Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 936 Luo Qin Shan Li Yan Cui Zheng Zhou

Chapter 936 Luo Qin Shan Li Yan Cui Zheng Zhou
Gao Shilian waited for a long time in the side hall.

He thought he would be summoned soon, but it turned out that the wait took more than an hour.Seeing that it was already lunch time, the emperor hadn't finished summoning Wuji yet.

A eunuch came in, carrying a food box.

"Gao Langzhong, Your Majesty has not yet finished meeting with the grandson's Fu Yin, and specially ordered someone to come and deliver the meal. Please Gao Langzhong have lunch here first, and His Majesty will summon Gao Langzhong later."

The lunch box was opened, and the waiter took out four dishes and one soup.

The dishes are simple and exquisite, each dish has a small portion, two meat and two vegetables plus a soup, the aroma is overwhelming.After sitting here for more than an hour, although there is a fire to roast, I am really hungry.

Daqin officials all have working meals.

Everyone eats in the morning and goes to work in the Yamen, and eats in the Yamen at noon, and the meal fee is paid by the Yamen.After a short break after dinner, I continued to work, and then went home from get off work at dusk.

Under normal circumstances, officials do not live in the Yamen.

Of course, if there are single officials, the yamen will also arrange dormitories for them, some of which are arranged directly in the backyard of the yamen, and some are rented separately.

The prime ministers are also on duty in the morning at the provincial government affairs hall in the palace after they go down to court every day. Their daily lunch is cooked by the emperor's imperial chef, and they are specially given to eat under the corridor of the government affairs hall. The grade standard is much higher. There are eight dishes, and they are very delicate and rich.

This is a special treatment that only the prime ministers can enjoy. Sometimes the courtiers are called into the palace to play. If the emperor has a special order, they can also eat in the hallway of the political affairs hall. not accept.

Of course, like Gao Shilian now, the emperor asked someone to send him a copy.

For many officials, they are actually more willing to eat delivered meals. After all, if the rank is low, sharing meals with the prime ministers is a very stressful thing.

Roasted deer tail, stir-fried beef, scrambled eggs with leeks, stir-fried cabbage, and seaweed soup, Gao Shilian was very satisfied.

Deer tail beef is a good thing, and most people can't eat it.Even officials can't always eat beef.

After the meal was finished and we sat for a while, finally a servant came to summon him.

"Is the Changsun Fuyin finished playing right?"

Gao Shilian asked the waiter who led the way.

The young eunuch just nodded and didn't intend to speak to him.Seeing this, Gao Shilian dared not ask any more questions, for fear of committing the crime of colluding with internal officials and spying on the forbidden.

When I met the emperor, I found that the emperor was still eating, and he was still watching the memorial while eating.

"Gao Shilian, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, pays homage to my emperor!"

Luo Cheng raised his head, "I kept you waiting, please sit down."

The servant brought a futon, and Gao Shilian knelt on it with only his socks on.

"I'm looking at your clan annals, [-] volumes. In such a short period of time, you compiled a [-]-volume clan annals. It's very hard work."

Luo Cheng first praised Gao Shilian and the others for their hard work, but then changed the topic.

"However, I saw that there are 290 three surnames and 650 [-] families included in the clan annals, but Cui Mingan, the second family member of the Boling Cui family, is the first class. I am a little surprised. Headed by the seven families, it was indeed crowned for a time during the Northern Dynasty, but now the generation is declining and there is no crown at all, and they rely on marriage to make money.

Gao Shilian was surprised when he heard the emperor's words.

He was ordered to compile the clan chronicles. From his own understanding, of course, he wanted to revise the genealogical order for the noble families. After all, since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the family system has risen, especially after the nine-rank Zhongzheng system. It is based on family status.Therefore, the gentry family puts the most emphasis on genealogical sequence, but each family has developed for a long time, so it is inevitable that there are many genealogical sequences, so many people often pretend to be aristocratic families and so on.

After receiving this task, Gao Shilian and others recruited several of the most famous genealogy masters in the world, and these most authoritative persons sorted out the genealogy of the noble families and prefects, and then ranked them.

In the end, they ranked No. 1 on the ranking list of the noble families of the Great Qin Dynasty, which was the Boling Cui family.The Cui family of Boling was one of seven families with five surnames. After Qinghe Cui and Xingyang Zheng weakened, their family gradually became the leader of the Shandong gentry.

