Chapter 935 Prohibition
"It's still too little." Luo Cheng shook his head. Although the fields in Luoyang are relatively fertile, there are many rivers and canals here, and the irrigation system is well-developed.However, with only [-] mu of land per square meter, the yield is still too low in terms of farming technology in this era, so the harvest is also small.

Generally speaking, at this time, a family of five or six people must have at least a hundred acres of land in order to barely have enough food and clothing and have a surplus.Of the [-] mu of land, [-] to [-] mu must be used for planting mulberry and hemp, raising silkworms, spinning silk and weaving cloth, and the remaining [-] to [-] mu can be used for growing grain.

And these lands can only be planted for one season, and even have to be planted fallow in rotation, and the yield per mu is only a little more than one stone.In the event of a natural disaster, the life of the people will be very difficult, and they will inevitably have to borrow money. Once they fall into debt, it is very likely that a self-cultivating farmer will go bankrupt.

Therefore, the ancients often said that after three years of cultivation, there will be surplus.

Under the new two-tax law, ordinary people's taxes have been reduced, but if there are too few fields, it will still be very difficult.

"Previously the imperial court implemented the public land and purchase policy, although it was effective and bought back a lot of land, but Luoyang is no different than other places. There are too many noble officials, monks, temples and Taoist temples."

Changsun Wuji still has something to say, that is, Luoyang is the imperial capital of Zhongjing, and there are also royal manors all over here. In addition, there are many farmlands belonging to the army.

Although the imperial court has limited land orders, noble officials all have titles and titles, and their land quota is very high. A prince has a land quota of more than ten thousand mu.

Even a ninth-rank petty official has [-] mu of land.

Not to mention, in the capital city, there are countless noble officials, and no matter how limited the land is, it is destined to be unlike ordinary counties.

"Wuji, do you have any good suggestions in this regard?" the emperor asked the young brother-in-law.

"His Majesty's newly issued Buddhist and Taoist management laws, I think the land restrictions on temples are very good. As far as I know, the large temples in Luoyang City and outside the city generally have more than [-] mu of temple land, and the middle temples generally have thousands of acres of land. Generally, small temples have hundreds of acres or hundreds of acres. Moreover, there are many temples in Luoyang Prefecture, and these temples occupy a huge amount of land. If they can be cleared, tens of thousands of hectares of land can be added, which can give Tens of thousands of people are granted land."

"Not enough." Luo Cheng shook his head.

Although monks and Taoists have a lot of land, there are only a few thousand monasteries in more than 200 counties in Luoyang Prefecture. Although there are a lot of people who have been cleared, for [-] million people, one person can't increase a few mu of land.

"The only way I can think of is to restrict purchases. Prohibiting people other than local residents of Luoyang Prefecture from purchasing land in Luoyang Prefecture can avoid land occupation."

"For noble officials, it is also necessary to further strengthen the fields in the heartlands such as Liujing and the Central Plains."

Changsun Wuji meant that if a prince owns [-] mu of land, he can only own at most one-tenth or less of the land in the six capitals, and the total land remains unchanged. [-] mu, but in Luoyang, it can only own a maximum of [-] mu or [-] mu of land.The rest of the land can be purchased elsewhere.The purpose of this is to avoid occupying too much land in a place like the Central Plains where there are many people and the land is narrow, so that ordinary people can be awarded too little land.

"How much land does my royal estate have in Luoyang?"

Luo Cheng asked suddenly.

Changsun Wuji immediately reported a number, which was astonishing.

These royal manors are all the private property of the emperor. In addition, there are farms under the name of the Supreme Emperor, and there are many farms under the name of the empress and concubines.

These lands mainly belonged to the royal family of the Sui Dynasty in the past, and naturally now belong to the royal family of the Great Qin Dynasty. The emperor gave a lot of rewards to the concubines and ministers.

"I asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to sort it out, keep one tenth of the manor, and then transfer the rest to the sparsely populated borderlands. You can distribute the replaced land to the people."

"Your Majesty is holy!" Changsun Wuji shouted excitedly, he did not expect that the emperor would be so generous.You know, the land in Luoyang is of course better than other places.

One mu of land in Luoyang City can even be equivalent to two mu in Hebei, three to five mu in Jiangnan, and ten to eight mu in Lingnan. As for places like Longyou Pass, that mu can be worth tens of mu.

But the emperor was willing to take the lead and exchanged [-]% of Luoyang Huangzhuang to the frontier. For him, that was really a great support.

"Of course, Luoyang is located in the heart of the Central Plains, and it is also an important place in the capital. No matter what, it must have a lot of people and a little land. Therefore, it is not enough to suppress mergers, and we must find ways to move more people to border counties."

Luo Cheng asked Changsun Wuji to find a way to select one to two thousand households from each of Luoyang's 22 counties and prepare to move to the frontier.The specific criteria are poor proletarians, or those with bad records before, such as those who joined bandits, or tenants in temples, or former slaves who were freed and returned to good. In those places where the land is vast and sparsely populated, enough fields are granted, the frontiers are enriched, and the frontiers are opened up.

If one or two thousand households are relocated in a county, about [-] mu of land can be recovered. For the remaining [-] households, if calculated as two dings per family, one person can add five mu of land, and one household can increase ten mu of land.

And through various measures such as the collection of land by temples, the buyback of public land, and the new land restriction order, it is estimated that one town can reach about [-] to [-] mu of granted land. In this way, a family can have [-] to [-] mu, or even A hundred acres of land.

The increase of self-cultivating farmers, especially a large number of self-cultivating farmers who can have a surplus, can make the country more stable.

"The fields granted by the common people are open fields, and trading is prohibited, and the land will be harvested after death. For the sale of private land, you must go to the government to sign a deed, and levy a deed tax based on the transaction price. It is stipulated that the deed tax should be paid by the buyer." The emperor beat Leaning on the armrest of the dragon chair, he said to Changsun Wuji, "Write this down."

Private land sales must be registered and signed, the ownership must be transferred, and taxes must be paid. The tax rate is [-]%, which is not low.The purpose of doing this is naturally to increase the cost of land mergers, and at the same time, the court can get a tax from it.

But Luo Cheng also knows that buying land in this era, just like buying a house in later generations, seems to be a hard investment, and there is a business that can make money without losing money.

If you have money, your first choice must be to buy land.

Therefore, the deed tax only has a little restrictive effect. The key is to increase the ban on purchases and quotas and population diversion in places with narrow land and many people, and prohibit ordinary people from trading the land they have been granted. Part of the land can be distributed to ordinary people all the time, allowing them to become self-cultivated farmers who own the land, instead of becoming tenant farmers who lost their land after one or two generations.

For a newly established dynasty, Luo Cheng must not only care about the present, but also look to the future. As the founding king, he must establish a good institutional framework.

(End of this chapter)

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