Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 931 Kaiyuan Clan History

Chapter 931 Kaiyuan Clan History
Think of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in history, who used up the Xiongnu for years, exhausting the savings of the two emperors, Wen and Jing, for decades. Finally, they relied on various tough methods to rob and bankrupt countless rich and powerful merchants.

But comparing it now, it's obvious that Luo Cheng's methods are more sophisticated.

Even Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty who was praised by countless people back then, was praised for his superb skills, but his national policy may not be better than Luo Cheng's now.

"On the one hand, he is good at fighting, the army can fight, and he is crowded with generals and schools. On the other hand, he knows the art of governing the country and manages money well. Who can win in this world?"

Changsun Wuji also admires his brother-in-law very much, "Actually, after careful study, I feel that the key to the success of the emperor's strategy lies in the system, the establishment of rules, a rule that everyone can believe, and then everyone in this Playing within the rules, everyone lived in peace. It's not like Liu Che, who couldn't play the rules, so he came to forcefully flip the table, eating ugly, and everyone was very dissatisfied."

The various policies of Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in history, can be said to be a tyrant.In the end, he didn't perish, so he won the lucky bet, but it was extremely dangerous. In this respect, he was better than Yang Guang, but he was just luckier.

Yang Guang is also a person like Liu Che, he also wants to gamble, and he doesn't follow the rules, but he doesn't have Liu Che's foundation. Not to mention that Sui didn't have the support of the clan, but he also failed to fight Goguryeo.

So Yang Guang failed, the country was subjugated, and he was killed.

Luo Cheng is actually a tough person, but Changsun Wuji thinks that although Luo Cheng is tough, Luo Cheng is also a person who talks about rules. If such a person plays with him, even if he loses, everyone will be convinced. Besides, Luo Cheng is still the kind of person who leaves room for others.

Even if the industrial and commercial tax is divided into the mu, it will harm the interests of the noble officials, but Luo Cheng is not just staring at one sheep to gather wool, each sheep gathers a little bit, and then gives some sweets to compensate, so everyone can accept it .

"In the past two years, our emperor has sent many officials to the prefectures and counties to conduct unannounced visits, investigate the case files, and listen to the voices of the people. As long as the powerful and powerful families in those places have a bad reputation and those who do evil in the countryside, the emperor will include them in the list, and then issue an edict to detain these powerful families. The powerful moved to Liujing, which is also the policy of the early Han Dynasty."

Moving these powerful families to live in Liujing will prevent them from causing disasters in the village, and it will also enrich the Six Capitals after the war. After all, these people are powerful families with profound backgrounds. They can drive consumption and even make the imperial court Better regulation.

With the removal of these people, local officials will be less hindered.

After these people moved away, even the local officials in various places can be greatly improved. After all, in the past, these powerful families basically controlled the officials in the localities, even hereditary.Now that they are gone and uprooted, the entangled forces in the past have also been dismantled, the government can be reorganized, and new officials are recruited, and the subordinate staff class is no longer monolithic as it used to be.

At the same time, the "Great Qin Law" was fully implemented in various places, county and county official schools sprung up, and cultural knowledge was no longer only in the hands of the gentry.

On the one hand, it is to promote the law, on the other hand, it is to popularize education, and at the same time, it strengthens the guidance of public opinion propaganda, and removes many old customs and bad habits in various places, such as destroying those obscene temples that are not recognized by the government, and bringing many deceptive witches, witches, and evil monks to justice. To strengthen the control of monks, Taoists and witches by law, the imperial court set up a special management office, and issued government certification documents to temples and Taoist temples all over the world. It is necessary to return to vulgarity by force.

It is not allowed to mess around with the Buddhist temple, and it is not allowed to collect incense donations at will, etc., and to limit the amount of land for them, prohibiting excess, and the land they own must also pay rent and tax.

It is precisely under these decrees one after another that although Daqin has only entered the customs for a few years, he has settled down rapidly wherever he goes.

Every time the Qin army captured a place, it didn't take long for the thieves to disappear, and the powerful and powerful didn't dare to do anything wrong.

"Of course, the time is short, and it is impossible to rule in one day. There are also many bad officials and bad history, bad gentry and thieves, but generally speaking, it is the muddy water that is clearing up." Changsun Wuji said.

