Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 937 Aristocratic Records

Chapter 937 Aristocratic Records

Luo Cheng pointed it out directly, and listed the first level of the new clan chronicle.

Gao Shilian suddenly realized that if they followed their previous thinking, it would be impossible for the Luo family to be on the top of the list. Even the level they rated before, the royal Luo family, was listed on the last level list based on the Xiangyang Luo family, because Luo Cheng His grandfather, Luo Rong, was born in a poor family, and after dozens of generations, he could not find a single celebrity.

And the emperor Luo Cheng didn't bother to engage in such things as clinging to celebrities and misidentifying his ancestors. He was not Li Yuan.

Even the ancestor of the Xiliang Emperor may not be true.

Originally, the Li family was born in Zhaojun Po, that is to say, their family used to be in Zhaojun, Hebei. Note that this Zhaojun Po settled down does not mean that his family is from Zhaojun Li, but that he and Zhaojun Li Tong are in Zhaojun. Not that one.

Later, the Li family came out with Yu Wentai, so they also started fanning celebrities. In order to raise their own value, they called themselves the Li family of Longxi.

Forcibly squeezed himself into the list of the five surnames and seven families, but in fact, the Kanto gentry did not admit this at all.

Before Luo Cheng became emperor, he never clinged to celebrities, and he never had any plans to do so after becoming emperor. He was born in the Luo family in Xiangyang, and his [-] generations of ancestors were all common people.

Even after a few more generations, the sequence of the genealogy can no longer be found. After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to compile the genealogy like the rich.

But now the emperor said that all the gentry were created by the ancestors and accumulated by the descendants of later generations, and the later gentry came into existence through the efforts of generations.

Now, the old gentry has become a thing of the past, and he, Luo Cheng, wants to lead the relatives of Great Qin to usher in a new clan era.

Therefore, his royal Luo family will naturally become the first in this new clan list.

Royal Roche occupies the first class.

Then the second class is the foreign relatives, who bears the brunt of the foreign relatives?Naturally, it was the Qin family of the empress dowager's family, so the Qin family in Licheng, Qi County ranked first in the second class, and then the second class in second class was the queen's family, the Jiyin Shan family.

Then came the families of the four concubines, namely the Li family of Longxi from the family of Concubine Li Gui, the Yan family of Yulin from the family of Concubine Yan, the Cui family of Xingyang from the family of Concubine Cui, and the Zheng family of Xingyang from the family of Concubine Zheng.

Then came the families of the sons-in-law of the Supreme Emperor, such as the Zhou family, Wang family, Zhao family, and Du family in Qi County.

The third class is the families of the prime ministers, including the current eleven prime ministers' families.

The fourth class is the home of the meritorious generals, and those generals who have been named princes are arranged among them.

The fifth class is ranked among the officials and ministers of the third rank and above in this dynasty.

The sixth class is ranked on top by nobles such as Bo Zinan.

The seventh rank is ranked among the fourth and fifth rank officials such as the county prefect.

The eighth class is for those who have won the fifth rank of scattered officials.

The ninth class is for those who have won the fifth-rank military meritorious service.

After Gao Shilian listened carefully, he found that according to the emperor's will, the one hundred volumes of clan annals they compiled before could be completely thrown away.

The new clan annals completely disregard the fame and family reputation of the previous gentry, and only use the official status of the dynasty as the basis.

The royal family is the first class, and then the royal relatives and relatives are the second class.

The third class is the prime minister, the fourth class is the prince, the fifth class is the minister of the third rank or above, the sixth class is the uncle, the male prince, the seventh class, the county prefect and other officials of the fourth and fifth ranks, and the eighth class is the official The fifth-rank scattered officials, and the ninth rank, even soldiers who have no official position but have military meritorious officers of the fifth rank or above can be included in it.

The original old gentry, regardless of whether you are a Shandong gentry or a Guanlong gentry, as long as you are not a family of relatives, a titled person, or a real position above the fifth rank, a casual rank, or an honorary officer, you are all ineligible to enter.

And there is another standard for entering the clan annals, which is to only record himself and his descendants.

For a large family like Cui's and Zheng's, even if they are relatives, only the concubine's father, uncle and brother are recorded. As for other branches, they are not eligible to enter.

Cui Mingan, who was No. 1 in the first place, was neither a relative nor a meritorious marquis in the new dynasty. He only had the position of servant, but he was only at the fourth rank. Therefore, his family, the Boling Cui family, could only be ranked. to the seventh and so on.

According to the new standards, the list of surnames is estimated to increase to more than 300 surnames, and the list of families can increase to more than 3000. Cui's family must be ranked beyond the hundred on the list of surnames and beyond the thousand on the list of families.

In Gao Shilian's clan annals before, there were more than 1000 members, all of whom were disciples of the gentry since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the real family of crowned generations.

It is purely based on the county surname as the family rank.

This is also the most traditional ranking method.

The previous standard was to honor the surname, based on the county surname, but now the emperor wants to honor the official title, based on the title and official position.A large number of family surnames that cannot be called gentry at all are also on the list.

Completely negated the concept of aristocrats since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and fully supported the ruling group of meritorious officials in Daqin.

In the final analysis, it is actually the new clan and the feudal system, which is the basis for preparations for the emperor's upcoming feudal feudal lords.

A large number of poor families, even landlords and commoners, who started with military exploits, were finally able to jump into this new clan annals, and with the help of the emperor, they created a new gentry.

After Gao Shilian got this definite decree, after returning to the yamen, he immediately summoned a group of colleagues to orally convey the emperor's decree, and comprehensively rebuild the clan annals.

Everyone was shocked, but they still revised according to the order.

After working overtime day and night, finally, Gao Shilian and others quickly revised a new clan chronicle and presented it to the imperial court.

The newly revised clan chronicles include 330 five surnames, 680 seven families, divided into nine classes.

In this genealogy sequence, the minimum standard is the fifth grade, or honorary officer, casual rank, or real position.Those below the fifth rank are all ineligible to enter.

A large number of old gentry, even centuries-old gentry, or even centuries-old gentry, were not on the list because they failed to stand in line in time like Cui Zheng and other families, did not catch up, and failed to confer officials and titles.

Holding the newly revised clan annals, Gao Shilian looked at each other in blank dismay with his colleagues, all of them were a little embarrassed and even a little uncertain.

Even a leader of the noble family like Fan Yang Lu did not enter the list of 680 seven families. Would it be a bit too much? After such a clan annals is promulgated, will the world be able to recognize it?
There are 680 families, but nearly half of them have empty family trees. They are all ordinary people from military schools. Counting up to eight generations, they can't find a single official or even educated.But now, they are all listed in the clan annals.

Cen Wenwen looked at their painstaking efforts, and said with a wry smile, "I think this should be called Noble Records."

Wen Daya and the others also laughed when they heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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