Chapter 930 Game of Thrones

The fourth year of Kaiyuan came quietly.

This year is the first Zhengdan after the imperial court unified the north, so before years ago, the chief officials of all counties and counties came to the capital, and even the envoys of the surrounding feudal vassals also came to congratulate and pay tribute.

Zhongjing Luoyang is more lively than previous years.

Compared with when Qin Jun first entered the city two years ago, this place has completely changed. Although it has not fully recovered to the bustling peak of Daye years, it is already very impressive.

The [-] forbidden troops of Beiya were stationed outside the city of Luoyang.

In addition to the Forbidden Army of the North Yam, there are also four prefectures composed of 4000 people drawn from the twelve guards of the South Yam, responsible for the security of the capital, the guards of the palace, and the guards of the palace gates.

In addition, there are still 200 people in the Jiuwei Mansion of the Internal Army.

These troops stationed inside and outside China and Beijing reached a scale of nearly 8 people.

In Luoyang City at this time, there were still a large number of workshops in Shaofu Temple and the palace workshops in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where a large number of craftsmen and slaves were concentrated.

Including the residents and merchants in the city, those from foreign feudal vassals in Beijing, those officials and their families, and court personnel, the entire Zhongjing Luoyang City has a population of 30.

If the population of Luoyang's 22 counties is included, it will reach a staggering one million.

Although the Great Qin had six capitals, now that the north was unified and the world was temporarily suspended, the emperor was permanently stationed in Luoyang, the heartland of the Central Plains. As a result, all the wealth in the world came to Luoyang, and the population also flowed here.

Daqin can't help business and even encourage business, because business tax is the main source of finance for the court today.According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, in the third year of the Great Qin Dynasty, the salt tax revenue of the court reached an astonishing 800 million guan, while the tea tax reached 500 million guan, the wine tax 300 million guan, and various mining taxes also reached more than 200 million guan. There are nearly 3000 million yuan in taxes.

The income from the industrial and commercial tax and the city ship tax of border markets and ports is also astonishing. The city ship tax alone has reached more than 600 million yuan, of which the income from the border city accounts for the majority, about 400 million yuan. Less, only about 200 million guan.

The industrial and commercial tax also has more than 800 million.

In the eyes of many ministers, this is incredible. After all, there was no industrial and commercial tax in the Sui Dynasty, and minerals were also prohibited.

However, it has only been a few years since the founding of the Great Qin Dynasty, and now there is still Jiangnan that has not been fully recovered, but the monopoly tax, market tax, and industrial and commercial tax have reached more than 4000 million yuan a year.

The General Administration of Taxation also said that the potential is huge, and the Salt Bureau even said that as long as the situation is stable, then private salt will be severely cracked down, and the salt tax will reach about 3000 million per year.

It is precisely because of this money that the imperial court was able to introduce a new military system combining government soldiers and forbidden troops in this military reform, and established a standing forbidden army of nearly 30 Beiya.

You know, in the budget of the Ministry of War, the forbidden army costs an average of 30 yuan a year to raise a soldier, and the 500 forbidden army costs [-] million yuan a year, not counting the consumption of ordnance and horses.

Not to mention, once there is a war, the military expenditure will be even greater.

On the contrary, it is the two taxes of the regular tax. In fact, the income last year was not much.

The grain income is only more than 3000 million shi, and the silk cloth is more than 2000 million pieces.

"At the beginning, many people thought that these industrial and commercial city taxes and monopoly taxes would cause complaints from all over the world, but now they only see a bustling scene of prosperity, and it doesn't seem to have much impact on the common people. We all have some spare money, and there are more goods and materials on the market.”

On Luoyang Street.

Gao Shilian, who had just returned from Jiaozhi, could feel the huge change firsthand. When he left Luoyang and was demoted to Jiaozhi, he felt the weakness of Luoyang City.

But now when I come back, what I feel is the rebirth of this city, full of vitality and prosperity.

"Your Majesty is indeed good at governing the world. Many times, the strategies proposed are strategically placed. At the beginning, many people can't understand them. It won't take long before they can discover their brilliance."

Riding alongside Gao was his nephew and eldest grandson Wuji, "If you say that this tax actually has some impact on the common people, for example, the price of salt has really risen, and it has increased a lot, but fortunately, although the price of salt However, the imperial court has a complete supply, and the quality of salt has improved compared to the past, so the common people can afford it. After all, they can’t eat much salt in a year, so the price is fair and stable. It costs more to buy salt here, but other aspects All kinds of apportionment surcharges are cancelled, especially the tax is levied on an acre-by-mu ​​basis, and the money is paid on behalf of the labor force and directly included in the two taxes. After no additional money is collected, the burden on ordinary people is actually reduced a lot.”

In the past, the rent adjustment tax system was basically a tax system based on tenements. If there were tenures, there would be rents, there would be adjustments, and there would be mediocrities. Regardless of whether you have land property, you get so much land evenly, and so much land if you don’t. .

After all, there are only a small number of people who can grant the land in full, and the vast majority of people have no land or only a very small amount of land. This means that they bear unreasonable taxes and burdens that they should not bear, and their lives are naturally miserable. .

Moreover, what the people fear most is slavery.

Free labor for 20 days a year, you have to bring your own dry food. Sometimes the 20 days are not counted as the time on the road. In a major campaign like Liaodong, you have to transport food until you go bankrupt, so you can only cut off your hands and feet in order to escape the service.

The ancients often said that if ordinary people's homes do not encounter disasters and wars, they can work hard for three years and have a year's surplus.But after one year's accumulation, he can spend all his time in one big battle.

Now the imperial court does not require the common people to perform this free service, but instead collects a sum of service money for each mu of land. When the imperial government encounters a project, it will use this money to hire the common people to do the work.When the common people go to work, they still have wages, so there will be no loss.

What's more, the apportionment of the deduction money into the fields means that people with more fields will bear more of the deduction money, and the burden of ordinary people will be reduced in disguise.

"The Han Dynasty paid attention to the art of Huang Lao, governed by doing nothing, and believed in the golden mean. The golden mean is not to go to extremes, and try not to disturb the people. That's why we have the rule of Wenjing and the power of Hanwu. Our emperor Although His Majesty is young, he has found an optimal balance point only through this taxation system. The taxation of the court has increased, but the burden of the people has been reduced. It’s really rare to directly steal money from wealthy households, but cleverly collect money through land tax and commercial tax, without causing too much complaint.”

Gao Shilian was in admiration. He never thought that he could do this before.

(End of this chapter)

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