, there was a civil strife in Subi. At that time, Subi was annexed by Tubo Nanri Lunzan Dian.

Nanri Lunzan is the son of the hero Dari in the annual competition. It is said that he is very strong and brave. He has defeated many tribes on the plateau. Now he is very powerful. King Tianzhu hopes to meet Nanri Lunzan and borrow troops from him during his visit. Kill back to Fucheng.

It's just that King Tianzhu has never met or dealt with this Nanri Lunzan, so he doesn't know his temper.He used to have contacts with the king of Subi. The old king of Subi was Senbochi Dajiawu, the great queen of Subi.

Subi is also a species of Western Qiang. During the Kaihuang period, the Subi Kingdom also paid tribute to the Sui Dynasty like their Tuyuhun. At that time, Subi had more than 10 households and a population of several [-].They rule the country with queens, and there are queens of all sizes.

The eldest queen lives in the old castle of Shengar, and the little queen Chibangsu lives in Yuna of Siparwa.

In her later years, the great queen Dajiawu, like Fu Yun, was both fatuous, arrogant and violent.The ministers and nobles of Subi read Jisong's persuasion, but they were chased away by Dajiawu.After Nian Jisong was expelled, he came to Tuyuhun to ask Fu Yun for borrowing troops, intending to kill the queen and support the little queen.

But Fu Yun didn't agree, which made him miss an opportunity.

Later, Nian Jisong asked for help from Tuyuhun to no avail, so he asked Tubo for help again. After getting support, he went to join the little queen Chibengsu. They conspired together and finally succeeded in assassinating Dajiawu.

After Chibengsu became the queen, Nian Jisong was bestowed upon Nian Jisong. As a result, Nian Jisong relied on his merits and acted recklessly, especially his wife cruelly abused slave households, which aroused public resentment.

Tubo Zanpu Nanri Lunzan saw the opportunity, so he secretly supported other Subi nobles in an attempt to overthrow.The two sides formed an alliance and swore an oath, and then cooperated internally and externally, captured the Supi Palace in one fell swoop, executed the Queen, and Mangbojie, the prince of Subi, had to flee Tuyuhun.

But Tuyuhun refused to take him in, so the prince had to continue to flee to Turkic.

From then on, Supi also belonged to Tubo. At this time, Tubo was very powerful, covering Yalong and Dabo in the south, Dabu and Niangbo in the east, Tibet and Zhugu in the west, and Supi in the north.

Nanri Lunzan even changed Su Pi's name to Peng Yu!

At this time on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, only Yangtong, Xiangxiong, Nüguo, and Tuyuhun were left. They had not yet been conquered by Tubo, but the strength of Tubo was already far stronger than other tribes.

It is said that Nanri Lunzan is a great hero on the plateau. Now King Tianzhu hopes to borrow troops from Tubo and fight back to Fucheng City by taking advantage of their old feelings that they rejected Prince Supi's attachment. Murong Shun, who had defected to the state of Qin, was killed.

It's just that he has been here for several days, and he still hasn't been able to see the plateau eagle.

He didn't know most of the people here, and those people basically ignored him, although they accepted the gift he sent, which was carefully prepared by him, including silk from the Central Plains, porcelain, and exquisite Buddha statues Bronzeware, etc., and even more than a dozen beautiful Han female slaves.

He looked around the tent again.

You can see the Tubo warriors standing outside the tent. These people are dressed in leather armor, holding spears, carrying bows and arrows, and carrying long knives on their waists. They are all extremely sturdy.

Some warriors even wore tiger and leopard skins.

In another large tent not far away, Tubo Zanpu Nanri Lunzan was discussing with a group of ministers, and the content of the discussion was the matter of asking for help from King Tuyuhun Tianzhu.

Nanri Lunzan was very young, in his early thirties at this time, he was tall and burly, with a flushed face and a beard.

He is the second Zanpu No.30 in Tubo, Zanpu means king.

However, before his father succeeded to the throne, Tubo was actually just a small state in the Houzang area, and it was not at all inconspicuous on the plateau where there were many states.

Although it has inherited more than [-] roles, its strength is average.

It was under the continuous expansion of his father Dari's annual competition that Tubo gradually became stronger.But his father did not live long, and died suddenly when the expansion was in full swing, leaving him with a severe situation.

Nanri Lunzan, who has just ascended to the throne, must first solve the war mobilization that is already on the line, and the anxiety of his allies on the other side of the river.

For this reason, he had to summon the allies on the other side of the Yarlung Zangbo River to cross the river again and make an oath with them again to express his determination to inherit his father's will and vow to overthrow Subi to the death.

But at this moment, Khyungpo Pangse, the prime minister of Tibet, a small state in Tibet, rebelled, beheaded their king, and dedicated all [-] Tibetan houses to Nanri Lunzan.

This ordered Nanri Lunzan, who had just succeeded to the throne, to be overjoyed. Tubo, who is in Yalong, has been coveting the Houzang area for a long time, but he has been afraid to do so because of the remoteness of the place and the people. Now the other party has come to vote. That was a real surprise.

Nanri Lunzan immediately granted the management of the Houzang area to Qiongpo Bangse, and allocated the [-] households to his subjects. Through the method of entrusting the agent, Tubo quickly stabilized the Houzang area, and because Qiongbo Bangse killed the old king, which also made him have to rely on the support of Tubo.

Having stabilized his allies and gained Houzang, Nanri Lunzan, who had just succeeded to the throne, still followed his father's established strategy and summoned allied forces to march towards Subi.

This battle is extremely critical for Tubo, and Nanri Lunzan is also very cautious. He left his mother and younger brother in the country to preside over the overall situation, and led tens of thousands of elite troops to the north. Subi's royal city Yuna Castle, the opponent was unprepared, and the royal city was breached. Under the contact of Neiying, the nobles of Subi's various tribes expressed their surrender. So far, the vast territory of Subi was finally taken over by Tubo.

After this battle, Tubo added more than [-] households and possessed a vast area of ​​grassland and pastures. It finally transformed from a small agricultural state in the southern Shannan area to a large country combining agriculture and animal husbandry.

It was the possession of Subi's population and pastures that made Nanri Lunzan quickly form the Tubo cavalry that made the plateau states terrified.

Not to mention, after capturing Subi, they also obtained the salt production area that they have always coveted.

Owning pastures, controlling salt, plus Tubo’s original Shannan agriculture, as well as the population and agriculture brought by the return of Tibet, Tubo quickly became the center of the plateau, and a large amount of wealth began to quickly gather in Tubo, and Tubo’s strength is also improving day by day .

Faced with King Tianzhu's request for help, some people thought that it should be fought. The reason was that this was an excellent opportunity to expand northward, just like the Supi nobles' request for help back then.

But there were also people who objected. The reason was that the Han family in the Central Plains was too powerful. If they intervened in Tuyuhun, they would definitely provoke the Han family, and the gains outweighed the losses.

The ministers of the two factions have been arguing for many days without any result.

Nan Ri Lun Zan looked at the two sides in the dispute, and finally made up his mind.

"The opportunity is rare, and the opportunity must not be missed. The Central Plains is still in civil strife. This is our opportunity to capture Tuyuhun. I have decided to send troops to the north!"

(End of this chapter)

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