But who knows, the emperor is very dissatisfied with this ranking now.

Because that was not his intention at all.

What does the Emperor Xiu clan chronicle do?What are you doing with this leaderboard?
Is it to flatter those arrogant gentry?
Of course not, he is the emperor, he created a new dynasty, how could he praise the stinky feet of those old nobles?Back then, when the emperor was just a small official in Shandong, he dared to toughen up the Zheng family in Xingyang. Now that they are all emperors, do we still need to praise them for their stinky feet?
What good would it be for the Great Qin Emperor and the Great Qin Dynasty to praise their stinky feet?

The purpose of the emperor's revision of the clan records is still stability.

stabilize what?Of course, it is necessary to stabilize a new noble family group to completely suppress the old noble family and let these new nobles who have the merits of founding the country stand up.

Cui Mingan of the Boling Cui family is just a servant, and he has no important meritorious service in the founding of Daqin. He is at the top of the list, so where are the founding heroes of Daqin, and even where is the Luo family of the emperor of Daqin?

The emperor's face became more and more ugly, and his tone became more and more serious.

He directly threw the clan annals that Gao Shilian and the others had driven out desperately into the hall, "Reflect on it."

Gao Silian didn't expect that after working so hard for so long, not only did he not get any praise, but he also caused the emperor's displeasure.

"Please also express your majesty!"

He originally thought that the purpose of compiling the clan annals was to sort out the genealogy of the major gentry families, so naturally those with a long history were ranked first, but now the emperor is obviously dissatisfied with this direction.

"It doesn't matter how many generations ago, stop taking today's officials and nobles as the rank."

The emperor finally told Gao Shilian that his original purpose of compiling the clan annals was not to erect monuments for the old gentry, but to establish a status for the meritorious families of the Great Qin Dynasty.

The gentry at this time are mainly four regional groups, each with its own style.

For example, the Shandong gentry Shang Mariya, the Jiangzuo gentry Shang Ren, the Guanzhong gentry Shang Guanmian, and the Daibei gentry Shang Guiqi.

It can be said that the Guanlong Group actually began to disintegrate after entering the Sui Dynasty. Under the hard work of the Yang family and his son, it was no longer as strong as it was in the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties. Although Yang Xuangan rebelled against the Sui Dynasty, he was eventually suppressed.

Yang Guang also almost died with the Guanlong nobles because he was too eager to attack the Guanlong nobles.

As for the Jiangzuo and Daibei gentry, until now when the Great Qin established the country, they had almost declined.

Only the Shandong gentry group headed by King Cui Lu, Zheng Li, and represented by the five surnames and seven clans, although the power was weakened after the Northern Qi Dynasty was destroyed and the wars at the end of the Sui Dynasty were attacked successively, it was still deeply rooted. There is a certain force.

In particular, the Shandong gentry liked to engage in marriages. Cui Xingyang and Zheng Du of Qinghe married Luo Cheng early, so they were considered to be on the right team in the war at the end of the Sui Dynasty, and they still maintain their social status.

Even prime ministers such as Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng are vying to marry these Shandong gentry.

This situation made the emperor very unhappy.

Because the power of the gentry will inevitably affect the authority of the royal family.

These gentry families especially mastered academics, and even had great economic power in the local area. If they were not controlled, they could influence public opinion, and even affect the imperial court's selection of official positions in the future, and their power would reach the foundation of the rule.

This is not allowed.

Gao Shilian was specially chosen to take the lead in compiling this clan annals. First, because he is a relative of the emperor and the uncle of the Changsun family, and belongs to foreign relatives. Second, Gao Shilian was born in the royal family of the Northern Qi Dynasty. He did not belong to the Shandong gentry group. The relatives could understand what he meant, but who knew that once the clan annals were sent up, they still praised the stinky feet of the Shandong gentry.

"When the Great Qin founded the country and established the dynasty, the clan genealogy should be re-established, and the basis for its ranking should be the meritorious service to the court. Therefore, the first rank is naturally the Great Qin Royal Luo family!"

The Royal Luo family of the Great Qin Dynasty, a family that only started for three generations, is not a clan at all, but now the emperor has made it clear that the Royal Luo family will be ranked first, the number one surname in the world.

"Sir, take orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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