"After great chaos, there is often great order." Gao Shilian also nodded and said, the common people in the world finally chose Luo Cheng, which also proved that Luo Cheng was the one who ruled the world to end the chaos.

Looking at the street, pedestrians are bustling, and cars and horses pass by from time to time.

Just by looking at the clothes everyone wears on the street, as well as the cars and horses passing by, you can know the current living conditions of everyone.Although many people also wore commoner clothes and had patches, but the clothes were clean and tidy, and everyone walked outside with clean bodies and faces. This is etiquette.

The warehouse is full and knows the etiquette.

There was no hunger on his face, and although he was in a hurry, he had a smile on his face.

The streets are straight and wide, clean and tidy. There is no cross-flowing sewage or flying flies in the ditch along the roadside. You can also see special garbage rooms and public toilets every other section.

There are a lot of horses on the street. Many people walk on the street on horseback. Horses mainly pull carts. Some old women ride donkeys and mules. There are almost no ox carts on the street.

Even the slaves who followed their masters were in good spirits and neatly dressed.

Gao Shilian also found that there were many shortcomings, but these could not conceal the vitality of the city.

This city exudes passionate vitality everywhere. He remembered that when he left Luoyang, Luoyang at that time had slowly become like a pool of stagnant water.

But ten years later, Luoyang became active again.

The nephew and uncle went all the way to the front of the imperial city, handed over the talisman, and were allowed to enter after being inspected by the guards at the gate.

Passing through the heavy city, and after many tests, the two finally entered the palace, and went all the way to meet you outside the hall of billions of years.

In the palace of billions of years.

"Your Majesty, Gao Shilian and Changsun Wuji have arrived."


When the two entered the palace, the emperor walked out from the case and stood in front of the steps to greet him.

Gao was very surprised, he didn't expect the emperor to be so polite, so he hurriedly went to see him.

"You are the uncle of Avalokitesvara's maidservant, and you are also my uncle. There is no one else in the Hall of Yisui today, so there is no need to give such a big gift." Luo Cheng helped Gao Shilian, who was demoted to Jiaozhi before, and was demoted to be the county magistrate. Annan in Yizhen, he was reused as a long history, and Luo Yi's full commitment to his talents.

This time Luo Cheng transferred him back to Beijing to give him an important position.

"I know you are talented and capable, so I confer on you as one of the four divisions of the Ministry of Rites, the doctor of the Ministry of Rites."

The Ministry of Rites is the head of the four divisions of the Ministry of Rites. It is in charge of rituals and music, schools, ceremonies, systems, clothing, seals, orders, funerals, gifts and other affairs.

This is an important position. Although there are only five authentic products, it has a lot of authority.

Giving him this post shows that the emperor looks forward to him.

"Your Majesty, I am terrified, fearing that I will fail the Holy Grace."

Luo Cheng said with a smile, "I know your talent and character, so I confer this post on you. Don't refuse. There is an important task for you right now. I know that you came from the royal family of the Northern Qi Dynasty. I understand very well."

Right now, Great Qin has unified the north, except for the three unrests in the south of the Yangtze River, the world has basically been pacified.

However, the gentry is still a word that the Great Qin cannot get around, especially the Shandong gentry, although it has declined, but they are very boastful, still relying on the status of their ancestors, when they marry their daughters, they pay more dowry gifts, and even marry each other to engage in academic monopoly. Cheng believes that this not only disturbs the atmosphere, but also means fighting against the imperial court.

Therefore, the task he gave Gao Shilian was to let him, together with Wei Ting, the imperial censor, Cen Wenwen, a scholar of the Imperial Academy, and Linghu Defen, a doctor of the Imperial Academy, publish the correct surnames and compile a "Clan Chronicle" to organize all the clans in the world. Go through the pedigree and re-arrange an official ranking at the same time.

To suppress those old gentry clans and support the common clan landlords who have contributed to their support, it is even more necessary to improve the status of the royal family Luo family and strengthen the imperial power.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, a generation of dynasties must of course have a new generation of clan at the head.

Its ultimate goal is to completely suppress the Guanlong Group, a political giant since the Western Wei, Northern Zhou and Sui Dynasties, and at the same time suppress the century-old gentry in the Kanto region who have monopolized academics for a long time. The newly revised clan chronicles are also a preparation for the imminent feudal feudal lords , this will be the preview version of Kaiyuan princes enfeoffment.

(End of this chapter)

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